O.H.S. WEEKLY REPORT agedy Stucs Students, iMenoria! Service ld Form "EJaine Powdl F!owcr Fnid" Your.. friendili- ý-tiahrL «CR ls tO os and IG,Ïalàd Diessg 16 oz IGA L1X inlstanttçL 49c LYNN VALLEY CUr T. G reen~Ba ¶KNSJ »1;1 IL -v OOD FEATTPRE Turkey >n's Pies pie 29c ute Maid 6 ounce Orange Juice 6 oz 2 tins 39C ,RD BEEF 5oz2 -1 TWO FRUIT I f ~TABLE "'TABLERITE"e WING, SIRLOIN, PORThKHOUSE. ROUND Steaks or Roasts Fresh _Spring lb 79c LAMB in the BASKET, 3 meals Iin one, roast., chops, stew 35e LAMB LEGS whule or haif lb........... ..... 65e LOIN RIB CIO-PS, lb. ................69e Swu LOIN CIIOPS, Centre Cuts lb...........89e For Zc LicLui LEAN STEW JNG CUTS, lb ...............23c SPECIAL C ,dBINTINr FE 1,5 J2unýe t'~in1 lb. SWIFT'S PRE 41UM FRANKS 1lb. SWIFT'S Be, AKFAST SAUSAGE$1 0 or I c %lb.SWWVT' .,ýPREMIUMJ SIDE BACON. ALL FOR $1.09 PREPARNOWFQ THANKSGIVING -FIRýST OF THE SEASON Ib3ic~ LB CELLOP 25 UFF CPIFRNAVALElNCIA, NOW TH EI1REST Vax pint tin 51c SunkiSi Oranges 's 59c 288's 33c F rorti Brasiorid Marsh, Crisp, Green, Sweet Green Pascal mery StaIks 2 for 15c Ontario Grown Cooking Onionsk3 lb 19C . .~. . . . 0 -~'~k.:'~ I G TAPES! by Barbara Ann Alldred The entire student body took part in a brief but effective mnemorial service last Friday miorning to com- memoraite the sudden and sýhocking death of their friend and f.ellow stu- dent, Elaine Powell. The tragedy 'which took Elaine from itheir midst wýas a stuingiii- blow i, ot only to ber grade eleven classmates among wý,homs aer fine- academic record was re- ýspected, but al.so to thos,-e in other gdes who had corne to appreciate beýr kindly smnile and her sincere loy- alty. Classes wvere dismrissed early on Friday to enable students to pay their respects at the funeral home in Bow- manville. On Saturday the teachers and nïîany of the students attended the funerai in Newcastle and the in- termient at 01-o11. Generous contributions by students *if al grades and the staff made pos- sible the purchase of a wvreath of yellow and rust chrysanthiemutms as1 a final triJbute, and as welI, the'est- ablishmnent of a permanent flowver fund in miemory of Mdaine and to be called "The Elaine Powell Flowver PLA-STERING New Plaster i' and Repaira STUéCO Free estimates A. CWOODS R.R. , Ne ognville Se1cc-tiou 0Of Athletic Leaders by Grade XI English Class A busy seasoni of extra-curricular events began on Tuesday afternoon, wheni the students assembled teý choose t.heir athletic leaders for this year. Meeting separaitely, the( girls sel-. ected Bernice Lunn and Norah Wood, and the boys selected Paul Ruther£ord and Eric Carleton. Fromr the nominal roidl of the school these four leaders wîll select their teams, every Student being a miember of a team. The dividing of the entire achool into two teamis, the Blues and the Whites is traditiona.l at O.H.S. At the Local Track and Field Meet stu- deiits. compete, therefore, both idi- vidually and as a member of a teaým, the losing- teami providing the re- freshmenits for- the first sehool party after the Meet. The teams also func- tion as "political parties" at the el- ,ections for Studerits' Counicil. Other important extra-curricuiar- events will follow. W'ed., Sept. 26 - Jr. Police Games Fr1., Sept. 28 - Posting of Bluean White teains. Thurs., Oct. 4 - Nomninations for Students' Couincil. Frn., Oct. 5 - rocal Track & Fîeid Meet (Weather Permiitting) Tues., Oct . 9 (eveniag) - Posters ma-yý be put up for Election Cami- paign. Thurs.,' Oct. 11 (4 p.m.) -- Posters remioved. Fnî., Oct 12 - Election of Suet BOWMANVILLE MEMORA- TIVITIES PUBLIC SKATINO FRIDAY, SEPTEM BR 281h - 8 to 10 .Admison - -Acults 4 >e., ents 25c. PUBLIC ý--KATIN3e SATURDAY, SEPTE31BER 2fth - 8 to 10 .Admision - -ults 40c., Students 25c. Ice Time Avait eë' ice ,tim lis available at the Meniorial Arena For dletails and reservations Phonte MA 3-5728 For choie times miake your re.servationss early. TWIATO or VEGF Clark's 10Ooz3 f