- m - - - -~ flROMfI WE~XT.Y TTME~rTT1TR~11AY ~RP1'RMRRR ~'7 1~I~ Dollars And Songe' flua J k0~. ~arnuoe *è~ VoERC utýâ CUcdI wVup lu encouragè good sound sleep is to have a goo<4 sound bank balance. Regular savings can make liffe a lot pleasanter in a hundred and one other wàys. You may want the down payment on a homeîlof your own, a TV set or a car ., perhaps the child4n's education is on yoturn'* or a leistirely ret4mrrent someday, Whateyt it is that you want or need, you have to learn le secret of puttiug somethi4g by regularly. Pay'y pay you ýtore away the money except in e rgencies tii you reach your savin ýgoal-then o!u start savine t for the next one. WJiy ùtpo a Savings Account with us toduy? THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE1" OR 0N0 B"R A N CH A. Le. ROOEY, Manager Ap~ i~sYRned Local News DURIIMCOU4T DISTRICT The manl-'y finsof Mrs. Fred, BbA(4tiC1 ý)L ' D Coan i lbe interested te learn she PPCATïCONS FOR [mSTNThs ètrd .Pattoli'sNusn sýEC#TARY - TREASURER Home at Edenvale, R.R. 1, Stayner,1 Appictins il i reeiedby vher, patients are given special, the Lin dersigned until SturdaY, the, treatmenit. 6th day ýj October, 195Gfor- the posi- 1r.adM.CrlBlisad tiunof P sistant SecretAry-Treasurer M.s. Heber Souch spent Suniday in of h.e rh&l Cuny itrit HghTolrnto attendi-ng a fanmily party a Schol ar tocom-ut anurythe home elfMi. and Mr-,. Randy 1.st, 1957, ani continue Until Junie 80, val 195'7, witF the objeet of assuming the -yal /t position oi Secretary-Tr asurer as of Mr-. and Mr. Dick !ýEnaker and July tst, i957, should the sucessful daugliter Barbara, Nuirth 'Bay werei applicant riove satisfac ory to the( ussoM.adMs.W ri Applications should t in writinlas wek cid state trie salary e, ected. Fu- Mrs. Wellington Stutt, Wilnnipeg ther inforniapon mayj be obtairned Mïin., is visitiig ber, sister-in-law, from the undý- signed./ Mrs, M. E. Stutt, Park St. H.'\.RULIE TINK, 1 Chairman Mabiwement Committee , Mrs. W. Irwin and Mrs. Roy Corn- Hamupton Ontario Lish attended the Grand Chapter ses- ! sions of Eastern Star held at the Field Crop Winners Royal York Hotel last week. Cong-ratulations to Mr. Jake Hal- Wininers in the Field Crop Comn- lowell who celebrated his 91st birth- ettnsponsred by the Durhamn day on Sunday, September 23rd at Central Agricultural Society, Ensil- the LfÉtonhurst Manor, Oronio. Mr. age Corn, Âre as follows,:1 HalIowell has been confinied to bed Ist - G. B. Rickard, Bowxnanville; at the Rest Home for the past fivel 2nd - John Riekcard, Newcastle; 3rd - mionths. His son, Delbert Hallowell Howartd Allun, Newcastle; 41th - IWl- came down from Toronto to be with son Tambly-n, Orono,; 5th - Ken Hen- hfim onhis Birthday. derson, Orono; 6th. - Robt. Morton, The Orono Fish and Hunt Club Kýendal; 7th - Carlos Tamblyn, Or- held their annual Cern Roast on Sat- ono; 8tb - Rlussell Osborne, New- ixday even'iing which again registered castle. a successful social outing for memi- bers of the club an~d their friends. In -Sale df Drees -s Woois, Crepes, Wool Jres Value.,$ up to Satin Brocade, Taffettas. y p.0 o -I~Fe ' SKIRTS in wools, tweeds, veivàs( and flanneis. Ail good styles. Values up to $9.95 for o4y.......... -ýýý$3.95 CIIILDREN'S WOO L HATS in differýnt styles. Priced.....$2.95 Girs' RTAZEK1S in navv blue. Al Ladie's Winter CAR COATS wits- wooiil in rÀ _diie Kcordytim a quiled ayo iinng nd uiltd WO/~ emblem. Size 7 and 14. Priced .. $5.50 interlining. Çoiours of Sand or red.I Priced ......... $18.60 and $1 Ldis'W A n oos velvets a lt.Al good styles. Girls' VNeck ,Pullovers, O* Pie1.........4p9 o 75 nylon, f anly knit, size 10, 12an 14.. White or/liglit bine. Price .. $4.50 4 I-lies' SHIOES in patent or kid. Girls' Nylon C IGN'n red,9 Differ n't styles. Priced S5-75 - $8.95 b'iue~, to liquoise, gre ý, and gr en, Priced a........2.95 ah .25 f àdies' Fait and Winter DRSE Gýirls' WOOL SKIRTS in plaid or eahweki-ea Ww ae twes.Clor ~rs ,n and f fl triacetate fibre. A-nel tweeds twed. oýcus f us rown erPy and black chec1 taffetta. navy. S-'ize 8, 10, 1ý, 14, and 14x. 6 riced from.....$9.95 to $21.50 Priced f ronm......... $4.50 to6.50 Evenings Friday & SaturdaiA Opn AlDa - rmbtrng' Store Open AUl Day Mopday IMITED Between Orono and #Nïwcastle on Ilighway No. 3 Vigor Standard GasoIi,'e 381-0'c per gai - xX mc Vigor Iligh Test 411,4c per gallon -)ax iRcluded STOVE OIL1--fOï your conveùiience in smal uantities avaliable ýthe Station open Eveig qand Sudys * s IMrs. V'iolet Mýassey, Tore MisEeaoPobIinson whese hmar- bostess at a 1miiscellaneoouss nage to Mn. John Shetler wifllbbehoenFidyvel solenized inÏi Oronîo United Church 7th. this Saturday afternoon, lhas been Mr.JC.aey ntr guest of honor at several prenuptial bride-to-be on Fridlay evenfi evets,20h at ber home, where -si On Friday even4ng, Septemnber 14tht Cul) and Saucer owr I I t I I I I I i I I I Nv, JL JL nÏ3 1 JE b jrýa 1l"