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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Sep 1956, p. 7

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SPLIT.-SECOND TIMING - Byron Masterson fiptoes. the water during evolution of a double %omersaul dive 'during Hava- Iqanta (Havana-Aflapntic) diving finols, Also exhibiting excellent form is the photogropher wý,ho uaught this aplit-seconcl picture rf perfection. Hill That's Quicker Than The Eye Most people thou ght we were crazy; but not ahi of them. Some thougbt we were coming home fromn a well-celebrabed ml-night spree. It was about 7 a.m.- and 2t fihe foot of eacb downgrade in the higbway our hittie roadster chortled' to a stop and waited, silently, as if it needed to - gel it breath befere attempting the next rise. l was understandable if far- mers carrying pails of milk from their barnýs suspecîed that the three occupants of bbe car were baving a* convîval swig e-very 200 yards.; One who sauntered over miust have been convinced of il. "Having troulble" he asked. "Oh, nlo, thanks," was bbc rheerfuhily carnesî reply. "We just wanted to sçe if we cauLld coast back up Ibis bill." We were on the Mauntaini YRoad-once an Indian traîl, iater B pioncer wagonrot-wic Ieads fromn Moncton, N.B., ta- ward the genîle slape of Lutes Mountain. It was a crisp June mnorning in 1933 and tbree Saint Jonnewspapermen - John G. Bruce. Jack Brayhey and I-were on anl exploraîory jaunt that wvas te have a big impact on New Brunswick's tourist trade. Haif an bour and 10 stops laI- er, six miles from Moncton, at the last dip before bbe dirt roadj climbed uip to meet an inter- zecting bhighway, we were ready f0 -ive 7uP hope. 41f Ibis isn'I it," ph:ilosopbized Bruce as be swiîched off the ignition and put the gears in neutral, "we'hl 'have a nice 2-50- mile round trip anywç.ay." Brayhey and 1 were almost too SleePy to answer. (We had left Saint John afler putting Thýe Telegraph-Joit.rnal 10 bcd at 3.3 ir.-shortly af er wbich, we wzouhd bave rolhed into bed too.) Then showhy, eerily, starlingly, Kre began tb move--backwards'- up the bihl we had just dle- îended! GatLhering speed as we went- Pre coasted up what seemned to he a graduai but distinct incline ebout 200 yards long. This, at hast, was the "mrag- ietic hihi" we bad beard about trom Alex Eflison, superinten- lent of the- newspaper press- omwho we feht sure was pul- LIng Our collective hg Wide-awalke now, we tumbled ltt0f the car. Bruce, who had lrought engineering, instruments, -hecked-ite lay of the land. 1 Jet busy taking pictures wiîb ýniold-type Graflex ceamera as1 ilg as a womnan's bal box. Bry ey scr-ibbled notes. Any Mtea that somnetbing ma-il -etic in te soil had actually Irawn lte car up the slope wvas zvashed out w,,,len wve noticed the2 irater in tedilcit waýs fiowing '*tpbilhh" too. The witole bing tvas an optical illusion, created by the extraordlinary and decep-. LITe downswep of the entire- landscape: this "uipgradle" was really a downgrade, a less sîeep bontinuation of te downgrade 21uaI faced it. Oddly, noô mention of tbe phie-1 nomenon itad ever appeared in cial1 park where . orphan wild aninaI5s picked Up by game war- diens - dleer, bears, fishers, beav- er, foxes - peer out curiously thr'ough-, the w,ýire, fence at the stranige, \chlorîling,, sboutingl ant- ics of hurnan on uhes The provincial governmc-n, considieraîel),ierckd Mg inetic Hill and etour-ed the main higwa eit the coasters coast uLndisturbed - ilso la avaid a chronic tr-affic jam. I visited the hili last sumn- mler for bbe first lime since 1933, and -as srprisýed ta find thatl Mr[js. Li-d(wig iosi who runrs the tourist sbhop, is the formier Muitriel1 Lutesý who 22 ýyears before had so)ld us an ice-cream- break- fast. She rememnbered aour event- fui excursion. "I moved da,.wn fromi the other road in 1935," she explainied, "but I stîilspiecialize in home- madle ice cra as well a i, New Brunswick bcwetadbt termilk pancakes wiî h aur own mnaple syrup, and I1 stili seilIm petrial iFls g1asolinie." Ironîcally, hiere the visitor sees an Esso) gas pLImp at a location v:where cars flack to travel uiphili wit.h- ou', u3ing gasoline. "One Sun- day in August more thian 3,500 people came aut bL try the bilîl,"> she said. "We figure about 1170- 0'00 ,people visit us eacb year. Almost everyone who visits Moncton draps in -- Princess Alexan)dra, the dlaughîlier of the Duchess of Kent, drove out here ev-en though the oyal train was maýking onrly a short Stop- over in town." One American, , Sikorski. recalled, brougÎht bis own car- penter's level ai the wayv fromr Califom ia to test the bilIl. "Hle told !us laler the level neyer mworkei prope.rly af 1er that." Human nature, it seemns, ex- hibits quirks as odd4 as the hili Itself. One visitor claixped that coasting up the bil- had helped bis arthrîbis. Aniother ,-insistedi h-e feit the "magnIietisni" in bis bones -and had tb blinik tbfocus bis eycs, and he asked Mrs. walked "u.p', theO incline -warily for fear the iriagnetism would pull te nails out of thieit' shoes; or who sat dowix expecting to be~ drawn bodily up the~ hili; or who were convinced the hili was sitting or, fabut-lous~ undis- covered iron ore deposits. hence the magncltism.ri Mrs. Sikorski and hus- band, a Poli sh-Canadi an wjto settled in Ibis country- after World War 11, rineember one visito- -,who demon5trtedflatly, "If it. was only an optrnal illu- sion mny car wouldn't aètually do it"; anid another who said, "Yes, 1I know., it's anl optical il- lusion - butt what mnakes mny car cos up the hili?" Thiere's an up-to-dlate sequel b rue' original visit to the Magnetic Hill. In its rush to reach prorogation, the 1955 ses- sion of the New Brunswick Legislature nearly passed a pew Motor Vehlicle Act tihat in Voart readi: The driver of any motor ve- bide wll traveling upon a dlowngrade shalh not coast with t'le geqrs of such 've- bide,ý in nural. Reading this in thei news col- umnns, John Bruce -- now asso- diate editor of The Telegraph- Journal - immiedîiately saw its its imiplications: the House was iilacing itself in 'hle awk- ward position of 1egis1ating one niatural touirist assetc's Out of business. The nx day an edtitorial duly pain ted this outI. tt governmien-t andl opposition spokesmnan brouLiht it up on, the floor )f the Legisiature. Cabin- et members concerned hasllly gave assurance that speciali pro- vision wýould be mnade for the ManteHill to g«o -on enter- taining neutral-g-eared cars. This gives Bruice quite an 2as- sociation with- the hil - he helped launch il on its way te fame, -and then, nearly a quar- ter of a century laler, saved it 'rom oblivion. By Stuart TruÀe- me(,in Imperial Ci] Revîew, TOU cat qo Ï These days muos people work under Pressure, worry more, sleep les This sizain on body- and brain mnales phyical finesa easier te loe-harder le regain, Today's tense living, lawered registance, everwork, wrry-any of theie iiia> affect normal kidney action. When kidneys grit' oui of enter, excess acids and wastes remaini in the systim. Then backeche, disturbed rest, that "tired-out" heavy- headed feeling often follow. Tlia's the lime le take Dodd's Kidney Pffll. Dodd'g stimnulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feýel beter-sleep beter-work belter. Ask for Dodd'a Kidney Pilla at aniy drug counlter. 5 AGENTS WANTEO RLEPAIR and save. LOXOL SEAL wfll repair anythïng containing Rubber or Leather, Guaranteed or' money re- funded. Saniple set $1 Po,,t, free. porc- eroy. 1181 Nevfie Park, Toronto 8, 50%PROFIr witli Personalized "Blitz- SitaVe". Created b'y a World-Renownr- ed German Scientist, Sell by mail, to friends etc. F'ive million Canaian shfavers are prospects. Full year's sup- ply on-ly $1,00. Free details. Auro- Laborztory, 199 B3ay St. Toronto. GO INTo BUSINESS for yourseif, Sdellexclus2ve houseware prodlucts and appliances wanted by every h'buse- holder. Those items arekm-, ot sold la s;tores. There ta no competitron. Profit upit, t500%. W\rite immediately for f ree coior catalog wvttliratail prices ,hoý,'n. Separate confidentiaï wtbole. ale price Al1 be tnclutded. àEurray Sales, 3=2 St. Lawrence, AMontreal. ARPTICLES FOR SALE FEATUREO WoIsrtnsocks inarray oDi .ecig new patterns and colora $1 pair Al, nyion streicbý in solid color rdb offered at ()5ý1pair, Cii-(iie's knee-hig!h heavy nylon-ribbeci socks 55ýý pair. B Pobby Socks triple cuif plain wvhite 45ý, pair: coinreci toe-heei-cu-ýff 60ë pair. Special discounts to merchants of volume. buylng pr.oportion., Senad M1oney Order to BOW-NIT MILLS, 49 Simcoe Street, BABY CHICKS IF you want puillets or brollers w may have soine on hand, suggest you ask for lilt. Hatching weekly, miostly te order. Bray Hdtchery, 120 John N., Hzamilto n. BOOX'ý your ordera now for fait and wiinter delivery. Ask about ou r new Series 400, 401 and 402. They h1ave more tlian a atisfied our 1956 c ust'om- ers. They ive better, lay more eggs on) leýs feeýd. in oter wvorcis, make you more raoney. Also obier popular egg breeds and dual purpose breeda. Spe- ciaïl Broiler Breeds, irst, geneiration Inciar, River cross, (Lancaster x Nichols No. 12 puilet, three way cross), first generatron Arbor Acre white rocks, turkoy pouits. Ail popular breeda, day old and started for immediate de'iv. ery. Catalogue. Also aski about our Swedi1sh Landra-ce Swine. TWEDDLF CHICI< HATCIIERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO. BOOKS SPECïAL Fall Offers on magazine sub- 1,riPtions, 5tale yurchoies.,,Any pub- ilshed nmagazine. Save and order niow! Seszgl's, Service, Suite 28, 5 Douglas Elgin, 1minois. FOR SALE BEAUTFUL uirebred Siamese kit- tens. Sealpoint. Jamaes Harrison, 851 arbSt.,HaitnO. WILD lICE for sale. Now is the timie for planting. l'or fur-ijier informa- tion appl-y' , . R. acDUonell, Box No, 155, Markstay, Ontario. FOR SALE - ENTuBE BEEF HERD - Cowýs andi Calves. Apply P.O, Box 127. Brantford, Otro QUILTING Patches. Lprge blocks. Print, rilk or flanneiette,.13 Iba. $1.00. C.0.D, postage extra. Publex Sales. 11445Gerrard Easa, Toronto. FKENATE Wnter barley for sale, heavy ylelçiingit, grain. Sow -inter bariey, avoid týhe unpredictable Spring seed- ing Cleaned and treated. W. Ban-ks, 14 iegge,,tt Ave., tn, Ont. MACH INERY NEWV Concrete Mixers, Pinlahers, DýrenkeLrs. P(mpa, Rtavators, Chamn Saws Otor Motors. Monley Back' Guaranrtee USED F ord Tractors and eup n. Doinion fRent-Alis. Uniioniville, Ontarlo, PROM liha ito ffinancial security through NUTRI-BAL. Use it, get re- sutlt, and sali others. VYou, receive mucih neet(ied relief from, pain and sOffering, and money by belping otbers. Write today, to Nilri-Bald Prodizets, 1.1 Pineweood Avenve. Toronto 10, IT PAYS TO USE OUJR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS ME DIC AL WANTEO - EVERY SUFFERER OF RHE JMATIC PAIN$ OR NEURITI TO TRY DIXQIN'S REMEDY MUNRO'S DRUG STORE $1.25 Express Prepalai POST'S ECZEMA SALVE tBANISiI the torinent o1 dry eczema7f! rashcs ~anid weeping skln truibles., post'g Eczema Save wiil net tilsap point yo)u. Itchiugà, scalin anti hur. 1 41g czena; senle, rin)gworm, lmpk andi foot eczema, wiil resp)ond ,readily tc thie staJnless, odoriess ointmient me. garrles 0f ow stub!bomn qor bopeles17 they seein -Sentl Post Free çon REcempî el Price, PRICE $2.50 FER JAR POST5 REMiDIES 2Z65 St. Clair Avenue a, TORtONrO G-- -PPORTUNtlIE5 FrR MEN AND WOMEfI AXIKEUp to $3,00 an houir spare timeý Experieute unnlecessarY. riefoi( free dcetarils. C & K Sales, P.. Box 16, î ig Park 741, New York!, ORIGINAL POEMS wýanted for suga and to revîse for sale to nat(onal magazinies. Laura Dichson,Moin aide Studios, 1804 Green Str'eet, Colum, bis, Soutii Caro!ina. DIPLOMAS Awarded !REcsidenit a n c Non - resitient Courses. Naturopath, SwdilaMasaeierbal heapPsy chology, mnany othiers. Institute oJ' Drugless Tlierapy, Box 17U, fruitiand, PERMANENT ilepresent'ative ane to sell ouitstanding une of sanýiary and malntenlance cheîcaiýs, pit.etc.,t industry in this county As openinigs ina our Agriultural Cheical .1Division, Appointmnents te be macle pot l ater than Joctober 15. State expýevience in selling field. AIl applicaton)s, cofnS dentiai and wIll receive a reýplYý Boxý 141,5, 123 Eighteentb St. New Toronto. BE A KAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADiNG SC140L. Great Opportunity Learnfiai rd ressing Pleasant dignlfied profeýssin, ood wages, Thousandas of successful -Marvei gradluates. America*aGreateat. System iltrtdCotalog Ie Write or Cal MARVEIL HAIIIDRESSINC SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W., Poreonto Branc-hesý 44 King St., lHamilton 72 Rideau St., Otiawaî SPr*ARE TIME AMBITIQUS -MEN AND WOMr,,EN wantÎ- ed for apare tîmne work in ow home.' For aI) the details on veil paid jobs niow mradei available send i:oýay to: BOB MASSOW 165 ltenilwýortli Souýth ilamilton, Ot PATENTS TEE RMSAYCOMPAN'v aen t torneys, 273 Banlý Stre, Oi Gtda 0f. fers to every invenitor f i Infomtion free, on patent procedures. FETIIERISTONI-.AUGIÎI & Co m p a n y, Patent Attorneys Eibibd 1890. 600 Univeraity Ave.1 Tor;-,.o Pate-nts afl countries. PERSONAL iIEARING AIDS, tused ,good ücondition, $2.95 ani $19.95 conmplete. Aouistcon, 146 Weliington Wý,est, Trno $1.00 TRIAL off'er, Fwenty Ove deluixe personal requiremnents. Latesi cata- logue ;nlcued The Mdc gny Box 22, Terminai -Q- Torontýo. Ont. OFrtER a lmlted number of guýaranteed i-n-pig sowa hbred t u xpre pr Chartwell Viking 3rdl raiseti by Sir Winston Chutrcli. lAlso weani sows iandi boars, four month oldi sows ad boars sireti by this ~utnigboar, ând other imnporteti boars. Also. ser- vîcenble boars.' Don't ordler anywbere kuntil vyeu ejr new lillueated Folder .and ieList. Fol- den. PERGUS LANDRACE WI F ARM WANTED WAýNTED 1tobuy - av -Aoppi e.0. BoxN 127, Brantford. naro tISSUeE 39 - 1»56 j CUNA D TQ EUROPE LATE SUMMER AND FALL SAILINGSq TO BRITISHf ?ORTSt First Closs frora $192 Tourist Clas fromn $1 45 VESSEL SCYTHIA CARINTHIA IVERNIA CARitTHIA SCYTHIA SAXONIA IVERNIA ASCANIA CARINTHIA SAXONIA SCYTHIA !VERNIX, CýARINTHIAh SCNIA SAXON lA IVERNIA CARINTHIA IVERNIA SCYTHIA SAXONIA IVERNIA CAPINTHIA SCYIHIA At Thrift-Secson Rates ROUND TRIP FOR AS LITTLE A Froin MOEITREAU *W.d. SEPT *26 i i SEPT. 28 Fr. OCT. 5 'Wed. OCT. 10 Fr. OCT, 12 tri. OCT. 19p *Ned. OCTÎ. 24 Fri. OCT. 26 tri. NOV. 2 We. NOV. .7 Fr1. N4OV. 9 F.ri. NOV.6 *s.t NOV. 1 Sffl. NOV. 24 Thon. NOV. 2' From HALIFAX S-,, DEC. 9 S.t. DEC. 15 F,. DEC, 21 Sa.. AN, 12 tr. AN. la S.t. FE. 9 M.Fr1 K B. 15 S.l, FE. 23 Sot. MAR. 2 Havr, Southeeplo, L-epool Giyreeck. Lvrpa Greenck, Liverpcol Navre, Sovlhanplon Liverpoat coreenoi, Lipol HarSothampto,, Gr.-o, tiverpeol Cobh, Livepeai ;Cobh, tiverp.el H-ar, Southompten N""re. oulharplon ÏESSEL QIJEEN ELIZABETH MAURETANIA PARIHIA QUEEN MARY BRITAN HIC i QUEN ElIZABETH MEDIA QUEEN MAR1Y FRANCONIA QUIEN El IZABETH PARTHLA QUEEN tMARY BRITANNIC MAURETA,ýNIA QUEEN ELIZABETH MEDIA OUEEN MARY FRANCONIA QUEIN ELIZABETH BRITANNIC QUSEN MARY ASCANIA QUEE14 ELIZABETH TO FRENCH PORMS First Closa from $1 99.50 Tourist Closs fromr $150 From NEW YORKT, Wed. SEPT. Tfhitr'emSEPT. FrI. SEPT. Wed. OCT, Ttkur" OCT. Wed< OCT, trI. OCT. Tues. CT. Wéd. OCT, Th-n. OCT, Wed. OCT, Fri. OCT, Wed. OCT. Tn.NOV. Soti. NOV. Th,, .NOV. Fn. NOV, Thur. NOV. TIers. NOV. Fr1. NOV. Fr. NOV. T hus,sNOV. tri. NoV. Fri. DEC. Fn. DEC. Sot. DIÇ. Cherb ouig, Sosjibompton Coh, Havr, soth-~pîon iver P0.1 Chror, South.epl-n Cherb-og,, S.utIsapt., erpo, iýo. Cobh, HveSoolhompto,, ChrorSouthempton fobh Uvepoo Ch,,b.er9, So.îh-p,.o Chlb.urg, Sootharepton Cobh, Liverpool Cherboorg, Sooh-~ptc, Hcvr, Soothamýpton *pro,, Qeebet Se. your local agent- CII No one con serve you better Orig y oreIi. îf »~ oun AERCA CUNARIKD UNE , ea tero5 rCej outtuand/ Corner Boy a Wellingten Sts, torontce ont. - 1- 1 1 Il 1 1 -1- -1« -1- isports the !adesit!-thï-Io a0wear ai the track-.îf you're a jockey. Wt' aoCrcash helmet, designed for weor bader the traditional jockey's cap. Fashioned of loy- ers of shelocked caftan, Yts de- signed tb minimiize head in',ur- ies resulting from spilis. print, as f ar as we kn-ew. Few/ farmi-ers, even in the Üimiediate ViCiniîy, had obs,1erved the Pe- culiar cbaracteristics of the liih,. jA girl who was seil'ng home- made ice creca In i a liltie stand besidlelher pa-rentLs' drîveway, and tendcing a g-asoline pump at the same tinie, watch!ed us in puzzlemenî frc>p the intcrseot- ing bgwyabdve. In giving us our ti'p Alex Elli- hadt claimed be sauiglilout bbe bil] and tried i imsel1f afler hearing the tale from- his broth- er, who'i in turai had heard il fromi a clergyman yeaýrs before. "It , ,as the mnost astonishing thing I ever exýperienced," the mninister was reporîeý-d to hiave saïd. "I wasbigigsomie chul- dren home from aP picni'c when a thundlerstorm broke. 1 stoppedi my car at thýe bottomn of a hili to Put uip the sidWe curbains - and the automobile started ta run up the nexîbid Even afler theý- pictures and story appcar-ed in the "The Tele- graph-Journal" the nxîmora- ing, people were skepîîcal. Somre of them, trio, possibly doubted our sanity. A Monc ton paper publîshed a smahil itemr headed:d "Silly Story in saint John Pa- par." The flotigSndy however, tbe -"skepticalj" flocked by the hundrcïieds ,ta the bill. Almnost overnigbt, Cinderelia- likeý, Magnectiç Hill was Irans- formed from another dlip in the roadl to one of Canada's mos:t widely-publicized tourist at- tractions - ils magnetic quality being evident in- the f'act it bas drawn a continuous. stream of visitors ever since. Strangely, more Amerîcans than Canadians seem bt know about it. In 23 years more than haîf a milàlion cars have followed Bruce's 1931 Ford roadster 10 sample the ex- p;3rience of apparently gitiding iuphi1i" with the clutch disen- gaged, The, site baas blossomied. Be- sýide the* bill today is a modè,rn giut shlop. It contains a post office which caters exelusivehy tb the itinerant public. outgoing imail is 9tamped 5'Magnetie h1,N.B, Canada" from May October 3L. .Across the road 15 a provin-

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