ORONO WE Vol 19 No. 54 ORONO, ONT. Orono JIntermediates Bow Out Caledonia Go On To Finals The curtaja fell onI the local base.. bail picture Suaday when Caledloia- eliminatedi Or-ýonl the third and final gaine b,- a scýore of 8 to 5. The. s lid ble'w off the gaine for thLe local boys in the s;iaýthl inning wdue toi errors, Caledonia mas able to scoie six runs. The six runs -ere scored ý) IîI ay wodoýuble hits, One wl aad Ëthree Orono erronrs. The gaine wa.s played ia Port Doýýv. 111 the gaine the OJrono hurlerls tumed in an exceptionai job but due Vl to teham rates ervrs the gamne weajt' to Ca!(Ledo la wli o 'w adivance inito the final series. Up tuntil the Sixth ol ead Éthe way. Ia the first Orono soed two ruas caine up with a suJ~to "f ollowed! ojff thrýee goýod bits. fliere, D'on AMercerl ,by tI.ipIes to Raye West amil Charies Armstrong. Don. and Raye scored the Not ultil the top 0-f theL fiftlliid Caledonia eNcn thé&~ov lenta M Bride-Ti-Be Honornd Oromo Boy Ties 3 Records Townshîp And Witii- Misselianeus Shoer At ttecent !Police Cames Miss Joan Todd was guest of honor At the recent Police gaines held at T o D isc at a mîiscelnossowrGia,+e Ontario Training Sehool for Boys Septemrîber 28tbi at the home of Mis. in Bowmianvile Erie Carleton of the Kenneth- Adam. Many of Joanj's Or-ono iL)Igh School raflI up a fine re- The October mreeting of the Towii friends were present and enjoyed a cord ! achievem--eiit. Eric has, in the slip of Clarke wa i in the Counli pleasant evening. past few years, shown great ability; cil Chamiber on Tue-sday ïfternoo, Upo arrivai te hnde-to-be was in the field of spor01ts and again proved with ail counillors pr-esent. TI! escortd to lier chair of honour and this abuiy at the Po1ie 9aae. eeig a chaired by the Reeve, J presnted witl a corsage of red roses. Ia thre events the Orono athie'te T. Brown. tied three records -which have been AfterJoan opened il b er lovely set àa the past years at tis aniual Previous to thé ism i a short gifts a readig mas read hyNoamet special session was held ont Septembei AdmJilI Cbapmiaa theni introducedi ln the 10a yard dash Edc t1d ied ihe21st when, t-lie Cuncil awarded thE a gamne which was ejydby ail1. 1record of il seconds whhid 1 h v 5dew1k ibra+ t hf... mjci was served lby thie hostesses .Ken Adains and 'MiýssJilhar'!,L am fa, , vriiu --0 r-. int Plan rt ar 18 Siubscri bes To Hiospital the IaSt couple leu on i eADAiMS-- Th eebr father Nv lace sl.ee leng-tli G t'*Wi $154-15 in North Orono; id Mrs. Fay Adarn-. South Ooo Making a _____ _____-$07.(00 in this district. fîu NUPTIALS ityt hnalwoc, I donated, and s-o made this iited Chuiicli wa-,s the set-su a.uces double PvLig eeremiony oný 22nd w'e GoyFrancesiG ott, daugliter of Mr. and______ 1G. E. Pigott, Orono, be- ide of -Beverl.y Fay A.damns'vle D m: of Mr. andMrs Oscar eWtOn ile oyals seneath, Ontario, by theDn amCuyChn ghivn la marriage by her very charming ini a lonig I fOrosed white wvaltz Bfr a go0od crowd S, tilly type lace and tulle [Wlc ,t he(- Newtonvil] ped withi a shoulder ,v on thie chamiipionship of ield t-o a crowa encrusted of Durbamn Count"y whFea has,i . succesul rep thie club on the syear sbo-wed a oads this year. Tlie Road Superiân. Mr. and Mrs. Miîtc- Tai ndant stated tbat it ývas bis inten- Icelebrated their Fot ion to iiow apply crushed sýtoiie to the! Anniversary ecat ,a )ads wen the pit rua grav i hd graplied in' exaIct lae eîen spread. 0111. about liaif of tlie ried 40) years ago. etracted aniount of gravel lias beenlP u pread on the Township roadsa t t-bis Pot mne. Trucking of gravel by the rucking firmi is to continue. In th ecorresponidenc.e tihe conpi iconnection with tBrucellosos. As a -pervised area thre Province now, as- mies t-hie cost of admninistration and accinating cailves in tbc Towns.,hip.i he onus now rests wîth owners' to .)tify the Vtrnra of calves ýad'v for vatwpinai-j,,. The 1 --i- -st-- -_baHolo aa nylon chiffon wîth shirred pane1s toi ami !,o"g- triple but k'fhl (ilinCi', Ms .FstnBess.LryHî I-ueau of Statisticas neported tliat as 1et gaeu !vehttwvo wlstbproofsolee ekiesJpthn obohrJi eidt ton,,L. lMcGee, F. E. Lycett ad- 1.,.ofJnelt,1 11th o Ulatin of - Concl-1 m 'i" Kei-l gveupfie it, iv cin-wth shîLrred cap sleeves and skîrts' plate:, *a bsknuke1 alokagBstw( peen.Clarke Townsbip was 35î)2. meigt eriet ami to stnke~ous rnbi~ fin agraceful folds. plate iaaings and tci hree batters off tire The flower girl was Mýiss' Fayel to perfection and kept the visitons M.LryHmitnotiadth nmtonb etad oeyte ;tT Reewe ,sixt-, Jhi faigsxeeMatr ~yles, cousin of thre bride, in frillad atbay tliogle out the re of theroiabiety srnche Plcy nw luTwnhpist avris ortner us n rsheth gave tipno bits, no walks,. He also pink nylon. gaine, Nitn.l to h aa ihfre opoet h rse ecase comiplete and i t present conditîin!acssr o teci s1iowed goad forni ia striking out Al wýore scall dainty lieaddness a thrae ruoutbuirst iii the second. o tdn cidn v aitn osl -e Od hmin Gae , newsarvti-ltheact s five battr. fandc carried seasonal bouquets ofThey cincbed it by crossiug tlie plate furtb l"ýý ýwo i si1u e atiefurtb n ddda er explained a uiew addition Ner t-ie (cloSe o;f the ieet-îug i - Mdegave up eight lits to Yellow and mwlitc rmans. sxtne ntefut n de _____ __________________________________ two alk an Lol, our he hurh v-astasp'iu!ý, deor-ýl1- 1cover ail studeats froinKindergarten ýltnike-cluts. Murdie wènt the distanej (Continualioit page Lirue. to-o rade 8 and this coverage wotfldTw ýor Caf cosurêlyucarineuTo. iteinsas -inter Die of Inures.À Tbh --,*t ! 'Uýldni uel a nel1atvte The e-xtra 11 ùe ind uei ool'oo1M D scuaX byBHo e ost was $1.50 per student. Theimat-Ca C ah At4) Iuer tendrfrtebnc ffr \tase manivilie t{sp ai S-..asy al: 4u0 anJto te pair ofz WertHo~ n Ametngt- rcos:e ad is bliv tat lca athnt-~ av n nwaditon W Bwdnaa sn f ure~xceveCi aca--irc casChnyhrt h al-Ats ught t- a CS5"t-li Wlyt- foser ume u Dr- ustiiabe neson forbaisg iter-Oshwa rcei1d1-be ontact t aon igliay 31 nar ewcstlet- thé wad-c a rpharld Cbt--a 1o Tehe otliabrinino tli oma. ar fdorstebnîm -etcoo rlu - en aodK.S:),23 o 4 îhl~ - " t-) h ov wnt cg ,11ý un1lotlaý -a Ui-d Cutls o ubi u - -e etn - ali t3pm edr r - altfvtr ar- 2 V nvr tct~ Mrio ~n i~ neni inu A rhainLelasbeen-nr d -bt-tir1pui.. ir two et-e o.lGoeap t Seso to adno ibî t~ f' asbat thi Wyt- .oer sml 0rômeecewllbeMr.Maba, .tyhe ireaitial moe!Euoia1jorw1 h nn nd'ln", egie kec copaît-oCcusiidre. cou ýtias' le rk and trnsu rirnt ers xet - o mnewr - n edo u- -ebd faSit ~~ tennis. -e. hs to Thr ao,,itia ,'s Wo hv a ieatoiishp - rsn -tcpubîng. set.witb minor infjuries. aed tmhe of traffi ici la t-lieo féJ ocober ho. 'etir îcue rroniui-leWbt wsrom n ie e adtinrwr OmarwPrvata oL f o's n oandntbi magii beaest-e drt-heti' o t- uafrl port 11car lost- cont-ncselhwir ble t- ion 1 ng ber haie foni ublc g ut, snory. e nt- p om a1 tbee s oin)*et cre Oandaro Cham inshad- i5cl niy 'lCintle pst- 1 -DêIl hoiantirs, Oe icouatiite es'oca lad at we sac assn o utf), h a_ ais bepcdInn bRld an ext aennto t-b h e omerora lillt-ha' staoint waE, J. Ha in "il ýfu Bie.A. ikPaWe abai. Tamierfamhoeinethembratro litMsriy-alsacmeshU*rCeIe ww-teOta- eWe""a ps- she was iatned witb prosçtohad t'-ea i rvidi aVoeo wa 4 e o41 o Faid.Jjnidcfo f ie Drai-othi- poedtowhti big oeat -eD ut-rr.--ncame tengd tli Fwi ck eex nriatd t-ieOrono Fac1 - ian it- h Unit- C.C, üC or, hcbfnbtiorn i&plityh la unit, dflo'sRi nMrda vnn nt -isfrheotltu a ocIa R ty. ff ah ý,3erà-provi.dd the bst bal of ti nit, LIC(Iult-s>9ownl1records,'hat-be officiaie Mn.n AeruW.-Randcfearofat-ire aGaGed th tieOu-nl baponi-i -oaBo-- l eltçir Act sa1di SeaSePt-. Wasueatin.yca brgave a-is a CnreluOhan a pes a th teut iegaie4t passed wit-ir pae trple) th eetngsbEngpthre adgi tg t ion e ig t aaniaa- t-o. chta nuncp E-yr ars li 1 -inmatha addrss ou ils * mneyau blpcanb f P-iMUS m wreet-bey coma T vIns portion of thIlaceetin prod - verhînteast-ig t-oailp-osanpescut La nnouaing -lieWadnsdaymueiip i!taes a d -ecfac-,b r .H taelv nples ang a solo meeiloting, 'Jrho e r. usid n . Mayhaa m lie , said. es Thegb "h e 1) t-'e aqi trad ivfing pace. fr' iotl, Oein ciow lntbe y brave beau lt ae~ss aoy Jusacopne for truth, deepeat devï Iti nxt-osioght nle er comp)iie ndanoe tei vai bai brnevh utat- s a mate-a< f agu - in t-ad M. E.H.am wt-te evie .,nd higbons~.iaY lry l Sond c" I 'ec'dntÏClasîs hirr. - evc Out, soved nilc c ut olo. iloalarcon-ono ii wr Oua of ý Te WhtedifcutinartîtMrnTiemetn, ehoe il -alt-i ndefots nt-i iadofHrtcl - M. n Ms egSt--n ntbeocain fe Bothwelld.ansupotes ppaht-eubicjcorire-ou poheis na" intnud n g: dng A.va ;..P ýiln,