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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Oct 1956, p. 2

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A berI The Road Depaltlent of the Uniti 70 Aerd U m Counties are wideiiing the rQad t t] Y of M-Lain and .Mill Streets and ai ereeting a guard rail. m.and Mrs. Roy Beatty, Toront Registered & ràe - Some Mdchiery s,ýpent Sunday with their aunt Mir Property of Albert, E. M on. Lot Howard Walsh, 20, Concession 6,1 Clarke jjownýrship. 1 The Bowmianville-Orono Combin, i1ý -1-miles Nor-th, East oi OronOýo, on eld their fit-st work out at the Be' manville Arena on Monday i when 10 players cf Vhs Orono Orpi W ed., .17th ans were present. W ed. Ok .17t Mrs. C. W. lillings and Mrs. Rutherford delivelred the vitami T. Jackson, Auctioneer pills for the O--rono Red Cross, to t) schools in the Township on Nornday e International Plowing Mutcr' can hoUp Improve Conadiaun crop producàion! Plowing rmatches have been lhe h rCana-da, thd iere_-l ï-ees sresulted ini beLter plowing-Vtter farming. ,he International -Plowîng Match is being held ini Ontario County , Heber Down's arm, October 9, 10, il and 12. Plowmnen from sof Canada will b-epeting for top honours. .Commerce extends a welcome and good wishes at the International Plowing Match. With more ce in promotn better farniing and looking after this bank is vitally interested in every event. 1 A Mobile Educctional hand «gain ag the J1956 Internatio,a2Plowing Match. This Canadian Bank of Commerce tradler Lis ited each year by thousands of farm people who ask information about farming and banking problemis. Why don't you pay us a visit while you're at the Mat ch.f CANADIAN.BANK 0F COMMERCE MORE THAN 725 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA TO SERVE YOLJ ýe ls (ENDAL lKa Eotiue fromn page 5) ated in Pink and wýhitýe aladioli. Earl~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h -mt mvle ypae~?i rooml was atteiided by hi rl hom in Nrth olle ywplaed, brothler, Kenneth Adamis, Orono, aý e,ý hrneinNoithbst n-ianad Bruce AMyles, Orono,. iià Vo visit hem mother, Mr"s. and Ross Derry, Roseneath, as ushersi 'ompson, brother Arthur and A reception was held following their %rs. Garland CatIncart for aj Wý,eddlnig in Vhs I1.0.0.F Hall. The ks, j bride's nmýother in. navy crepe withl Jean Lofthouse spent ihe Ziatching accessories and a corsage. 1withi her aulnt, Miss C. W. Of punk and wh'ite carnations. The bridegroom's mother assisted in bluef, 3rd Concession farm). -9A.-M.- Sportsmen Club. ryone Welcome "' j Mr. Alec Little of Toronto spent the crepe and matching accessories aniý s.weekend at his home here. a corsage of pink and white cama. Mr. and Mrs. F'rank Mtler and tions. The ,bride's bouquet of white mrunim ie daughters of BowmanvilIe spent Sat- and pink roe was caught by Mia W- urday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ai. Norah Wood. nStevens and family. Out of town guests were f ,dT )h- On Fricday evening, Septem-ber 28th -Ajax, Brantford. Toronto, Rose 1eati,ý Mr. and Mrs. Dean West were guests and Cobourg. of honour in the Sixth ILne SeboL S. Ail the old neigbhoirs of the bride 'in (nee Anne Stapleton> gathered to ONLY THIS WEEK EF 1ie bring their gifts and good wishes tIo Y. the young couple. Afteir a fewv ganies of cards and crokinole, Mr. Laurence Saeu o $ 0 0 Grecriwood called on several for 1 speech',es or programme numbers. It RSATIJ,SINGER was noted thiat fer three genkerationsf the briide's family had attendied that AUTOMATIC schoo4. Anne and Dean were, invited ta, seats of honour on the platform. Cabinet %)É Portable Anne unwrapped the many beautiful 1 i e gifts, remarking how serviceable they woýuld be in their inew apartment and~ It does lite aIIy hundreds of th~nkng ac on~ il sag "or zigza2 stitch decorative stit¶ 'they are jolly goi4 lfelows' and lu4nch chfnembodrwrka broulght the evening Vto a close. hs inerrodywrka Tiîe Wonfen's Assoc-iatiý?1on f ~e well às the very finest straight dal will be holding a sale of home seigEsyceiten.Py cookin in the Bowmanville Hlydro as liâJe ah $2.45 a week after Offl(ce on Friday,> Octoýber 12thi. Next Sundaiy the Sunday school ami undo ayet 'will be held at 10 a.m. as usual. a eý World Communion ,vili be held in thýý altern,,ooni at 2.30 in the Kendal Unîted s n e e i will uxite with Kendal. Arnn versary Services will be held Ocetober 21st. The guest speaker will centre be Rev. J. R. Trumipour of Canton. Ç Our mvii%7 choir wili render the mnusic 81 king St. W., C.or ini the moé,rning and in the evening J Tel cphoue FR 2- 49 or Elizahebthville choir wýill gîv;e their leave in4uiries for lae or ser- services. ic tteOoaW klTis A ,,t.keyspe wifll be held~ in theJvc tt Ooo ek ie KediSunday Sehool rooinioni Wed- nesdàay, October 24týh at 5:30 pa. The Keýndal WmnsAssociaýtion met in the Sunday School room on Wedný-esda'y eveing, . ine26th with 1t.1epresident, _Mr1s. Jc U ton, , i the chair. Mrs-. Reg Elhoûtt b2e assuredi led in prayer. The , rd 1%im wa3swi read'l)y Mis. Llo)yd cflass. The de-~it votiontl was taken byMr. n Cný'thcar,,t, An amuiisinig poem "')de ta a cl hlam!Ip" wýas give?1 ïy MLs. EIt.A imusical nuibe i e FIoeSong" by Miss Jean Cai artcley Vîymcl -_jy et!A ono asred y Mrs. J. Stapleton il wh iMh it stated that Iin our Churci * m 1Ilife, Ji-,aur Sunday Sclijools-, in our 0 E Young p l'eople's ,vork, therýeis .ag-iet chall-rie inlaCi.stia1n larhp MaY o helip us ta pespond. Mi's. G.! QuiýCk4gniing" high> Cahatspoke on the i;fe of Mrs. j. Hlarriet Beecher Stov.e who last beiý soninM ser*vice for bis couatryv. The mieet-*ing closed by repeatîng the Ma Clean bur. ing ... paýh .lenediction, luinch was served helps preve nt burner by Ms Milton Robinson and MLrs. troubles. G.Cthcr and a social timie 'en)joyed.' On1 Monday nlight, October Lst, tell Aut@maïtaiIcoy deliv- ladies of the Kendal Womien's Insti- ered wit personal tute m(et at Maplegrove with New- afttentî n to youg, tonvillE Instituts members in the .d/ Sunday School,~of the United Church there, as guests of Maple Qrove 1n- j CO lis now to arrange for stitute, and experieiiced a very en- next winter's co<nfort. joyable time. After the busine sspartî of the meeting, there was a elight-j fui programme. Mrs Allisan of Maple McLAREN'S Grave gave an item o 'Chieerfu1nes,-" j which contiansd a lot of good advcee udhumnour. Miss Judy Faster of Ful& "" thiýs IB use" and "Lt is no Secret" in Fuel &8tJler LtU. avery pleasiag imanner. Two duets iby Mrs. C. M. Jones anid Miss Gloria Phonep Orque 14816 Lane "In the Garden" and"Ln Long ago" with Mrs,. F. Gilmetr at the piano, were given by Newtonville riei.ben-s and miuch enjoyed. Mis. G. Cathcýit 'Vof Kendai spokt o h beautifial forests of Canadaa4 h forest fire tragedy and recited Lwo poenis, une on forest £ires and the . othed ini lighter vein. Dr. Park wasJ ths guest speaker of the evening and spoke on Mental Health statîng that nntL1iins cripples and disables more people thau any other type of diseasýE. Poor nýntaI hpalth is at the root cf miany of aur sicial problemas, incluhdng br-oken homes, social de- .pendenicy, deliýiqtency and alcohoi-, ismn. Dlr,'Park, said that the Wom-en'sLAN Institutes had been very helpful in (<> , their work Literature on thîs sub- I &ED ject was on band. A filmn was shown MOT In A L4 Otjr E praduced by Vhs National Film Board M - -0 -q- Wx '2

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