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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Oct 1956, p. 7

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Parli aments With Odd Nickinames It seernsE. strange that during the present cetury not a single British par-liamePnti bas earned it- %elf a nicknamne, remnar1keO an M.P. the ather day. Yet, delvirg b-ïto the past he had been arnazed by the wide variety of nicknamnes npplîed to pre-1900 Parlia.ments. Onle of the rn1-ost famnous was Cromwel's Lo ng Parliamient which lasted fromn 1640 ta 1653, tco long in fact, that it also be- eane known as the Pensioner Parliamiert. The shortest Par1ýamnent in aur bistory ,v,ýsînickniamed The Use- Iess Parliamnent. It was intro- duced by Charleý,s I on June I8th, 1625, adj'ourneci ta Oxford On August lst and dissolved On-AuI- gust l2th. Ail lawyers were excluded frorin the Parliamnent of 1404 sa ft became lknowýn as The Parlia- ment of Dunces ai-id The Un- Iearnied Parliamnent. No such ruling against lawyer M.P.'s has ever been attempted since. A Parliainent with pronounced views about wamiefi in politics was knawun in 1367 as The Good Parliamnent. it compelled lovely Alice Ferrers, favourite of King Edwa,.rd III, ta leave the Court and take an oatil never ta retta to the Kings presence. TheM.t'.s took this drastie step because of the great political power she h~ attained, When Henry VI assembled a 4Parliament at Coventry in 1459 ;t quickly became knowrr as The Devil's Parliament. It earned great unpopularity by passing bils accusng the Dtske of York (afterwards Edward IV) and his supporters of high treasan and depriving theln of their civil rights. "'Justtin, said the conceited heavy-weight boxer, "thousands et people wili tune in te this ftght to-night." uYe's,» retorted his manager, "and the-y'11 know the resuit at Ieast tert seconds1before you dlo." OY-- Donaid G. i wonI hirn the grand ho sixth annucil 0W Aich. A record 250 One - ;hot Heroes 0f The bandsome, strapping mmi' valked almost jaunitily ta the mounid. His gait. was 10ase and e asy, and ihe casuallY scanned the packed and roarilig stands at Boston's hostile Fenway Park as îf eouwng the house.' Big Gene Beardeix igured to be, te.nse and tired; but lie actod with the of a man bolnig, danidled la tbe lap 0 f des- tiay. 1 Onc e ek earlier lie batipiteli- edI the Cleveland ladiana to vie- let hl.mj mento League.. that coÉp lôsen wil lasses, Gioaf Ii big asI World pulled s stili s;pe eieven IY Sïble for crie of il and orme f adeouts Gion! i lyn D<t Brookllyp H-igbe a Gent- MRd rates f of foot, s Zsenger so ho c fIromn 'P Buto Gi» w fieWla n sixth gqI against 1 the iig an appe Gionft: back wit Sudden]ý gate, lie tho air.ý glove, F faflingc for ac vhich1 roar a0! 'gle-eyed But t]- fie Gi"ý real. Dr- boroics,h in 38 gý .previaus stick la wias St. I - jdvi tu)ra, CÉ leased fornia, Beazle bander o.tho)r ', Series quilckly paiga, = c Fiere tratllsg brlng yo *ItchIlng'i Gther it' cnly h healthy wounds, cers ans 4kin aff , seMr, l olki cru an.&ver MOO0jq be litair 03 Modol ýh 1899- at Green- e enterecd o, it was back ta Sacra- ïn the Pacific Coast By xid-seasoni, oven ln îparry, he %vas stilI a ,h four wins against fivo iddo neyer made It as ýearden, but in the 1947 Boeries the littie rman Splay about which they ak. Wthin a period of nanths, ho was respan- one af the funiest gags, ýe -nost historie catches of the most poignant la big 'bague baseba"IL iddo wEnt ta the Brookç- ýdgers la May, '1947. n rold pitchers Kirby rid Cal MeLish, catcher Howell and shortstop uch tt lhe Fit hburPi- $300,WO -- and the fiva... inch .Gionfriddo. -nast have been the mes- )Y thrown into the del ould carry th mue ttsbtirgh ta Brooklyni,» iger writer 1Uldded, a October 5,'1947, '"Lttle sent out ta play 1e(t the sixth lnning of the. ýme of the World Seriee Sthe Yankees' There oû out anc two on when ýty Joe DiMaggio r4!bed rent homne rnta left -idda starte.d sprinting th the crack of the bat. y, right at, the builpen whirled and leaped into The bal] landed in his nd Gionfriddo, almost over the fentce, held it dazzling orne-hand stali brought a tremendous applause fran' tbe gag- stands. It 'was the field- of the Series. îe fallawing April, "Lit- was released ta Mont-. Ispite his Warld Series ie had batteti a puny 175 ames for, Brooklynl the season. Nor could hoe Montreal. From there it Paul, Fort Worth, Drumr- le, Newport Neson lifoQrnaa, nnd finaiy e- y lowly Vasalia, Cali- n 1955. 'y, the handsome ighit jf the Cardinals, was an- 'ho racketed to Warld aine, und faded ïust as into oblivion., start of the W142 caRi- Johnny was a rookle, Carciînais movea io sthe vis- site against the Yankees, Young Johnny wasa 2l1-gam-e~ winner, ,ýwith a brigit future. It loaked ever, brighte2r as twice in thie Seris h amed a toug-h teamr which .i'nclded such st,,aats as 'Di-Maggio, Char-ley IKeller, Bill Dickey, Joe Gardon, Franikie Crosetti, Red Rolf e and Prliili Rizzuto. Beazicy beat Ernie Eanham in the secon igane . t3, and then %on a 4 ta 2 squcaker frorn Red flRuffing ta w ind up thie Sefies in the fi! th ganie. TÉien he marched off ta service for three years. Whnlie came back, Jahnny, had lost the touich. In 1946 he hjad a 7-5 manrk. Ari trouble follow-ed, andJ for three seasans he won a total af tw~o gaines against one dêfeat. The Braves ga-ve hi'm a briât shot, and then1 it wý,as the long road own -- St. P'etersberg, I1artfotd, Nashvilleý, Mïlwvaukee (when it stili waîs la 'teminars), Dallas, and, flnally, outright release by Oklahoma City' in 1952. Which brings ms to the case of Floyd Karl Giebell, the yauag mari who was a World' Series bero withaut ever apipearing in a World Seies 'gaine.. thd' lHow corne? Wel, i thd been for Gieell, te Detroit Tigers aight neveu have inade it into the classic l in 40.The Cleveland Indians had set the pace throughout the latter ~stages of that campiaïgn and, going i n- ta the final merry-go-round of the se'ason, they were out tt squelch ,a spirited challenge lby1 fletroit's "aine aid ne. j Bob Feller, at the height of hïs career, was Detroit's nemresis of the day. Apparently the Tigers didn't thînk mnuch a! their chance of beatng hum because theiIr pitching aarmnec was Gb- bel!, who was new from the In-~ ternationial League. But'Giebeil bested the mnighty Feller -- and the inspired De- troit Tigers went an to wia the. peanant. But jpaor Floyd had joined the Tigers tao .late ta lie eligible for 'le World Series. Stfl-1, he was the toast of 'Tigertown throuh out the Series a~nd throughotIt the winter, -nd big thigs w~ezrê plamned for-im In 1941. 1 Yet GiebeWl was a% one-shot. The fIclawîng season he was used Jr. 17 gaintes - and neyer wor. a s;ingle one. For hlm, too, It was the low road down ta Iiuffalo and Syracuse before fia%- ally beig. volurtari-ly retired at Dallas la in1950. Younrg Johnny Pérdres, th, hero o! Brooklyn's 'World Series, triumph last year; niay bave beell lucky. that he Was callèd intô gervIce befare this season started. Or, as la Beazley's case, there la a grim possibility that when he does retuia, lhe wil nèver be sh anie. Because the men wjia walk ithe high road la baseball's an- zual extravaganza are a risky lot. Too many ba~ve had onae glorlaus bour - the.p lteart- break, And yau rneyer knêw whiether your Octo'bèr bere is go1rng ta stay on the glory 'road or np a one-shot stepchuld of fate. By Oscar Fraley. in "The Police Gýazette." Gels Quiok Relief lsa c dean staJiiiespene- antiseptlc 011tisat wlli U speedy relief fromn the andi iistresz of Eczema. o'e anti 11eet, Flas,-hes an thdng skin troubles. 'SEMER.AX,» GIL not ibis preot. napid and hCaling in open zsndt but bolig and 2ulmpl# tiI- aiso quicIcly 1eleved. In ctlonis-tis, iteblng of Ec- qut~i~cklaséti, PlsapIes, y pews yz i ne dry up and i %cale nir E'S EMRRALD OIL can Ie t ay dsy4rug »tort. ICLJ j sale price wil beinCluded, . MUrray SaIles, 38p2 St. Lawrence, ilontreaL. ARTICLES$ FOR SALE FEATURED W'oo51strei;cn socks in Prray ot excltlpg new patternsauad colora $1 pair Ait- nlylon stretoL in soliti color rdb offered at 65e pair. Chldren,'s knee-hlgbI heavy nylon-rlbbed sockF 55CI Pair. Babby socks triple cuf plain white 45ý pair, coloreçite-el.u 60e pair. Speci discounits to merchants of Volume- buying proportion. Send Money Ordi to BQW.NIT MILLS, 49 Simncoe Street, Toranto. BABY CHICK S DAýY aid chicks anid turkey poulta for ùmmnediatec deivery. Non sexeti, pul- lets and cekerels. Alil popitlar egg9 breeds. AsIc about our niew Series 400, 401 and 402. Dual purpose breecla. Two ton Broller Breeds. Frst Generatian Indiaii River cross (Lancaster x Nichoýls No. 12 pullet). irst generation Arbor À%cre Whte Rock. Turkey poults. Broad Breasteti Bronze, Th1ompson.Large white, A. 0. Snith Bread White, River Ret etvill e' The hes-t Beltsille for turlçey broHlers. Ase bo9klng orders for winter anid spring dellvery. Cata- la gue. TWEDIDLE CRICK HATCHTERIES Ltd XERGUS, ONTARIO FOR SALE FOR SALE -- ENTIRE BEEF HIED - Cows andi Calves, Apply P.O. REtx 127, Brantford, Ontarlo. QUILTING Patches. Large blocks. Print, sill or flannelette. 3 ibs.Si O. C.OD. postage extma Publex Sales. 1445 Cerrard East, Toronto' KZFN.AâTE Wlnter barley for sale, hestyy yieldig grain. Sow wnter barley, avoldth Ie unpredictable Spring seed- Ing Cleaneti and treateti. W. Banks, 14 1eggett Ave., Weston, Ont. NJEW gus anti rifles at wlsolesalâ prices; write for aur wbolerale pniem hefore buying. Trans-Cenad2 Whole- rale Co., Bx 852, Ottawa, Ont, MACHINERY NEW - Concrett. Mi1xers, Firsshens, 8reakers. Pomrps, Rtavâtors, Chaîs saws, Outbeard Moto)s.. Money Eack Guarantee. USED -- Ford Tralctonsý ant equppnent. Domnissl<si Rent-Alls, Unilonville, Onturlo. ME13ÎCAL FRU9Y JWC3SZ TRI PRINCIPAL INGR& DIUNTS im DIXOW'.S REMEDY FORf RHEUMATIC PAINS. NEURMYS. MUNRO'S DRUG S5TORE 3$ eELOIN,' OTTAWA. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE 3aANusR tise tonnent &f dry eciema rzhes anti weepissg îaIdntroubsle&, Petsm EcRensa Salve I not dlsap- pon t you. tchlng. se Ug andi busn. I#eczema; acne, nlngworm, i, pltXe and .foot 'will respond ti eaily ti %te tainle, orleSE oIient z.- t ardhe8 of how tubborn or hopeles sont past Proe on Recelpt of rrîce PRICS 2.P ER lIJAR POST'S REMEDIES 186aît. .;Iair AvenuIe 1a0*. Jimp top1e,&sejý Easy to moke... andsure to please tbof ru'a ppetfre! You'u1 mnake them ofto'h, .. shese light tender buns with a dolicate orange flavas,. For fineat results whea you liake at home, always depend on Fleischmann'sq Active Dry Yeat! 1cup grtsnUlUted SUur end 4bea 11/2 teospcens isoit Work in 1/3 cup shor*onhrg 2 cup Cool ta lukewar, 41 2.* Meantimne, meosre into b*wl 3. ur 1/2 cup Iukowarm water flouredb Suir hIn andic bowl. Bru 2 fecspoons grcnufated raargarin augas' p!ace, SpriIn&I.withi conntris f . doubied 2 envlopes4. Pung 2 evé~pesdough;1 R*eischmnsAtie 8.isch ro Let stand 10ê mltc-,THEN %tir weilf. olIs. N Stir t uçworra rnilk mixture cand ti r margarin 2 W'eIPbenten eggs dourbled 1fablspoon grat.. orange rind 16 ct on. et Cenprw DADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES Fùh MEN AND WOMEN BE A KAIftDRESSER J0IN CANADA'S LEABING SCKOOi Great Opp'ortunit7, Learn Hairdresslng P1(easant dignifletipofsio;good. wages. Thousantis of succesafil MarVel gracluate. America's Greatest Systeni IllustraitetiCatalog Fnee Wieor CabI MARlVEL HAIRDUDESSI.NO SCIIOOLS 58Bloor St. W- , Tornto Branches: 44 lOnjg st., Hamiltonl 72 Rideau st, Ottawa QpporTU$ITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN PERMANENT Represenitative wanteq ýte sei outstanding line of sanjitary anti maIntnanceceràicalsý, pirits, etce. tg lnjdustry i this cotunty Aiso openlngî tn aur Agricultunal CheilziDivisioRl Appointsuients toalie mad(e flot lateu than Octaber, 15. State eýxPenence lau seuing fielti. AI] apPlicationis coi elential anrd will recelve a reply. BaS' 14,13Eighteentb Stý New Toronto. APPLES have thletns fesh for pies year 'round, no cooking, jUst pack la ,colt i ater. Tes, lt's bard ta bellevo but it's true. eCost 1loss tha)n 0PEI quart. Guaranteed Formula $1J.10. J.W. caudUll, 13190 Factory Aveilue, maror IndianaSA THE RAMISAY COMPANY Patent At torneys, 273 Baýnk Street, Ottawa of fers ta every inventer fui, informatiol free, on paýtent procedureS. FETITEISTONHAUYGIS& CoünP a n Y, ePatent Attorneys. Established 1890 6M0 University Ave., Toronto Patentt ail courntries. 5'hRSONAL 11EARING AIDS. useti, goocl condition, $9.95 anti 319,95 comrPlete. AcouIsticOsi 146 Welington W Vest, Toronto. $1,00 TRIAL offer. TfwentY-fl*ve delu0 pensona) requlresaeiits. Laterl cata- logue lnclutietiThe Bedfico Agtincy, Box 22, Termina] "Q' Trt.Ont. centi for Folder sliowlng the pedlgreee of 37 of eus Importeti 3ûwg 2md boans In our lierd .of,1uttndng linportel Landrace Swedilsh swine, Offerlng fol irmedlate dellvery> weasling saws ane boars, 4 snonth aid sows enti beans. Gluaranteed Ini pig femaeles. Service able boans. Catalogue. FElOUS LANDRACE SWINE FARIM FERGUS OrÇrAUt WANTUD W&ANTED ta buy - Hay - Apply ?,o. Box 127, Brantfordti. ntario. Drive With Care SAFES 1J.i Tosonto 1,855 ;L y ether and stir lJI ups esce..slfted .11- Dsspose fleaur tasp*on ground mace ýt until smooth arnd ekstlic, inu a ddtional IPs (about) Once-sifted ffl-Purpose fleurs rn out dorjgh oniilghtly. board. Knead until smooth isie. Place In grecsýéd 3rush with melted Lutter or ne, Caver. Let rise in werni f re. from draft, untii lin bulk, about 1 hour. unch down dough. Ilalve the form each isalf Into en roll. Cul ech rolli nto 8 piecess 'form itosnsaoth Flace hIgreased muffin Wush with melted butter or ine. Cover. Ltlris. mnli d In bulk, nbout 1 Isotr. cubes of sugar a time, imb tle orange juice ess a cube mb totop cf eacch rire in omoderatléy hot 375', about 25 minute?. 16 brins. Noeds n. r.frig.rotion -guils

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