I e~ MOE ROOF MAT YOU AVE ATI*. FAUlS NEW TomatoJuice 48 oztin 25-e IGA FANCY Col n LB2 LB3S 31b K ern ais Be anS wthapo0Êk 2Ooztin2fr31 hlal4e-s 2Oo z 24 Pt 4À9C qt97 OLD S )UTH Ornge92 6 oz3 Jaice le in DR& HICKJiN Chop 'uày l4oz tin 49c O.H.S, WEE,.gKLY REPORT F eaturfe s 10f'17Lcaul Trac1A1 FeIdMe By Barbara A1na Aldred a" nigh Fee oonouis iii thelloc alick nd il ý 1P 1 1B ? (il a total of"269ponts,39"mrethan lJAoriiIci~ was een t!oo and 1in e oey cs ea s~nner UP* ecitemet o usa evening as For thel.ir ustanlding althletic -pl-r- stud1ents gathered to put 17p campaign1 fonacs easw;11 be awarde ias o:-ter'is for. the annulal election of Senior boys - ErieCGarleton, 20 pointsFid, Copeiiovas keen as nmembers Senor girs Carop Grant - 10 points of the Wite and BMue teams vied w"ith one another for thle imost orýigin- Inte"mediate boys- Marsall Xeast, a and eyecatcing slogans. Every- 20 Points whenre the caîl seeed to be for tape Intermedw(iate girls- June 3adill 19 to put up miore and mrore posters. points Each and every poster that was put boys Waye Biley 23 ts.up as approved and initialed by Mr. Jiuir - gwrs - Joan Alun, 16 points every romare carefuly dirawn pic- tures or (cartoons with correspondig PuIpls wernclassed, with a few cx- soas eponaccording to grades, garde Vw h w a apg oe - aie bîngjuniors, ten b-inin, iter- We h w a apiacre nine b.iii< 1 ý to an end on Thrursday-, sturdents will indaeeleýven1 and twolve senior-s. be ,ready, it is hoped, to ucast an in- Starting at f0 :0fl a.111, Ltenty-four telligent balltfrhernw xe levntswer icn of 'throzbout Oie e utives. day stopp n ny for a lunc bea at 12:00 and resuming actîv-ities at 1:00 p.m. Thiehghgt of the -day swas the, junior, ineredat, ndsenior boys one-haîf mile. Neil Ba,ýrrabail, a se-- ior-,ra the distance" in two inuiites and thiirty--one seý(condIscoilling close tohaig the four mninute mile. SeveralJ parentsnand friendls as w-eli as gradePs 7 and 8 students from the Oromo Pulic Schol helped swell the cherîing secton at one of the best tr-ackýj and field mesi .1S i idPay was a great day. BOWMANVILLi"e. MEMORIAL AIR EN A PUBLIC *TN FRIDAY, OCTOBER S h to 10' Aim i s i on il Aut 4c St uents 2c. PU-BLIC' KýVATjN SATÏURPDAY, OCTOR LI, - 8 to 10 -Admission 'dîs40c., Studentis 25c; PcTm e Av aijahie Fordetilsand e -servaions PoeMA 3-57-8 For choice tintes m.ak-e yo(ur reser-vations early. 1'J FTHIS THURS. TO Every Ghost for Hi "1FRANCIS IN TH] With Mickey Roon4qc I th, Talking Mm In C'inematscope, 'vft James Cagney and IreniefPapas ri , , M- ,, ,NEXT MON. TO WED. In Teehricolor "Mo 0by uDick", l Oie of the Greatest lif Alil Sea Stories, with GRZEGORY PECK AND RICAD AERR ~oOoneofOO-OtOfOOfOfOfOfOe< eoe'+.~.4~ YeulI find if you check up wben you check out, thet shopping at ILG.A. doos mean add- ,ed savings every day in the week. Cerne in today. Shop and save thýe 1riendly LG.A.waY. ATSUP I o z btls39.?cQl Black Ra-ýspberrY, Blacki Cherry and ~wErsz- 3 tOats BEEF PIECE ~tPRMIMBOLOGN ,RP-FIREY RED~ 31 trir e d l2;ba gs -3lbcba IG--A CASH REGISTER TAPES!