RONO WEEKLY, TIM99 FalAnd W'ne - ashions Ladies PaIl Skirts reversible plaid. Boys warm Duffle Coats in cotton- Straight cut Unmes, pleated at bottoni. ,-poplin with good flannelette quiltedl lin- Colursbeie,.brongrey.'weed. ing, attached hood. Size 8, 10, 12 $5.95 Priced f rom $6.95 - $85 Girls and Boys 3 piee uede oufits. Fal and wi ter Dresses in oolûs and Colour light blue, niint, yellow. new faili maerials. Prin 6ss funes, Price $112.95-$14.9â Sheath effeets, long torso stle. Colours -green, g, tan, bro-w ,black. Size 9 - 221,/. Pr"e$.5-45 Blous8_9 in Dupont Dacron Polyester f iber. T rylene and trilan. the new cel- Girls al d Bfoys piece Sno-w Suits ans br.Sie1-. Gôý-od rayon 4uilte Iining with quilted Pie,45-69 interli-nin. Colr charcoal, navy, red. Prce$1,9 MnsGranidmeire PuHovers. V neck, p guantreed pre-shrunk. oilocrs uf l One-piece iNylon Snowsuit., a. twin ery eg. rc 8 zipper. storm. tabbed. neck.. Knitted 1lso Cardigans priced- .00-$10.001 cuf fs and ankies. Fully Iilrý with quit- ted rayý,on.. Colour. royaj(.- ted,.ý wine. Mens MeburIan Pns, f ea- Size 2 - 6. Price $9.00 fures the new Çàama resistain f inish. '11ease reistaft, spot resistant, water Girls wool Skirts in WvooIs, t wds, pe+llant, mth proof. Colours charcoal gabardine. Priced fon 59 .5 aO greY ý-rice $9.95 Evenings Friday & 8,ýatuirtiy Wedniesday OpnAil Day Armstrong 's LIMIITEDI Between Orono 0anff Newcasle on llighway No. 35 Vigor Standard Caso 10cpr -tx Vigor lligh Test 41 1%cper g n - tax iucluded STOVE OIL-f'i yop&cox-ivenience smnall quantities. vlal at Che Station openEeig and Sundays .oe ttore Open Ail Day v b j i g j i I i I i i i I I I s f E . . . ....... .. Local 'News LI&T JheEtr the wint rbt he taeslhe f ( ontnu d fom pag 3 I ut our mI ci ale boties do no-Lis M.and Mrs. E. E. Log andnt he inacdb h oiin gv - mr uts 1Iave o 1hutd Mr. and Mrs E. G. lla, Don and iii ed by he ltownship ijs bte Qd ae'ssaemyIw e f-1 d~ _Pgestion, on how tb colleet mr N. L.Pre. fo tepeetdymotor ge IYour's ¶raly' pa i d y Mm i Mme r ota. McA.- Jý Leo o Nigaa al arespene e MissMaron ~ro '\T.,, Oshav, 'pet te eekndwith 'r. ami Ms. J. D. Brown anim' s.aniIe.E. _U M.and FMre.. .A usl s4tSLSAdSR Mmr. anti Als A. B. 1,tusseil ofIsi - I ton. ~~~~Our foPeesriega te ya on M ýrs. R". C. Forrester is a patient of e~ r the Toron oWestern 0Hopital. f M". anid Mrs. A. MàcGill at Heather M spntte oidyweekend visiting-A E y ý~ wih hefrmerê's parenits at their j cottage 0on the SevTelin River.1 M.andi Mrs. Wmr. FourioLno Phon 35 ecs1,Otr epntThanjksg-iing wih M.and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- . ~ e ~ O O lrs. D&ne(-,Found. ýmd. nt Mrs. Don1ald MGeamdi -________ Dvdof Spragg, 'Onti. spenit the B --oe .m b Tor onto. -t - MM=22"2=