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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Oct 1956, p. 4

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When riny trs ago. lier raise Our boy, anti-i Tliey bave th hirn, but uncornfort-. I recenfly à wondlerful wife knc,, g to mnarry ycan. My 'ever, have ýectedly op- and for the affectionate, will' have a liard flime anybody wlio wilj your wife's parents, If at ail unusual fliaf such )le resent any girl fak- heir daughfer's place; f0 fiat, these two are Ily reluctant fo giv.e up raniL<son,. If is a tw,,o- rencli thaf lias causeti foo mudh l l feeling iii UV%!i ;l IaI clcie, mey o1 gL51 *that if e 1moves on and a gCood * mn is lonesorne for a w"û- *man's comrpanionship and for * is son I hope you wvili go *ahead -wifh youir plans, * Y o u r first consideration *sliould be to see that your *fiance and your boy get te *know. and like each othecr. * Take hirn to visit lier on * week - end af ternoons a n id * plan en-gaging- programs, so *he wl see her as part of * them. She should do hier besf *to -win lis cýonfiden)ce, and *probably -wýli succeed. * As your parents-in-law see * flie child progressing happiiy il I is new .fam-ily life, 1 hope * hywl relax and uccept > lier. This is the usual rsi *in such a situ-ationi. SHIALL THEY MARRY? "Dear Arne Hfirsf: I arnila NEW PRINTED PAtTTERN EAS IEzR - F','ERP i D - i k ý1 1 i ' PRJNTED PKLTERN111 It's oun newPliNTED Paf- fertn! What a sewýýing buy for yo!ONE yard 544-nci f abric Ial you neet foi, each of fliese styl ves; shont-sleeve blouse, Jerk- lis, and skirt. M\ake ficrn in jiffy fîme! PrintetiPattern 4762:Mis' Sizes 10, 12, 1, 16, 18. Blouse, lenkin, skýirf; Pcd take 1 yard 34-inci fabnie2 in al given sizes. Directions printeti on ecdi is- sue pattern part. Easy-to0-uLse, accurate, assures perfect fit. Senti THJRTY - ZFIVE CENTS <sanscannof be acceptet'Iuse postal note for- safety) for fils paf fern Print plain]l'y SIZE, NAME, AU)DRE SS, STYLE W-CWER S'ent dorden te ANNE ADAMVS, 123 Elgifeenfli SI., N~ew Toron- ueo ,1t. ýwidïower in my late 30*s, with a young daugliter. 1 have fallen in, love with a girl 0;f 20, whomn 1 knew 'in college. She is di-. vorcing her hu,,sband; we are not seeing e-ach other until if is Éinal, but 1 arn sure she loves 41 have a confortable homne, and can give lier the security she has niot had. We are tern- peraxpentally atnd nfaç-t, seerns so very rigAit that 1 arn wondering about the fuiture-! My marriage was nlot hiappy, so perhaps an a it fearful , 'CI have read your columan for a long irne, and 1I would value your opiion ROGEWB" *Unless thiere is an obstacle o f0this rmarriage. that you *have not confided, 1 see nio *reason wyyou should flot *gladlyý go ahead w.ith your *plans. *You and this girl bof h have *h a d3 disiilusioning exýperi- *ences, wvhicl) will make you * ppreciate each other ail thic n pore,. She is fond of your * ittle girl, and the chuld seens in to elepme ler friendship. If *you are weighing the tiffer- *ence ih yjqr ages, to rny t m hey do not imatter. You 1- wo are entirely <cmapatible. * withi the same ideais and *sensiblities, and your mar- * nage should 'bring a serenity 4othree nice people, lu any troubied siuation, comsuit Aime HiErst before you get fou deeply invoiveu. Hier wide experience and wvarm sympathy are yours for the asking, Ind lber counsel is safe to followý. Write lier at Box 1, 123 Eiglîteenth Street, New oono ntarjo. Coating the ie of silver sait shakers wifth dean n ýa j polish prevenbt trnish and cor- roson caused by the sait Whei the polish is dry, pricli the hoies ith a pin to aisa the sait1to fow freey. WARREN BA B D The Creation S tory 1iiceesis 1: J-5- e9-12, 26-28, M Memmoy Selecion Ani Goti siweveýrything that lehati1jo madie, anlti, behotld, it was vey gooti. eness 1.ý1 For this 112t qinarter ofth yerwe ,hýave anliunique sre onIlthirtýeen ofitheCieat p (, )asages o!tlthe Bible ranging fnom Gne- sis to Revelioýn. Six oC thi'm areë from the Old Tesam nan seven fnom the New '1estment Each has a unique mesageori Chisfian lt e and thougbt. For. thi sson e hve he creaton htry. Asienfisf nc said, "There is no moe ossibil- ifty 0f the -worild being liuee as .a resuit of canethan of Web stel',s UnaidgeiëQd DictLion ary r- sultingefronn exploszion in a printling plant." But trom wer clic] the worlcl corne? We road in Hîebnews 11.3: bouhf aii we( under-tand that the wonlds weneP frameýd lbyý the word of Godt, 5 th1at things w~c r enwr flot ade of Iirgs chich do ap- pean." The- Bible beginis wiiith be wod,"In thebging God." God wasbeoemtr Whien did God cet h 1,e av\er.s andl thIle eart h? Thil Sciptuires are indefinijte as to the period of tiroercovereti by thbe flnst thince vre.The, Chris- l'ah- £nuryofMri3, 11954, ,-cntained a bnief sumrmary of ah addiress in New Orleans bay Dr. Edwad MCnay, ne cfiAnn-- cas top nuclear phyvsicists.W cihofe: ."Sc-ience foday Is fa ced vwith thie stark fact that ra o occurred at a definife tim-e, le sýaiti; studies in radioactivvry, crowned shows hý AtlaniticC Mc K nlg hi beaityc flot pion the queei more iri coreerý." Cat S Tic ostr, frorn cafs' puzzled zc jing invesi flicflrt t Sciitisi finti ouf c sec w a rc vesýtgcigaf a1re vsf hope tf0i about flie A Brif whaf we room is ac of lpih-i fpick ur 'CA caf flan our a kind ofl probably A Lonic agint f i ran wu iii cer A0fnm with a Si, fie Cs- Si get no lu Some C can eli f Ticy s4 arte tsmall1 eitcqn ing an ito mraIe Yv etc."? A.Ts bad fonm, AMn.Joni ilo# rns? tableý? 1 A. Vs chiance of srnutge of tic glass. Q.Ul served h letters? AU Singli shoulti bc site only. shouit a hanti. Q. How posed tA flowers? A. Thons site hlai arm wif h Ward ta t ,thie le! t h fhec lcft ai inig downv, 'OR A YEAR - Newly Miss Amnerica of 1957 er regol trappings in ity. She's Marian Ann Who, unlike other ontest winners, does to be un actress. Says : lI think hom-e hf-e ik portant thon ci movie rhat HeIlp ;cientists nge liglifthat "shines" e-yes af niglit lias long ologists. If is no-w be- thgated tior01oughly for imce. ls are also frying f0 hhra ocaf can nealiy D01- wibicli looks pitch- e hunan eyco. Thie in)- sarrned with torches. ig zoos at nigif anti nake nom, tiscovenies eyes of miany other well as cafs. h zooiogist says fli ndcinarily c-aîl a tarI tualy fui !tinly nays 'ays wvhici a caf is abîe easily. pupils, mereslitsin In, expanti far miore own," le said "whle Iso carrry at fie bncI eflecting mnirr'or wjichi ac-coun1ts for fhem in the dauk. The vc rofleets li litc lightA on ~ ~ i scefs 195 1 ilis own harip e asm ofnixafus inan Af- indiÇ)a ou1w nmucicats ic dank. Wlin a s'au- 1lk was"iuined l bcam s"o faint fiat %v i al, anngi, ls- so) that flinc'cais coulti e from theliir noses. hies aim that e he fine accuraf1ely by' Jcy. iy tinLt fecacr's eycs ut ut noon, grauiy uni!if is dark anti in this condition untîl tegnsf0dawn a gain, stnt fto -getnaow rode is conideneti very asý is flic oflier ofh- essIon. "Sliake liants s muci beffer to sa,. 's, AMn.Williams" '>or, 1 one always U~se the dore tirin-ng fOmt a 'water af the dinner tis prevents any leaving an unsigitly 1food on fie rnn of rules shoniti be teh- t'ypewritten Social e sheets of paper useci, mwitfen Gon One Anti youn signature srays be- wriffcn by- are briestimiaitis sup- -arry their sheaves of wilking on-fthe iglif fhcm on. the riglit stemns poinfing down- me left, and those on koidthfeir f owr n 'rn w101 sfemns point- 'artu tnfle iglt. MNy goodnecss, our 'two wee grandsons have been here quife a bit lately - and 1 haven't sait a word about tliern. Isn"ti t lait alimosf unlielievable - I comning fnom a grandmnother? Edw,,and is only one wecls short of four mnonflis ot ant ihe is flie iappiest, mnost content cd little fellow I eve-r ke.An-d fIat is not just flie view of a dofing grantimother. iIn other people have said flic sane thing. Even his mother says lie is ciis.ier fa klok affeýr than Dave ûver was in ils baby days Daviid, 0f cou se,11nolongcr a baby. H1e is quife flic liffle boy andc very proud of his "bnud- *dn"Dee was quite wvorried beà-i fore tlie baby arriveti in cýase David miiglitlbe jealous. But th.ere isn'ft a sign of if, possibl]y beccauise lis parents have aîwýays 'been- carefu] f0 give Dave asee ut possession - Eciwa r d is Davit's baby as well asý mun- n.y's; Davidl's brother anti David is given the pniviiege of heiping f0 carry the cot or, canniage into flie huse and fo run arouni and get this at that for baby bro- ther. So if is al. wonking ouf very niceiy and e-verybody is happy. Hf is very nice to have two litfe boys corne to visit in- -ead of one. One is beýtten thun none at ail but an only ciid neetis so muci canefdul sining if lie is f0 'gnow up unise'lfisi nti unsposlt. Wcli, I1 suppose iere has been pîenf.y Cd compiaining about flic unseasonabiy colt, %wet wcaficn. yester'day ,was m-ise'rable andc as Panfncr anti Itrove aloîîg No. 6i Hîgiway anti cros ountry we noticet soi ecoring fnom ai goot many cl3im-neys, inclut- ing flic amhlouse belonging f0 fients iniich.Hespelen district wh-Iorn- we wvene visifing for fie firsttfime fon, oven -a ear. Tiat srnoe cling upward fnomflc ciiminey was a very weicorne sign. The bouse waas warnas fhec welcone we eevtpu farrn as one o!fie few wicre tHe grain hanvest bat been corn pict,1ed but otcourse tý, hene î, still the silo f0 fi. I don't think 1 even as in a country gardon \whene there were so mi-any beau- tiful flowers - almnost every fkind you could thi ink of- an- nuals, perenniais, shrubs -ai with a profusion of bloomn. The womeii-folk in f lat farnilyv cen- tainiy have a green thurnb - bti ow they ever keep up vifh- f i e work I don't know. If grievcd rme fo looki arounid and think fIat so rnuch of "flic glory -f fie gartien" wil soon ble lost -- if will take 01n1Y one killing fnost fo do if. Whule tflicwo me n o!fthe party i wý1 \ere adrniring gandlens, tu rkcys, (1oùgs and new-born calves tic mren were wakig tihe farrni - oven the ravine and tnough fite bush and fhe back f iciýdsiscussing the mïieits anti disidadrnages of the f arm as a whioie - as farmrers always do wben fhe get togethen. Heure, at Ginger Farm, fliene w"as a litflcexé,,tra atvt thi -norning. Tic stock truck camel mn f0 take a c-ow an-d caif f0 mankef Pantnn wasanicf- ig a little trouble in loatiing the cow. But lie needn'f av wonried.Lieoc truckers are bter Equipped fa dea! wîtb per- vreanimaIs than tley Luseti fa lie. A ra-mp) witha sites is lowen- cdî frorn the back offih- fnuck toý fit ins,-ide flic stable toor ani-i f tic cattie, withi a littie persua- 1sion frorn fIei rear, have no op- libut f0 al into the truck. TIeeis no exuse tese tays for llvesfýock fo arieat 1flic sto.yads bruiset anti bea-e Th'ank goodness we e finaily -eclhed e f lcsag phn care is dunb animais gie nof suibjecfe;d Io neis suffening. Years ago tIs usto drtead seeing a troene drive infto flie yard. I rernmembei one troyen Parfner refuisedtfo do business witli at aIl.Fie ,vas excellenit at seliing but terribly rougi w hec atiW& pre- ferret a a~i n-- maybe flot quÀi te so sm,ï,',rt but11 1 -f-, i', y mnore humnanc. Our next wrywill b- ,s1; ing the old hens - and tat-iHI be another story. Always, as soonu- as the first hen is caughi the birds get scared and IflyA a aïve the place. Maf-ybc the tirne wî Corne whien a specialiy wif-,1 truck will be inivented go that0 liens like cattle, could just be driven into the trueký. c'an't sDe any reason why soemerl-,h contrivance couldn'f beinven cd - with mi-ovable partitins for use in going fnm ont caW to another. Partner is-- very buisy ths days rounding up uselern wood, lyiniý arouind the place, suîcl a neckyokes and whiffetree, The.y m-,ake ex.ýcellent fuel for the fireplace. 0f course the endi Ieces are salvaged for ,srapý ironi. Likýe ail other f armi iolk we have an awful accumLatIn Of stuff, saved because "itmih corne in hand, sometime."'But after ail whnat isthe use W hocrse-drawn eûquipment after the the team is gone? Pal'tner gavc aIl his harniess away a f ew,. yeaýre ago but Chere is stil] plenty of« other stuf f around - eniough tr, keep theý fireplace gýoinjg for, quite awhule. NO MQTHBALLS NEEDED-They1 look Iike Granpo's red wooilIer "Long Johns", but they're reoll "Giamfor Gams" of sfieer niyÏoïi in bright colors. Tliey wenar recentiy shown for w.ear itliýïý wolsports skirts, kilts ai-nd, Bermuda shorts. for fred folder of other delicîous recipes, write ta: Jane Ashley, Mome,ý Service Deparime-nt, TH1E CANADA STARCH COMPANY LIIED ?.0. iBox 129 Montreaol, P.Q. ~ INGERFMMM ZGwvtotïr,%.e P. CVt;ke "Corn Starch Makes Tastiçr Entrées" 'AcpMAOASia 1 -3 cup5 peid .ie IOl 2 out 0 1clis 2 tbispoon5 SEt4SON'5 rCA Cor, Starch CU cupcgd water IA te, PoOf. sait ,/$teaSPoon ptepper 1 Pou>nd mincecibeef 3/ teaspoon sait 'h teO5Poon peppeý ryiqP tIAT MAZOIA il.deeP i om , , Unfijiý ADO olns -ckoert DiSLEbo'Jfifl ncuIo ' nb1l wtr0d i o i t a b r o w f ln e d C n k o MIXBEt&S0< to CnAD. Crostatch with ci wciert;elintO OniàÔf'n, xture. COOK unW 1clear andtHick, S5trriflg ADO sait and pepperiCVl n oePht COML1'E Minced befs ne ppeoi SHApE lnto sixth-k pOtiS ~ r rbo XRRANGE on Piotter;porauevepoi*0l serve 11'dOeY YLDý 5 rv fg5.. p u a 1-7-

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