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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Oct 1956, p. 6

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god : iugh latelY? If [gi ob feeling pretty ;! tr' bt only afiiie aba life-length- rdii tc an expiert wbo [cted exhaustive re.. ao the value af laugbiter. ),us la a Paris prof essor ;laugliter business that êen givinp lessons on tugb. Fist he gets his - mnainly tired business wien - ta relaX. plays a laugl-ing record ýobone an~d soon eveny.. rly exeliange ive mare fun rîderstindings -l thie wold, Lewis, chief ugter Foun- Take a deep ibis ancielit .n: "It's a ti of variaus dy begînnîing utcast tribaofUCeylan, the Veddas, neyer ien asked wb y, they at is there ta lPaugh, A Sumai Of$5,000 was once of- fered ta anybody who could mnake a certain Wý,oman Iuh Hlundreds of peopl ' etriecita vainl-y crackiný-g jokes. She list- ened with a serious face ta, lead- ing New York comedians wvise- cracking -- and neyer even Nýobody wonl the prize., The reason? ,Because she was incap- aýble of laughter. fier facial mruscles had been parýalyze.d ever sincee was a girl. OLLr-PRINTED PATTER N - bgimersimleta use! Even a7, seving novice can make thiÏs shr nlittle ,fime. lattcring shahsilhouette takes just ONE yad54-*ncl f abric! Sa thriftyv n&make several for yrfail wardrobe!. Prinlted Pattelrî 4810. M/iýsses' Wsaists 24, 25, 26, 28, 30 inclhes., Ail ivýjen sizes: 1 yard 54-inchi. Directions printed an each usi,- sa patteril part. Easy-to-use, cttate asures perfect f it, Se-nd THIRTY-FIVE ClENTS (starhps, cannot be accepted, use p9osta note for safaty) for this patteýýrn.Pint plainly SIZE, A M E, A DD RES S. STYLE Srmrd order ta ANN~E ADAM, 123EigteathSt, NewTonta "Dean Anne HUrst, T>iis witer 1 plan ta marry a young Mnan I've been engagad ta for nearly a year, but as the tinie approach- es- l airn ealizin~g haw different cut, concepts 0f married lufe are. Doi't misundenstand me - I- don't doubt bis love, and we have wondertul times together. But niarriage should mean more than Lhat. "I've knçvn thaeh,.likes ta, drink taa uiuch now and then. I've alsa seen haw clqse he is ta his mnen friends, even break- ing aur dates ta play cards -with themn. They are ail single, and I'mn woidening wibetber, as his wife, l'd s-pend more e,,e'nings waitiiig for him ta e)rne bomne. t'ht isnt my eao bin 111 want a homie with hlm, nat without bidni. I1 love cblîdren, and I 1want mine ta have a fther they grow up with. Hle ,and I have had f ew evenings ta discuass tb,*Iftgs. that matter i- Planning oaur bouse, talking anboui thLsi- ss aifairs, ai-d the intimate ive,-2nd-takýe ai -iwo feapde wbo expcet' ta spend. the red of time under one roo. i. Mo'fst eveniing.s we'Ve been at p'arties or Shows, always an the go (bis choice, not mine), anýd withou-t that communion o! spirit1 on 'hcha sound mr'rg shjould he buit. We anteve go ta churcb i geter.. .Inl othier Mwords, I s(ec how littie we have 'in commn ai anm un- "He declares if I dlo't 1marr-y hlim he dentwantaybd tisc.. .Is thleeanytbing 1 canl do ta arouse bis love for a real htMele? Do you think I can f'ind lil witi himn? ItANGER SIGýNS t Lt s nat ne!cessarythat a ilman ai-d ibis girl haive every- tigin-,cammann, but ta niarryý * anc whiosc pattcrn of living j, iso oppasepd ta ou,,r on Sta start a battlc af temper'a- mente that could \well lead tn *dsse.Youir picture- of mal- * nage i"ýs sharning a hlome Mwith *you husitbanýd, raisinig a f an- ily and îmakýing that lhonne 1he1 *cettre o ayunie and dthers. *Thecre munst be lave, of course, *buit lveatone cannat gar *antûeea gqoad life for ither of yaul. If your fiance exvpec(ts ta *continue findlcing bsposr miingling with h lis n 1friendis. yau twa -owouild be in conlict *from nth-e sat " Wa yaçu w u' onet niment ýwithiin yaur awn wail, a *spiritual companionship a *sense of wcll-eing bacsdo pustbeingtogether. Canil bc hat you todif lei frso wvidely 0thalýt uhvn *anyth1inig i i ammon buit a physical lve?!Gathertup ~ yar co~ageand flnd ot whethier he iinte-nds taUbea " part-ihsband whose homPe j' i a place ta eat and slccp, or' * -l iheis illing ta Iveo ly in a if e aind f allaw edc *find their rewarçl in _a richr *famnily relationship for hcm *serves and itheir hldc *If itwa pe'ople have fonlt ,a mutual ivnuas and do flot en- jyspen1ding thelýir icsur t- '~ gthe, ~arnageSoon 1becamesý n impossible fre It isfo *u yorfiance ta) decid"ewhc *type ofho o yullhv SHE MISSES Ï11lM "'Dear Anne il, irsI: Finmari I'elost my y ýfiriend. Sono- lu: hegat the -idesu wan1 d t go stad i e dd',sa we part- dioesr't avoid ntbuit I miss imi AId be tAnkulifU you ud t in-me how 1I(can find autif ha stilli hkes rme, and how ý"ta get hîm back. I knaw he doesn't go auit mue ithaniy othecrgil "Teeare twa other boys thlat want'!tecdaiete me. SbIll 1 a-'ccept thecir ofr LONESOMýE" * Girls yaur age have lots mare fun and are more popu- lan if thley don't give tlie imi- Pression tbiey want toamonl- opolize ail a boy's fne. Boys in th£oir teens aren't re-ady vta *sttie tlown and thcy r-,eest posscssiveness, so0 the girl who seemns too eager puis them on 1 the spot. Keep iin mmmd that Sit is lbis place ta Suggest go- DrielWhliCare was donc latter ri fil at Ica, gress.ý theri their. gooci ai the' it w cannc thoing gaer Moi ti sic y'cvet Mti wboî 123e1 n very happytIo may thera quie a ltaiutbrueshrg -;,i thîs district dturing the part of last weck. t is 2ished by a Ilong waybut tsý there was a little pro- l-ere's hapjing the wa tay's fine so that il f ar- ~an salvage hat's Ici toff '--ring c.op) lt "as a13o v.cathcr for, thie uind-uip <..,Fr-omit accun1 3 a vcry goad show bun I ýt speak front xenec s was as nc timne we did flot hvie scmd 5 maun-y other 0hin"yeîItu tke' Up yur ion-buinessaff11s', 1s- minq and going, peaches, M and flxîg fencs Even hf we are no lonlger ('n- 'rfrigon a full i tîme am Ar i stil iency ta do. c'.taa w siýec 1id do hi ather ways.And itnmay e arcelearning marc about o\Wti tcly.As ta thiat un V do any aM us knaw the (' in wihwe 1v? a rself. and your beau - aai miydrtnig againwhen e secs you g-,0 arund wïv'ith tile dher two. smnLart ad do Ha". if he ýud cail yau, have aConi- nt Uinga-gemni;t tsit ceven- andheeitrletlm ceai- ho is ust anc1aiseveral again.rai rraeis flot for dIcet ie happinsscoscist Mof gad *. It k; for grownops redê ttle do%-spand shara, the st exeinelUe holes for of us. Amie Hlirst will give har opinion on ya.ur pro- if yOU write ber~ at Box 1, U-liteenth St., New Toýrontto, wonderingtbis the otber day whefl t was looking for peaches -and there wvasn't~ a peach in tow,,n. Knoawing ,th)is a friend said ta cme-"Wh y don't vou get peaches from the S . . fai -+they have lovely fruit!" That was tu'ws ta me althougch the S . f iarrn is only about six or seVun miles frorn here aÉild they 'live been growing- orch- ard f ruta for qui te a nurnaer os years. So theve you are. good dr1uit ri;ght in aur own nigh',bourihoad a nd(I 1didni't know it. But 1 do knovv quite a lot "i folf, are stili driv11ng aàil thcý way ta the Niagara truit bý-lt just ta get a fe bas- Its ut peaçhes. That is only 0anC eXampile but enough tal (C prav-e ihat it gt be worth our wieta myake a few ini- quiries anýd explare - the pas- sibiliti soai ur awn district be- foretavligfrhraid 0f 'urs itdidn't take mel long t spradthe goadpec oesýoun]d i11ur own m meudiateý famiily. As a resuit Bopb and Jo: came up an-d we wenýt ati t more peaches But it wvasut a stagttripthere and back ino witlh Bob) driving! We cilimbecd the(,"mo1untainl" by one raaid ýrd camie down by an- ote.If it, could be called a road. al'Obe ilt was imare fi ke arocky windinig trail throughl the bulh. 0f curse the viewi wasmagifienttheview al- wy sfroirn practically in'- aiccessIble plaqces. At the foot of ateýd raných-type IhOLueS blIt inig the shelter ai the troes, Very iice, especially iii surn- Me-P that is what s_, persan, like. l3t in winter , . . I. look anc Iaok and had visions of snow-filled roads with no ac-. cess ;,a civilizatian except by ca-adlou, would a car get throug_i 0 on selom-travelled roads? Suippasing provisions ran 10wv -ort worse somene -,,7wa s sudde!iy taken ili? Peop]e seeni ta go ta such extremes in choosin- a place ta 'live. Sttrely there is a happy m.edium .tbe- tween biving in a congfsted sub- division and away out in sanie neclý of the woods? However, it is a case af everyone ta bie taste, !- suppose. Cornie ta think QI it I visited one farnily last week w,ýho'had found the bhappy l iediu--. t was a fan house, weljl hidd-en from the raad and ye-t aily the distanice M t ht ISSUE ~4p. - 1I9fA Tt was a W.!. imeeting that took nmcota is very nice ç,,un- try home and it was one ai the~ best meetings I ever attended. Good because t'he membens. were s0 aleiltot the impfortant part aif W. work and also ta affairs pertaining ta country womnen as a wî'ole. This was evident by the intelligent fiscussion i re- Soltiýonlss in fro-n- the Dis- Q1 have a figured Lamp î wvi5h t» ulaca in froi of a Pie- titre wslw Slouldl it face t.- ward thealiving rool m orthe. outside? A. The decoration shou Id fc the living ,room. Add sparkle to aily «me-al or snack with delicious Bran f Gerns, generously spread with fres,ýh burtter! Easy ta mnake? Always .... when you use dppendable licrnn' Activçe Dry Yeast for yoUr' horne bakingi vian ~em~ Work in qn a~dhionaI 1. Scald t ½cuî Stir in 11/2 tapasml 11/2 cup% brun flirikes Cool ta lukewdt',n, 2. Meantiat, meazl ao bawi Spripkie with cotents o; 2 elivelapes Activ4 Dry Y@«t## t tanjd 10rinutes, THHN stir weli. $t;f rin bran mixtmure end 1 well-beciten . *g 11/2 cups enc*-Sîate u*I-purpo4* fleur and b*.af until smrooth und elastie. L!~4..uu.*emu N..ds no r.frigerafion ip tnilk 11/2cupe(abut)Incl 11/2 llp ibul one- flour 3. Tura ouf On iighty-fioured board and knsaid untl aioili a;nd eiastkc. Place la gras-d bowl. Brush top with n,,ited butter or margarine. Caver, Lt e ccin a worm plce, 2fret front draft. until doubied ini buik, about t '/ houry. 4. Punch down doisgh. Halveilhe dough; form or-chhaif itoan 8.inch ri.Cutl cadi raol mia eËQUaI pieces. Cul tûchi piete ib Oi 2 cnd fora ti b aal, smooih balIi,..%cm 3 ba!lls in each uection of greow,d muffin pans, *rush halls with aitited, buftter or mor- g«ïrine. over, Let ris. untIl doubied la 'buIi4 about i heur. Cake ila qhot aven, 400', about yield-g-m tis. mwm EVERYBODY WILL LOVE TAsTY 'BUaOefl& e4Rm m 1f> og te. titran w I C l n f inly Spread @n dough. Segn ffn o tg aI? bt tâ y e e Sicti eut-up %d" t beCen 1¾. ehillled eh4rteÀnln n g fl ai p [.IIY.rOî AICS Iadee Vaf toîtpt fInc*, hen. îd o b m xiiforen e ring; eaL. Flac*, o n ~ttbs iyoui' other 51f toethr oce.thenmb ewl ~ e sl.dde ehdde <hcto greni*dcooýfIkIe Shet, Cut I -hch Se e<à4fied poistW f Iîir îneychpe* sce tmot houh . 1, t. e r I V% e . . r %4t4 I te d .11 pUrposfleur Mk el adyIgr*dientëi «Ad wtth szscnar; tomrri cdi sIke Y rly ighter 1 mora el'lcous 4 gge. Mesle ic kiP.wdqî iîr lll ryion Ils sde. Saks lt e l0 iOdt, bike&d goods... miti450', 15 îia 20 minutes. h ~andniix Igly with a fork,a*dding yIeîd: 1 ring. few rlne cone mik if n.oessry, ta inake i Oft Scaking Powd r dougli. Knâad 10 scnso floured board. loti ouî t. t x 16-incisractangle. Cbine bucon chips, ânium ond Z'5 C .ci suce

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