- - a w a ~o~oz~oç For Studecnts AlIen's HaUlcwe 'e» 12 oz. Pkg.---- Ki sses 23c SHELL OUJT THE BES~T! SNOW APPLES FANCY GRADED Approx. 8iM. "S The Kiddiesl PACK - TES CAL.-TROP. Now Back For -Tou SNOW WHIITE, ClREFULLY GRADE» N MARýSHiPOT.tTOr±,S *19Cg 19C~ 61 Rmeef MI "'I'ABLERTE' ~hel-olit" Bagf - I elfor BRAND Eiljom n 8. oz pkg ýA S il E»DFOR YOIJR PROTECTI 5 lb poly EATS Éo 8 Ver Dack Baton 2' lb Man Rickaby rPeace" -an interest- film on the work of- oxs as showni to thei O.H.S. on Friday last.1 this twenty-f;ve minute panlor- B abr m ude )f U.N. Headquaï-ters ia New stu<Jents breathed hea«VY sighls or was ezspeeially suitable at this relife on Tmesday after having Coa-. îcvàse-of the world celebration peted a1 se les ýOf examiniationss mak- ited Nations Day on October 24 ing up mid-terim tests. viewer first wvas tâ*ken on the The prmc(ipal purpose of these tests r guided tour of the buildiing. aeco'ding te Mi. Watt is to inforna sexplained that each of the th e Parelit of the progress being made Sspeaks five languages for the. by their chikiren duriaig the long in-, t0f any visitor whQ ight notj terval betw,ýeen the oe~a of schooî ent in English. The tour first1 and the Christmnas examlinations, o the Genleial Assenibly Hallj1 Early in the sCLaSOn the students' ali the, representatives nieet. Nweaknesses are revealed, thus the par- h chair thecre is a set of eýar- ent andI teachersý, working inCo-or-. so thalt the occupant miay he-ar dination la th'e initerest Of the child- e-ech in his or her Lmnguage. r'en, miay help thletu pass Othr or 1le7 the tour took the visitors to ýimiportant examiiiations, J çemaller assemib4y roQms,! thie visitors mple oppotua7jityT Althoughi being- of only thirty mini- nire the loveiy decor of th'e utes duraitio)nthese tests may be the ig. Mari separate parsofhe ecdgfatrndtrming 'e ng's decoratioi were suppiedcmedto~nx »i~ mlember natioris.o - film then took the viewers be- Local News the scenes where regular. visi-i ever are allowed. This ývas the Iwhere the miembers have their! The Public School teachers of thie àd the Seçýretariat staff Iispeetorate journeyed East aIs-t~ They are Weected on a wicie Thursday and Friday to -obserye the phie bas is, and Vhe,,y speak the'St. Lawrence Sea Way Project. Thù g langýuages of the United Na-1 weather w-as ideal and the outing- (English, French anid Spaniish),ipr-oved most interesting and worth- in the general àssembLy the while. .ges are(,Chinese, Eagl,,ish, _______________ , Russian and Spanish. Energy Commission. le secretariat building are found The film illustrated the great im- ýadquarter.s fo ý suc(h' organiza-_ portance of the United Nations in the as UNESCO (United Nations wvorld today, and showed the way we- ional Sienti!>ie, and Cultural are striving for world peace in the ization) 'ind the '. ite3 Atoice nearest po-ssible future. Terl-s Tesis Diagnose bject Weakpesses Early uis Teachers Posh Pupils BOuWMANVILLE Pocc 15 e- I ,! MEMORIAL ARENA I'%T AC IES PUgLIC S TING FR1 AY, OUTOR,26 -Stol10 io Adults 40c., Students 25c. 'L1T ion - - Aduits 40c., Students 25c. Ice -meAvailable 1GA CASH REGISTER TAPES!l LANCASTER TONY CURTIS Ir Ir