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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Oct 1956, p. 7

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Knitwear Big Scots EBn-Jurre YODurmay search in Tain for thbe date i your -~~ but the modiein~ set s;tartezd on a Crimean battlefield little more than 100 years ago. It was'Lord Cardigan wbo is- aUed British soldiers a woolen garment for w-ar under their uaiforms ln 1854. The English peer, seeking to protect his men frmthe Crimean wînter, thus deterined the pattern of the scot1i'~h kiwerindmstry for, When wom-en began to scHe poszsibilities of the "cardigantrj' as a3n altern-ative to the starched blouse, Scottish. knitting mai- chines could scarce keep pace wuith the demaid. When Canladiaris adAn- cana feu in love with cashmeire the "cairdig-an" becamne a set er." The gra 'y tone town oc Ha wick (pronounlcedL Hoyk) i l te Scott border countr y was way ztbead iin the race for cardigan production. BY 1900, k7nitwear from the milîs i la Hawick was ai-. ready finding favour in Northj Ainerican markets. Today there are 26, knitwveýr elima ia gaunt tone imill1ý! i fo:othýilîs of- the Chievico along the banks of the Teviot river which flowvs the tow,ýn. On a recent visit to I gay modern workroomrs ïi ,, ý eonîtrast te the rugged thick stone Outer walls of tbe l9th cenituryj buildinigs writes lMeita Knowles n the Christian Science Moni- [or. The curlY, heads of Scottish, laPsses bent over the bright uliades of new season's cashj-_ Meres as the-y put lan dwr qihich wvins world faine for these garments. Theirs are the skilledfier vhich- have won tributes nron- 'he Chancellor of thec Excbeqluer ortheir record-breakinig share L1» Britain's exports. it-w per cent of the town's p)roduLcts are sýold ahroad, it lbas b)eenI atîmated that eacb of Hwc' e.,000 wiorkers in the knýitwear ,ndustry camas ne.arly £900 %($2,500) a year ia foreiga ur Womren's devotion to the cash- lucere sweater is to a largecx lent repsonsible for Hawic's axpot record. From Braemam's Èirector, R. Taylor Wilsoni, I learned of the advenitures of the ;rvw imaterial which is made up Ito these garmreats. The curiouL s oft fleece is hand piecked from the producer, the m~re-focoted mnountÉain goat of th)e fimalayarn mountains. Wbile 'he goatherd comibs aiPy the io)ft fleecy undercoat, fthe iwom- tnfok collcect'the wisps o! dnWn Nhich the goat bas left na ru- fin1g againstÈ the jagged. scrub, The raw cashmfere is brouglit iverland 'la camel caavans Nhich 'traverse the- alounrtair. toads as, they did lai the days before MUarco Polo explomed the Great Silk Road la the l3th cen- 'UrY- It miay talce a year for ýhe raw material, to compicte theP Rnad jouiny In the Eraemar mills, I saw wttomatic machines knittîag, the part", Of eight sweaters ait. once. ,Tbougb!' the actual knitt ing is Ioaie on power mnachines, the fia- lahlpg is a hand proces. There la no forrmula for the. ifost siied pmocesla the m6ak- à1gof a cashisieme swveater. This- Iz the mïlling, or washing out of lhe oil bYief-re dr-ying and final presising, Two rustîc cottages in Dcn- Wrnf, "the sor't of-cottage one would flike to litre in," a former ý1ergy hbqseai 'tNewcastletoa, Cie Duis Tlowavr Hall ia Berwick~- e hire, and a jute factory at the Iishiing village of Amhioalih, these bave ail been taken over for Tack!ed MLon~s Gogro, a native of the Ivory cos f West Afrîca, a p]lanter,. trader ,nd Commnuisýt - p roba2b 1y ln thatorI r He drlove about ii, a snr red car and tradecd with the Igreat mer- chnsciZ Abjianî. cýo-founde'r of the eocai AfrcanAssxn-lvwhich stood for ntoa needneand Wbea ex-"plorer Haýss'oldt Davýis viitd bhis vilag -huwas told thaýt a local sorcerer, Krongl', had exairxenCd Gog'ro's fancy car (wh)ich hie reaeda ssymbol of dceenerate Amuerican capiýtal- isbougbt by th1-e near-siave labour of Ggosplanrtation-s). He chad watcbed Gogro 's mag nifýicent new ouse rise from a hill (buLlit wt laýck-iarket dollars anjd U.S. steel1), aadi( had thn old Gogro: -There will bc teribl thngshappeinif Ëever you, the Commuitnist, put foot iný thaït cpîais dif'ice o orý;Urs. Ulcers you'1 have, and bouls, and fIlilofte scalp, and neyer, another dream ySon, SoGogro dcidjced not: to tri-ie re- 1 er Ti~biss villa e heofficiai ]to)ld hlm that 'lnative Cmmns goon-s" bdhad the, nerve to beat up his rs onle night. So his men raid1dthexa in retaliation. "They were cibaig"said the commandant. 'Wecý rept up lolslowly, aýd saw tbem danceing . , . druak as coots, We sroundedcc thtm and shot vol- lesover thecir bieadts. Anid I caldfrom the dark that they mutcornje to us aad aooie Thecy did!" Davi1s dischiises man y other stranlge aspects of native life lai bis exiigbooký, "Sorcerers' Vil-. lae"Hle once w,ýitiiessed the c~rmonalcrowniag of aix ibal iagi-ici during the subsequent celebrations aine virgins danced madIy through the duLsty streets; bewe he muld huts, each car- rngorn her heafi the blood- stained stool of a dlead king'. Wilth the newv king leading- themu, they thenmarhedsedately to fholy grounemd rin the trees acrosa the rieWhere the priests Nwaited- to t1est bhim for kingly virtuýes, 1bathe i-iim, and wsh ýaaybi Da"vis's main objectivewa n intrtrbalsorcerers' school at Yho. As al n aaItermician who cld ork vonders wt mecanial rick'ýs which really wokdthemselves, hliesay's, be was at first viewed wthsuspi- ÏBACKACH E MaybeWarninq" Backhefc làt otn ruedt kýa~dne-y AMtin Whanki$e.a e ss rdeg, qexceS1 %uds mnd CeESqeremeaîn umthe aystemn. Tise,>baka disturbed sa os, isai redt-u& &ad iheavy.Ieaded feeling nxay seen 100W lo~as 8, the ime to taise Do1dd's Kid,>5>'Pilla OI)'s tinsulate aibe idieya s0 norm,'0 ation TIsen foLI Gjet Ooêd'a Kidney Pils noi. clan by the eIder wcizards there, *bo fparedl competition, but %von th(ýr friendshnip by 'glfs eof simple t4'ickS. His tape - recorder 'certainly m tiidthirii.One-, piayiag back a recoring of a chief's. vuoice to the chief, Davis forgoït that it wýas a lised tape from 'wbich lie had. omitted to arase Several recordings made la New Yr:party and table talk andCi radio songs. His, interpreter-, N'dri, cýouldln't finld the exact place on the tape wbVere the <cblet bncibegun talk- ing, so what camie (eUt was jazz- king Louis Armistrong 'chanting li1ke a synicopateti gorýila." The, checf leapt back ;in alarm-, aýskiag, '1s that 1*?" "That is yoxur soLI}s truc voi;ce," sait "i N', qUiCkiy. "It's starvatidon Itat's staf'ing m-je ln the face" "It caa't bc very pleaýsantf eitber of yOU.7, "WMTil, et 1lena b'fnfot Pgoing to be.- a euob - ta' i ThisReakal Home 8kiliRemýedy- Gives Fat Effective Relief This dean aýTalnlec2>s antiSepùc. r)0O W f$ EMoALD OIi , a SI a- fine heailing aigent thiat Eczegia, Sait Rbeu ., Iltchlng Tosat Fe-et, aId oter iritating slkin dis- ord' lerIs are relieve(7îiiiu averfe-wý toý use ani u atlepîc ndpelle- ran ha4ay au bborn, cases f iou stan i hav ielded to -its iluence. M0oONE'S EMERljALD Oh.11,l rsoIld bydrgst o ubonim ies ani usgtl knttnl AGENTS WANTED GO INTO BUSINESS for ysrai.SenL exclusive house-ware producta ni ap. p)lianeaý wanted by every hoeodr These items are n<ot stores. 500%7.-Write immiedtately for free'01or caýtalogue witth retail prices sehoi,,ý separate confidentlal wVholesale price Laýwrence, Montreai. ARTICLES FOR SALE QUILTlNG PATCHES. Large Elocks, Print, silk or flannelette. 3 lba $1 00. C.O.D. postage extra. Publex Sa1les, 1*445 (,Errard Eat- Toronto. IT'S SEW-EASY Ready 10t assemble infant gowns 0ofifn- est laniett suterina1; 3 in a package copes ihinstruc tions for only $19. ent Mnry Order with naine and! e 5drasto OGILVIE LI.NE 0F ESSENTIALS BoX 1,53, Wconnbr Station, Torosite 16, Ontarto. BABY CHICKS PU LIETS. For tielîvery now. Fu- witrpuilets catchi the Grad eAuLrge '57 narkets. Broilers for elnrery now or plenneti later delivery. Hatcing woey ï,, ore onatianceaforugh wae shpen ray Itstchory, 120 Jobn N, HamMltn. ST.ARTED Chilk Bargains wbile they iast, Two, thiree, foitr-and five week ülti non, sexýeti, ptlleta, cockereIs. l[in- niediate deilvery. All popular breetis. Write for our speclal started price list listin ,g these bargains. Also bookinig order-s for çley olt i clks and day olti turkey pouita for Faîl, Winter ani 193ý' 7! evr, Senti for catalogule givin1g fultietails 01n our special egg brceets, that lay mnore eggs on les feeti Three specialdal puirpose, breetis. Tw,,o tops lu Broilers. First Generaticoi IJtilan River cross, anti First Generationi Arbor Acýrü whte Rock-1s. Asso rteti Hea vy Breeti cocker- els. Spechilprice Vhjle they last: Trae weeks ýoiti $12.95, five anti six weeks o0 1(ï;1595. Assorteti seveýn week olti polets. i tBreeti $U3.95 per' huindreti, ;anti eavTy Breecl $31.95 per hundreti. TWEDDLE cma ATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO EÏMPLOYAMENT WANTED MIDDLE AGE3? couple seek wrk1, priývate home or inotel, If iuterestett, write S. Patterson, Maldimuant Wesat, Gepe uebe, FOIR RENT ERý,FFICIENCY Apartmiet. Fuit kitchen ani bath Private entrance fri park- ing7.Qit convenieni. season $700, annul $00.Turner, 1232 Srti Street Zorl,iSt. Petersburg, Fioritis. FOR SALE - ENTIRE BEEF IfERD - Cow'ýs anti Calves. Appty P.O. Box 5127 NEW gunsa ani rifles et %whOlesî1le_ pricýe;wite for Our wbolesaal pices befrebuing.' Tra, CndaVhl saee Co., Box 852, Ottawa, Ont., pleasant heverage m nethod. Not a drug.ý Free literature oni requiest, Alpha Tee Producta, Box 447e Sidney, New York, DON'T WAIT .- EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIe YSHfULD TRY DgXON'S rJEMEOT MUNRO'S DRUe STORE 335 Slcin. oitawa% $1.215 Erss Prepaîd POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISII the o~en fdry ec7wsma rashes anti weeplng skin trouibles. Poat's Eczemra Salve wllI niot tilsap- poIn you. !tcbluiig, sca)ling anti bora. ing ecasmIa; ecne, rýingworm, pîmpies anti foecz ema viD. reapontireaduiy tath 1e tainIesa, Odorlesointmient re- gartileas 0ýf bow stubborn or 1hopeles they seeiîn. Sent FPost Frac oen Rceeiptcf Price PRICE $2.50 PER J5AR POST'S REMEDIES U65 St, Cir Avenue Eat. TORONTO OPPOIiTUI'4IIES FOR MEN 4AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANAOàAA'S LEAOING SCHOOL Great Opportunilty, Leamn H Fairdresslng wae UTousýantis of Socce-saful Aýmericà's GreateatSytn tiutaeiCataies Free Write or Caîl tMAR'VEL H JAJZDBESSING SCJOOLS 3M58 Bloor St,. W., Trotoi-f Branch3es: K4 ing st-., ailtoi 72 RdeuSt, Ottawa OPPORTUNITIES MNI mud WOeM-EN TEtEGRAPIOERS wantei. We trainantrid secure position. la afuture. STENOGRAPIiERS wented. Ten weeks homle course quailfies tt ABC SyIs- tein. Free coitier either course. ca-ssanc Systema., 7 Soîîerior Ave.. o9no MONESTLY FOLKS IT'S EASY to make mons'y. Show friefida the moa)ýüt beauýtiful hrst anti aver-ytiay carda, wrapplnigs ani gif's eer off eredi. No experienice; ma(f(ýrcanise seIlsa on sighît. No risk: o1solid cardas may be retumneti for cs refoind. ShlIpplng p)repaiti. Free gif t wlhceysam'pie offer. Senti for catalogue to-day, No obligation, N AM E -........ .... ... MacDnal & Reno reetlniig CardaE, 426 Rucliti Ave., Toronto ISSUE1 441 - 1956 MEN AND WDOtIN Faqst eee Fvery hcemteaposet God conimissions. Priusr Bx31, Blshor Palla, Nexfoundland,,. PATENTS Attorneys, 273 Baïnk Street, Ottawa, of. îers to every 4nventor illnrato free, on patent procedures-, FETlfERSTONHAUG}l & C o o> p a n y, Patent Attoirne-ys. Etbllsheýd 1890, 600 University Ave..Tuon Patenta' al rountrîes. PERSONA4. DEAFENED? ASR for free bookit ad esisnuai te ll n g h o w L e o n a rd 'a i v s b e J a Drums have helped mmnyothrsos' eni$10 for cOmnpete kit, A. OLEOtARD COMPHY, Op.4, Box 306,tain . Toronto, a $1O)IILorfer. weyIveela personai requireimeaits.Ltsict' logue àtcluided The Mdc gny Box 22, Terminal"" Trno.O% PETS BUDGIES - good alngtanVer- ieyof colourS ,miles $7.5, feinaièI $4g ý Cenaries, g arnee ingera, $89,llausters $1O.5ci, arum anid sufppijes, Write for es e Houre, 747 «elid, NgraF'afls. Ontarlo, WAN fEDý A real liv, aemn otk ordrs for one tif Canada% eie5i cstà, blished Çclt i{atcberles t i)eral am miSsij ýpaid Box 146. i~g{~t Street, _New fox onto. SwiNE ViE have some outstan0jog wealiu sows And herafrom . a *tter of 1 aiso some itters slred bDYChtel Viking the 3rd. our ottadn Churchili Boar. Aisoows ani oars fouir months nid, GaateiIn-PI.9 Sows. Serviceable boars;.Fodr FEIRGUS LANIYRAÇil SWINE F ARM FERGUS OTiI WANTEC WANTEI tuo boy -Hr ApPl, P . ox 127, Brantford, O t ro WPANTED! Smeall country clor5e li Qn tarlo. No close opsto.Bx147 1i Eighteenth Street,Ne rot Ont. WANTED - One to 100 aces mraon~ able, snow ploughed] road, bus or train service, state cash price, RoyMake Grafton. Onterio. Science is very TesouLcefu-_L, Il so i' air-conditioned t3he tan i, f r-wpmu SA WANiTEC

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