Gr 0uip Lle bv -iatrtable vert n is i] iij±s ,f vhen the )Tou ounids of hon L" muach Can iý evervy form r in miany ct rir(,! gthe he:l rs and ýentLs n ofL ureý nesof1 venture. HOCKEY FOR 0 erywelI prove ti 'fe 'O.#' netBIRTII AýNNOUNCE.NT se vig-t aes jWESI'--Ronnl-ie and verley are îdy.c lhpy oanouince the :rth ef their h of, f aHidt hre an u Bowmanvil à onF y ctober l2th, tlth the th ;ure~ Mrua! hs1Rnad W e st ish to't îig express te deep apprecia lon for th-ei man1y indnesses ext dlced to T tL1e-111 th Àr relatives Ad friends 80M aise by Dr. ÎA. F. M'VcKcizie and the ad nurses in B wm-anvrille. ospital. T] ,key CARD 0F THAýNKS f£or> ýme by, -------- ..-.----------- $1.25 prî~e 011 any four of these ise, Heater Hose, \ Mrs/~. C. Forrester Use the CIassifie~ Adi -a - awII.~ ~ Service tIRhý ean rantee ident and Liahillty, talization,' nd, polio, dis, etc. LOANS I StoveI jar c!e.nt 1 s g9i For I~gIi (JRONO I5~37 or v~rv t: ~AIAWA gi2e I insuarance can agaIttotal loss. Check,, your eoverage for ade- quate replacement val- ue, N.F. PORTER Ph. 12516 Res. 1252 t i I - i B GINNERS n e Registratioen fintereste& bo sto LIEY'fonia beginnsband classail].he Tues non T- Octaber th at .al at 7 :3(Y pan. in1 To 1)1ship Hal, Orono. a-c Appicants must be over tl e age of rsairy Bond. ~'a-c tober~ FOR ýALE Chis- MWell bred F( n1( e - Houndj 7 Pups for Saile,. ovoniiithold. Malea3 ~vr-$15.01; -femlales 5.00. ac Appiy Freld rry; hoi-e 1-r-l0,l 0tron1. -a-pi OPPORTUIT AeNeed more money(-î?t Beco ur p repieesentative ini: IBethli Black- stock, Bow n il, Br n Station ilr-StockB nle, Bur eto-1n tation, 40foCour-tiece, H mptn, 1Id Pr oe Mfllbrook. îhestco mssion paid. l ' atFree catalog 'e1 aI / d1StaIls nrequest ma Ol, FMIL , At. S. Stt' C lO pmZ-. Mnre 13 7,c Ilocateci. Wo rk FOR LEASE Mlajor oil conjpan hlas hwýIgl galnage ( i~stations f baseý. Onie in url>an ar à, 0one wit restaur- erant in rural are4 near Or( o. Capital ~erequired probabl~ abou ,$200O. jPhone: Lindsay\~%o7 b-p nIYorkad Yerk rÇ ice. A ,o Mltohand ,Pf irsçt uality> for sale.L NDERS Sealted Teýnd r-s will be receive yb- 5t-,h ferthe in talltation ]of two wash roomsl, septic anikanwtessm in the OoncniiplBu dIg.n - stlltin 5tq eini a wIl an li ke mýmnner nnd gaatedronie year.ý Fute ati la aa able fnrm tne Hl. E. Mili11sonl SecretarY, Oroo Plice Tust ees. -REMO01VALSEVC Deador c ipped nimaIs promnptly rpimovedl for saitary dlispo)sai. $2.W0srvc charIge for each cali. 2-63or Toronto EM. 8-36,16. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED A. FE 1MIKENZIE, MJ. PHYSICIAN and SURG1ION Office Hour:- 2-00 to 4,00 p.n.; 6:30 t.a 8.00 P.m Sundays. and Wednesdays by appointment only PHONE 1471 - ORONO DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARy SUJRGEON Veterinary, medicines, biolog-icala and instruments ethicallv dispensedl. PHTONE 10616 oRtO LEG-AL )N?. Lawrence C. Masoni, B.A. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. OffieaM 3-68Home M ff a-p rnin< JOHN REGAN, B.A. Barister, Notary Puiblic 33 Temperance St., Boviuanirili Phone MA 3-3292 JACK REID orono's iei Auctioneer andi Valuator Specialize in Farm andi Furnmiture sales Con>suýt lme for terni and dates Phone 5 rpIR (lwop« TEÎD JACKSON ConcIuct*s Auetion Salea of &a ifum and at reaisonable ratez Conmmncate with hlm at Fut Perry, Ontario, or ses bis C1rk, à& E. Morton, ait rOon-o, Afar dat. LIFE INSURANCE Pensioni Plans; EducationaiPenidus Protection and Savingu Plamatu Childreyt and Adults; Mortgago iie surance Plans. P. E. LYCETT Oro-nop ont. - phone 11718 STAFFORD BROS Mronomieiital Works Phone Whithy 552 318 Dundasq St. E., Whitby FINE QIJALITY MONUJMENTrS AND MARKERS î It 5Q -ot expensivete Let tU. erecei 'h and8imq, nified mnunment 3wer'the Qè igplace of your lovd ene- J l, last tribut. wil stve leu .a.dlessCmifort. On. RUTEp r ki4f",~ COMPAI. Rieur-TUTueS 316 62! oxI. Plumblng fi AND L L Uý FOR ESTTMATF' Y E.LYCETT I ~ t - 90 I ~~ Orono Electric ~ Oae~e PHONE12~1 Engraving, Goldleafig ~Cjý Bul A osC' RACTORS FOR "Dm7 dj¶ct amê gave eamse' or reknobelng :o present one1 FARM and IIOUSE kclt î op%7tf c old_-,, 1, SF104 f holsen reEtat.Magda*wê APPLiANCE S-4 !173 M.ALUISCN dPhone 212 Orono P1o-)t'ind Guaraneetdi palrs 6 0 h of lef'c*-ical EquipumoM m«I UFouudationo uend s.ptic 1Tauka and256 0% i d Ri.iie-2t1 trom*lLU.