c - FEATURE ITEMS ' AGSTAF FE'S Jam 24 oz 45c j M0NARCII ~Tea Bis3 22 lb pkg 45c OHEINZ CREAM 0 F 10 oz. tin Li STomato Soup - 3 for 35c ORED AND WHITE PURE SPeanut Butter 16 oz jar 29c SLIBBY'S CROICE SICED Pineapple 20 o titi k3c fIRBY'S FANCY IPineapple Juice 4É oz fin 31c g IgVelveeta Cheese lb pkg 59c QU4fITY IPROIT"UCE NWC1OP FLORIDA lýSEEL~SS Gr4 efruit A' o 9 ISELECT 4JA.LIVY CGOL 48's 5 foRI29 iBananas Nlb E17e SIEC1A L! oouh clatied, ýpgt reaýdy tSpina 10Ooz 2<tor25îýc IMILD, SWEET, LARGE SIZE jSpanish O-nions 3 ICooking uO"nionsu .3 Ib QUALITY MEATS IROUND, BON"ELESS STEAK ROA8T SROUND ENI) RUMP ROAST LEAN BONELESS ISTEWING BEEF 29e à R1e the proposed incorporatin of, hoive.Tu athe ie'veg's Orono village:- 1 arn v,-eiry eccr as heOrg^ns_ fome' n uclatters alnd I1 as- izabethvile choir rendjeredl sume mnany other tax payers are hike- anthems. wise. Could we, have more enlighten-, ment before this petition is ehrcuated Mv Chas Stevens and s, for our signatures? Toronto called o- lMr. an 1The big question ýwe ask is "WhatSteroStudy are tJhe Advantages and the isad- v antages of Incorporaton ? We do flot question so vially irporb want to be answered with suave g e,- ýy prop rt o nr.W;Uo m=aitis such as "Mheme are rnany ob- any higher? WVe want an1 vious advantages etc etc." XWe wnt serto ta.Wedntwa' specific staternents with proofs. syrup! Coul we ave hesefigues: Our vilage owns no rý Coul we ave hesefigues: ment of any kind. How 'xv BEST FOOD BUYS STOKELY'S FANCY HO-NEYPOD 1,5 oz. tin ~PEAS 2 FOR 35c1 gROSE 1BRAND MARGAINE 2 lb 531c a ALLEN'S 48 oz. tin APPLE JUIOE 2 (or 15$c gAYINMER FRUIT 15i oz. tin COCKTAIL 2folr 45c' SGERBER'S STRAINED 5/ oz BA BY FOOD 4 f or 5Cj NEW, Redeem 20e coupon oni WlskDetergent 16. 29c I32 oz77( GENE AL ELECTRIC Ligft Bulbs 20-40-60 4 for 79ý ALP01ULAR BRANDS C' arettes carton of 200 $2.91ý B E HI1VE o'n Syrup ,5lb tin711 R1ED A'N» RT Instant- Coffee, 5 oz ja'r $ 1.41' LB 69c LB 69c LB 49c 1) Total tax receipts for 1955 f il of Clarke. (2) Total tax rcel]) '-om- the proposed incorporatqed al, )r 1955. (3) Total disbursments 55 township funds for aIl of Cmir )wnship for (a) roads (b) educatio ) Total dishursements of 11r Thle Hïlose(rvice is Ler on wýhiolh we want Lion. Will the Or-o servp ice al Pvanel:ies1 'l !aeax me'ney ha~s been spenit o n 1ou r Would we as an incorpora 5ivilla.e. Is~ ther'eany undue dscrep- > age have our own police foil jancy and would incorporation rectify is a protection we defiînitelyi IWe want facts, and figures te Dprove pen~se. ! tesefsits.These are soine of the c I f The boundary seens toexedu- that corne to mifld. We knc j necessarily far nort)h and especiallyl maohinery mioves slowly an,., ~ north-.west. It is hardI to believe that be some Urne before Gorpor 0rono will ever be a buit up area an accomiplished tact. jso far out in this direction. Why were I !the.se boundaries so specified? Does In the meantime could 'v our Mùnicipal law specify ayniri-se ries of f actual informaËive muni acreage requirement for ivcor- by our Ohamiber'of Cominel p o rat ion, (or Police T'rustees'? No syrup, please, bOut honest O , f course' there is the burning and con. 1 c c c Fromf ~IECE I. SETTING SWIFTS RYOVAC amAM AAd" C'#OTTAGE'- ROLLS LB 5plc 8W1FTrs, sucrD Pork & Tiurkey loaf 1LIS 45C teop4I< FRUI & SUiIf WU% N a'-rPu ROYAL Tf!'.EA' BOWMANVI, 0Thurs. $at. - Nov. 1 3, - Mati iee 1.30 ,e Whlt ail Ruck" (l/2 hr. story featiring fundamentals iii hunting) Thurs. & Fri.l Main feýature at 7 -rd 91 La.st complete show 8,-35 Saturday .'30 - Last complete. show 9. 4>) Nfext Monday to Wedniesda.Y - November a'- 7 "eCourt aria (8:30 ýoiIly-Th - C'(aernas pe>ý Gariy Cooper, Rod Steiger, Elizabeth a ntgoierry a ise Starring- Edw. 14. Robinsonl (At7acd l1:15 P.M.) Now Nov. Calear S529 w-,Tcth $17' Exp-ires Nov. 4 sho»lId promnpt /,u i8n tme of son Ài ~ nple beautifuil P »%- p <e ou m cocsm- p4one 18r7