duced Since te enci-f ',orl a1 I ti pe pople aetaigto th'l, game ars ao ne coul hunt la almost T~ ~ ~~~ý1 thbamro hseln h LnIn 1 wastakling place. fT t1hîs ý(d heîe ad tHer hogh h ýmd or hiiijued from a bullet or shoit, farmler's (Io",or catshotý1 , group bunîiters being etrerielyrudeto frerwho objected to their cro- gii la tnd, or of guns beinig fired ocoeto stock or building-s. :f tebae ntf lthe LOUnýited huc and thIe d iieli heTownlship Hll,. iOi ono.. ý the anquet wh, Ï e eM iss Ethe,l Chp. man f Trono wa th gust peak- rhe uet of etiquette. She wasin- trodlt(ucedby MssShirleýy Quan'1trill of7 Mr lne A!ln, pri( entofCtie lyI totegtheg.in trodluced(Jthe 15 inigjudging. potato team of the 4-11 Ctlb. Those intrioduýed ,u ere G. Magili and B(ýt "Werryv, both of Enniiskýilleii. It was in-~ teresting to note that the brother.s of~ 1 0 UMUrnV,~ a h aeaad W Ne have a M-onderfulheritge of in 1952. freedom of action in this country. It now appears that it is essential that The judging teamn representiig. every genuine sportsmani ponder Djurhanm County Junîer Farniers at deeply the relationsh4p between hlm- this years Royal Winter Fair was a]-- self and the far-mer- whosc land hie has $0 introduced. Tis teain is miade Up. i)' freecly used i l the pas t, if this of three boys and a -spare boy. The freedom is, to continue. members of the teani are Harvey' Graham, Law,\renýce -McLaýug'hlin, and. v- -r Rib Lamb Chop3s Lamb boneless f lank lb The Basket MARSH st 5 Iribls lb 65c 23c 3 .eais SEEDLE~ 5kMâ Il I b p Legs whole 'ôr half' lb 65c amb Chops double loin 'lb 79c - Roasts, Chops; Stew lb 33c K CHOICE apple 215 35c 1N'ýTRODUCTQRZY OFFER John ,nsPridle 32 oz tin 97c o z t in ,15c / 8 FROZEN FOOD) FEATITRES Yon F Illets Brandç i b 39C ,A DDOCK FILLETS, p rl1.35ce . . . M........... 't Europe, With its highly eongested Dou Green,. ail of Blackstock. The areaýs, has had restricted hunting for spare will be Harold Mffet of Orono,. c-enturies. Many counjtries hiave knowni littie hunting except on big estaýtes i At nine o&clock the Juniior fermlelr which are availabie only to a1ew attended their dancýe in- the Township Thismay eyeroccu in his OUfl. Hall, Orono, where two hundred were but it could. The more farmns that peet h ua o h ac are ostd costiute ut pci wasg supplied by Cecil White and 1his. Wedges in a similar type of restricted -rhsr rmGre il huniting on1 a sinaller scale. At the 0_ preseut tîmie any such posting hal Iindîvidual hiunters would gelta.c not heen done because the farm~er know and be f rienuls with the farm-erçs. does flot like his fellow man, but he ia their community, mauch good couldý bas no need to put up with vandal-. accirue to both. Monc)t. farmns in this. ismi or rudleness fr om hunters who' couniitry have some waste land avail- just pretend to bc good sportsmien.1 able. Even if it is only a smnall pock- j et in a field it can offer cover and- If more Fish and Gaine Clubs and (Cont1inued page 7) BOWMANVILLE Admis .A4mis~ MEMORIAL ARÈN -ACTITMES PUB 10 S WATINO. KIIDAY, ,,VEMBE 2nd 'ê b 10 iln * Aduits 40c., Students PUBLIC SKATIN4 SATURDAY, NO ý1MBER 3rd8 10 Sî0n - Aduits 40c., u4idents Ice Time kAille -25c. Ice tini is available et the Memorial Areiia F'or detail nd reservations ?hoQne MAl 3-5728 F'or hoice -times màke yoiir'reservatîons early. 1IGA CASH TlAPESÊ, Spener Tracy Ruth H1-ussey Froni theTIlreat Navyy StrStarrifg JEFCHANDLER JUULEADM 4,ofooe.oOOeO..Oe*.Oeo,.Beo..,.oa~ .. ~- o 0< ~ 4woz tin 25e / f: £r2Sc 2lb pkg 45e MONA]ý y# -MONAfýclý qufcK cofoU MARGAkINE lb pkg 29c E 2.3c Coupen, 15 oz. pkg. a PM Cake Nlix oniy a3c