The air force hopes to pick up at least some imen ~for these new squdrons when the N.A.T.O. Aircrewý Training Scheme in Ca- niada is reduced, This process wiili begin in about 15 months. Recorded Romance For Sweethearts Tt's old-fashioried for s;wect- hearts to trade photographs, says 36-year-old Louis Duchemin, re- cently immnigrated 'Iromn Britan- ny to Canada. His hobby is making novelty phonlograph ,e- cords, one of his speciaities being the recording oýf nessags f r om separated sweethearts. This, he claims gives the young pielaP feein;g of proximnity fr greater t h a n an ordinary mute phlotograph. Las;t year, Duilcemin recorded a proposal for a youth who was ton shy to propose te hbis girl friend in person and tien re- corded hr Ys on the reverse side te take baek 'to the muc- relieved young man, Tlhey were niarried a short time later, mnucl te Duchemnii's delight. iDiet: Triumifip of mind over ?OWý UP SPARE - Good fo ~iWmIýz zdis inotoriasswith iri lMuEtes rest,; on the coavéer ý,Ql ' are tire- in fronit011 MTI -Dekores Sturgis. lt'% a new typt Sspore wvhich is înffIote î,mm cartridgqe seen in Mr SuvghW' right band. Weighin i4 l'Opounds as cornpared 1 IS pourds for u ýonventiont ,eares i new ire is good fc Thot 000 miles of emnergen( Octobeýr dawned bright andr' clear in thlese parts, altb.roug,,h it looked just like the last of sepi- tembe-, and at flrst I1id'tpar- ticularly niotic-e the chanc-ýe. But later, wheni the signifieatdf ference was callrd t -myttn tion, I -went and got iny red bhat. The openiing of the bird season iaý observed faithfully around hiere. Y've been repalning My spring. My pipeline froze up dIuring that long eold speiliwe hadi last win- -lei, and we were without run- ring water for tume eÏnough for ine to resolve it would Pot hap- perigan.I started remnedial and preventiVe- alterations asý soon as the frost wenjt eu t of 1tlie grouind. I didn't ru,,sh thte Job, because ib isn't bbe kind of job that ne-eds rushing, and 1 2ac! ail summer. The s-pring la on the side bih, baàck of the buildings andbhas ben genflly and ahbu n Ca,)tly flo:ýwïng excellent water for Pa long turne. Grandfabhcr dug out the basin and stoned it up wýhen he was a Young .nan, uising oe andi hired hl ands who shaqred a degree of mental and muscular compexio which suited thein ideahly for the task. Sonie of the bouflders are -as big as pianlos. Then wben 1 came along, I ran1 apipe from the spring te tbWe bouse without disturbing >-, isrock work, aîi4 d" _'.y of tric puip jW- -fi anci- in business. ,p s job las _tilI al right up to a point, but la order t0 cap tue ' thing over with cernent I had to go down a ways andi level bick, I had te put ini a plan-k ibri nnd provide for aroo- able lc over, çle;ignýing the thing s-, 1 could get my planks out af- yer n the concrete. ~yaim asle llx he place Se freank wneswould îneyer agair shut is off . And having neo xen anid ýI red bandas, 1 flxed up niachires out of teeeetr pyisbook, dawdled aleng as -Ifeit 'lik-e lb, and' fourid the pro- rect an interesting and enter- bingsummrer diversion. _ igg4 tripod and chainifali wihwhich 1 hoisbed out the i-ocks I couldnt 1if t, and tmade amrp se 1 coud back tbb ctrac- tortraerbc.neaOtb them and ®r hu thein away. it worked fine, ne nrd as September wxieLd 1 -ould ,sec that ail would be flnis;hed in 'z' ample turne.ý T. Se on the first day of Oc-Lober e, 1 was clown inside the slpring, ed sýtanding ün a plank platfornm jîîst above the water liue, point- LrS ing up the rnasonry Just prier te ng Ntarting up th e cernent mixer, ta nxaking sure my ncw work would ai Jbw properly vwith Gramp's old work, and 1 came up eut. of the for holce ta find a beautiful dog ICy pointing at mne. It was ~a lady &cg, ;and just as 1 discoDvered fler x~~ do, Pinc, eaped on Ieet frei a snooze a.ndehitd great interest in ber presence. Prince is a lay'ian, and heî wsglad. Th-e othr0do, beinig ai bird hound, held her point iigidly and we Iooked each Other' i the eye warily. Prince tried to disengage her attention, but suj-e knew hjýein obligations and with one front pw in the air and her tail as stiff as a rarniro sýhe pointed at mne inflexibly.' It la a disturbing thàing to flnd, in a Maine October, that somce- body's bird dlog thinks you are a partridge. 1 looked beyond the bird dog-'s riotionless shouLlder, and saw her mvasýtr stealthily coming my way, ýowling piece nt the ready, He Was clearly shortsig-hted. and was peering eagerly. 1 could sec he didn't wantt blast away urtil he mnight siee something move and he could lýocate the av- crage cirection. 1 clled a elheery greetiflg te i hlm-, and mornen-tarilly he showv- ed that hle uwas surprised te ohear a, part-ridge speakinjrg English. But he quijckly recovered Pnd said it wanalcvely day aïj fl-~ Servation withi whiçCh 1 ed, and said lr-" zO--- litt-Ie ýhup- - ~as eut te do a -e (log remnaiheci at a sharp point, ignoring even Prince and. as hsnow sceemed an absurd project t pursue, theý gentle man on the ther end of the gu pulled eul:t a litieite which1 hc blew lustily, but being one of th-ose whistles only a dog can hear it didn't malte any noise. THs cdog paid nqo attention and continuied tb point nme,eviet ly expecting meie tPke off iandý f iy away anlymiue but Prîince v7-ho has s-cnsiive ears, ranloff at onct n th bbc wods -and Y haVen't seen hm since. Anythi'ng lr'uder than, the j-arring of a c:Ookie 'b o w i 1co()%v(er oenda i Prince. 'ne huniter the-n felt bis wýay aîeong by setig ch fotout front gi ngerly and wvorked blis v',y ny pto my sp-irnghoie, and I tbink he might 'have fallen la if hî1s dog hadn't been ini the way. Hie was wearlng a fine olive- green hunting costume spang out of the catalogue, with ample zipper gane pocket. belt for an ýax anid utility cord, and hdo at Ieast thirt'y dollars worth of boots. His cap wa,ýs livid rc!,' ïadoriied with a flsh and garne c1ub emblein showing crossed shotgun.i with leaping d-eer and salmori, and a cck pheasant iii a field of wheat. "-Dor't f'ail in the spring," 1 said. He said, "I Wonder, cai you teIlmre -- have 1I got this thing loaded right?" Thus 1 re.alized ih was nove Oc- tober, and our sylvan aciw wotild. be populated eraily by Sienti?- FOe SALE 1759BUYS 21-acre f arm. 20 atcres of wlild rîee. Rensonzble terrils. For fUr- ther infïormration, aPPlY: J. R-. MeIDenel,ý Bcox 155, MarkstaY, Ont. ~FOR $ALE - ENTIRERBEEF HERI) - Cows anld Valves. Apply P.OG.ox127i Brantford, Ontario, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - EverY ;uf- fere of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis shoul t ry Dixof's Rem*edy MUNROs DJ1UG STORE 335 Elgini Ottawa POST'S ECZEM A SALVE BANISIl the termeént t:f drY eczem&à rashes and -weepling ski-n troublei. ~pst's Eczema Salve i0ll ot disap- poit eu.ithï,ng, scalIng and burn- ',g eczema; jaCre, nlngwormi, pimplel and foo9t eczema àwili respo-nd readt1y tu the stainleýs, OdOrIeSs 0iot!tmcnt ne- gardless of lhow stuhberil o-, opeles they seemi. a,,, pos Frteon Recept cf prieSq îopplng newlý y places: A£- rom ail parts iva, and the for free cata- rInternatLional irg, aclcay- ,.K C(eof)y. ShowGi tul ChrISiMasý ADDRESS...... 426 Euelid xAve, 6PE c ASCANA .. Nol IVERNIA .-No,4 No, CARINTHIA., 4 SCYTHIA *. . No, SAXOIA ...,O ... Carda,. WFE heve cholce four te f ive montb eld sejws and boars, aise weanling sows and boars fro'n. litter of 17, and aiso sired by our Churchilil' erd Boar. Also guair. enteed in pi., sows, bred ta eus Chiurcli Boar. Serviceable Boars, CataIoguLe. FERGUS LAND)RACE SWI-NE FARMI FERGCS ONTARIO LANDRACE SWINE, Write for prices oi cerne and see us. Fariners' pices. John and William H1iler, Camilachie, Ontario, WJANTEP te hbuy Hay Alply PO. Box 127, Pirîford. ctne WANTED! SmsilIcountry store tu ontaÏnIo. No close opposltiorÎ.Bo 47 123 ihteenth Street, New Toronto, Ont. WANTED - One te 10ô %eve reason- able. snow ploughed rad, bus or train service, state cash priee. Rtoy aie Grafton.Onare HOW CAN 1? Q. ow can 1 remove the rust ndroughntess f rOm irOs?~ A. By rubbinig theriù on exnery paper. Q. now care. I arrange ' 4ort stem-med flowvers ssatisfaCtofriIY?ý A. They -ani be arranged neýati yi a dish by covefr"In a small embroidery hoop v7ltl m osquito -nett.Ing, adding Wa- ter, and placing the sU-ma i position through the mieshes 64 îthe net, ISSUE44-96 RINTHIA" and "IVERNIA" with theêir A.XONIA", Provide fas-t anld regula-r sailinga ot1and and France. biliant quarteIt of 22,000-ton vessels for theCanaia-servi.ce, thenew USYLVANIA'5 maiden voyaýge te Mo nTrellune, 1957. ý-the popula-r îSCYTHIA!' and "ASCANIA"5, avre, London 4( 9, Ne.29' to IverPOol. -.' 17 fomueeite O wOe,Sohmpoi 2 6, N9'. 16 eLive.rpoL CII i ren y5tEoe Ka1ilfox>te Cobbh,Liverpool. Regular silfings from New York S.. your Local Ag.n- oe.rabeya& WeIllgigionSta., Toronto, Ont. Tel: Emp>ire 214a T SEASON RATES 1 F3- (ilburyi. CHIISTMAS SIIG PESOAUY OIIJTI I IVERNIA CERNTIA Me.29 -Früom Monir-' SAXONIA DC. 5-b. Hhe te obh Le ork) N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N 'N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N i N N 's 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N s s s s N N N N N s N s N N 'N 'N N N