Large C.luster, Swveet, Crisp Emperor Grapes 2 1bs 25c Green Pascal, Ontario Grown Celery Staiks 2 for,29c Mclntos h Ontario Grown APPLES 31b 29C ORONO ALIFORMA .Juice 45sc BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL ARENA ACTUMTIES 1.49 TI NG I "TABLERItTE" SiMALI, Pure Pork Sausage iîb "TABLERITE" B3ologuia 3% INK 45c SLICED lb 33c FRIDA Y OV ER9th- 8to10pm. -Admilssion - Aduits 40e., Students 25ec. Open g ockey Gaine INTERMIEDIAT.E"A Cobourg vs. the BOC's SATJJRDAY, NOVEMBER lOth- :0pm PUBLIC 8KTIi WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBE 14t1< 8 to 10 p.m. r "Pillars Of The Sky"y With Jeff Chandler and Dorothy Malone di Port Afrique" with Pier Angeli and Phil Carey Save Your LCashegstr Rce t -NEXT MON., TUES. and WED. ý- ADULT ENTERTAINMENTU The Year's Most Dxamatic Book is on the Sereen "The Man JoI The Grey Flannel Suit" With «Gregcry Peck and îe;nnifer Joénes - SO.H.S*WEEKLY RPR Scenes From Shaespreie 0 aic Lteatr BYfarbraÂn Aldrd rades 9 Il -Are Champs om a may o Shkespav~s tf !terform Rugdy egne ,7-exetsÉ dramais were peetdby ~Tne Eari GreyPlayer'sfrmToto Si 'eLheEnglish classes ii b ýe stu- B eerLuk dngthese ,plays, the stuiden 1ts .werie Tho itform -orfgby cedulez foitnat toavehis oppotniyo wsede ih- lyofgmeb0 fse 'eth dams roghtsoviidy een the teamis. composed of grades- ~o lfe.10 and 12 and gradeýs 9 and Il in thes tenith period on Friday. The gane S-,peibactng asdispiayed ,)yen ded2' ina victory for- theý 9 and il tepaesin scenes fromýl The Mer(-i- teamn the final score being- Sý, to 5. -1uant 0f Veice, Jaiet, ýr -elfth The first toUchbdown wa\ýýs madle b iih nd Malibeth, suppiying ex-i Im1lach on1 a pass from Canmeton and ceinenntertainient fora-il. The \was followýed b)y ofii goals by car- j see eepurposely" arrantlged (let-,lon giving thc junior teami their S Ithis com-edy-tragedy orýder to pr-ovide points. Tbe only tuhonfoýr the vityfor. theauen. opposing teamn was scored' hy Neii Barrabali near the end of the gaine. Inadiinto the skilled interpr111e- Thèse gamies have been greatiy en-- j tatÈion- of Shakespeaýre's charaucters, joyed by the boys and miuch credit hecomipany of players relied foi: ef- *ý due to their coach, Mr. Rutherford - fect on two other theatricai eil s who trainied the boy s and officiated' A Ahighly effective hattery of ligýhts at this-ale provided the atmiosphere for the play Memibe s of the cheerleaders squad i and yet brilliant costumling agatinst both officiai and unofficial did inuelh a plain gr-ey backdrop and a set of t norg hi aont em~ extreme simipiicity gav-e the stage a l'le gaine was atteaded and enjoyed (certain suggestioni of the Elizabethan by miost of the ýschool. theatre. Perhaps ai modern touch was '1h eiswr oioe fte added with the use of sourd effects The teg as ere omoedo tf in the tragedies to represent the fuioring pl ades 9ad l huwling wind.i Carleton, Sutchi, limlach, Knox,, Mar- The Earie Grey Players are to be tini, Reid, .Keast, Winters, Baiiey. bighiy commnended for, the contr'ibu-j Kennedy, Elliott, McKenzie. tion they are maiking to the study of Senior team, grades 10 and 12- Hligh School Literature. N. Barrabail, MaceMackiin, Chapmnan, muLake. W. Barrabali, Maaptense, W Mati Struck B Car - Dies Tamiblyn, J. Tamiblyn, G. Tamnblyn,, y)' P. Rutherford, R. Rutherford, Rainey,. SpecerBuney,78,of ewtnvileHighwaNy 2, near his home, when he dienc ter BM-em,7ofiiiosia, o was strueck by a westbound auto driv- en by Eari Young, 23, RR 2, New- jmanville, Saturday night. f Ris death rýesuted ]fromi injuries Cow Attorrey H. R. Deyian received the night be fore \when struck, Cobourg announced that an inus ,I!by anautomnobile. Biiy as crossing wvl I [e he:i 1 2';c. 45c 10 b for 33C 32 OG-ILVIE WRITE17 Cake Mix 17 oz pkg 31 c lb 73c THIS' All-Te pr ogdam ow 0) ài