Ind Cobourg A Strong iEntry this -work a becn the freeze-up. Th~e Bowmnanvii1e Orono Combines pened their season of hockenyover ___ be patst ee-end with a game hath n Friday a-d Saturdfay nighit. The aturday night gamie was the firtlTeIntd Sae miie gam fo the combiines oQn the $7,200,WO for Aiaka i o'wamnv kaicesurface, ien to twvocents an a( On botp ~hsthe Ijonilbines meet - Counlt y suh ascanadia.1 yJohn itce ntroduced na1 r. an 1g the se'ývice the Legioni1en- ex-ervce peisenelanid'late ýs miarcied to the Oddifel-! wkerStheyweredismissedl. served the veterans aniid at thej o- Titeu sleek aniti-,uinbm, escort, one of 1l beinig nay s designed f against atomlicfa-o attack. The IMS St. C)' Vhie type,was co!m ýea, nd the H OlIS A Iowed arlîerthisea ,ott star two g(n a3tion ý Tite the total to or n nl fine game bt the preý nbekins reable- to b( eon four counts. 'ombine goals w%-erý'e co , Mecrand Charles Arr Mercer lurned in a mnuclh ir ga7me oerthat of Friday he tetith a theersaiyeo theogazti. the secondpr, det; c ,Gnyt I",-0s Pre sid ~T. por«, in the Il to ýany 0rom fori nticn of the ber +n anAd ilties mng i orte TI xem t