Oin the Toww t hat behaif1 ý"oNlmi4atio;n 7 o'clock pan. fifr hil for theVil g o take no",ic number o 1. in the fou"oi Oand ill beE longer. al, Ele( 2s c4' 3rA Pli 'Wdock ut the hour of 23Q-'D Office of req uired Copeuedl and no 956 ,Officer si Suburbai satin linin, SInsenl Pal Ti-a t 4) o rgans res ~er .sib ns. dia n'a ~nt cases. SIXTU LECT-URE ne ~ ~ ~ ~ ý e-miat-'o apaint poaolnprdpros ticalinrutn Miss Miss( and M isited the we, spenit and Mý V rs. fi SAR NHEMORIAL SEIRVICE M' n r.Stanley Chap1rp1n1n with Mrs. MlrdShierwviýn(ndLaw even thogh te pace Set bY theoe-ec Pipe anmd D1 orsws ah Mr. Ron]ald West waa paienýt i s~we tanthtth~ reusdto. teMeoiaoosia , owmanvilije, offiersin atenancewer ha ihad an ope'ration for appe-1 dets te parae wasover the ca- Mrli. a9d1 MrsCarillig n wer inite 0tojoin theLegion M 1iss Audrhey iligsawspent, fimebes t heOdfeio'sHall, forlSndyjwith Mr. and MrTýs. Wm. lnch, o aigtsak Even though'n the ca-det's Westo iare not eérnthanks to t'he hosp-- o tiit o tiè Lglnnies y id Mr. and Mm-. R. Fenning were Smn- fimo feel at ail out; of piac . day gi7ests of Mr. and Mrs. W. 'T n o T r dH B,ýA11iiW/emorial Hospital Bowmanviile. Gele rai bs aiqp, Nov m- r. George Ariistrong of Tîmnmins is be i1Oth, a da er atheri ,visiing bis fijther, -Mr. Johi nnr- Louise. psrOg Mr- M. Chatterton lias started to bauid bis new housýe on. Centre St., east of the Mlasonic Temnple, Mrs. W. G. MeCulioch 'ýeft iast IJBTRBAN COATS weekend by plane for Bradeiitoni, Flor-! [n Coats in grey, qilted jJ1.dt pnteitr g. Priced.at..... GABARDINE CAR COATS Gabardine Car Coats with kniitted coliar and trim on pockets. Qolour red. Priced at..... $19.95 3-PIECE WINTER SETS Children ý 3-piece 'Winter Sets, Coat Leggings, a ýd RatC'ologr red and navy. Priced..7-......$12.95 - $13.95 WINTER bine Newest ter Dresse navy, bla Sizes Il t( Priced f r( A twi lo ng f a ioolls ai JERSEYS SBoys long sleeve JFersey- ith plain collar. Colou g-f gree , wine and nýty. PrieM..........$1.75 FLANN L SIIIRTS PBoy "cotton armet Shirts colour reÇ ad black,1or black and white. Size 2 to.? years.,, riced. ....$ SLACKS ,iris wool plaid ined sjackis. Size 4 to 6x. Priced ....... ...$25 i Adriving pesr RVETH xlItOTC RS IPhone 3251 Newcas., ont i i j i I i TENDER ORONO ÏUBLIC SÇHOOL Stiled tea ýrs cleariy marke , ' wiil I- be received 3 the undersignec up to noon of Nove'ber 22, ii956,ifoi theI strapping andl applyving of Gýproc toj the eiifgthe south nascmient room and h igof todo&Ap)- plicant to su ply ai al mn rial except doors. Lowestý or any te der not nec- H.LE MILSON, Secretary, S. No 12Clarke,n i TENDER ORô O PUBLIC SCHOOqi Se< e ualacearly maÉ ked, will be recei've by ithe underA"gned for pantinig of ne\v wN-s'hro,6fis, office Yn alw s of the ilew!adtina th'e shoi Aplicanit t. s1appIy al euïipment ece--,ssary a#d paint to b(, supplied býý the Schoq oad Tenders L obereid on or be- l'o e noon o Novem Ohr 22, 1956. Low- est or an- a1der jýot nece-ssariiy ac- H-. E. ILLSON, Secretary, S.S. No 12 Clarke, ORONO TUI Plumbing Fixtures Accessories and Repaira Warm Air jIeating and Air Conditioning H. Paints & Varnishes R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Orr f- rose plain, gý H-ead Scarfr, iý approx. 1'X Aýprons,, Lacdies band, pf5cket FOR> aled tend s Frida le, approx. 8'6 in x 97 in. with colored pattern.. Coloï's .$4.98 'ew Ladies and Girls Tartan Plaids. 57" with fringed ends .... ý.. .. .89e prn adbroadcloth, smn-ocked wvaist- ... . . . . .. . . . . . . 98C ývest styles, sizes anid eolors . 19 (olornt', iregiJï1ar75c. RICE................. 2 for 99C. ds with env-,elopes, beautiful rted ........box of 50 for 98c ýsor those long evenings ýces for ....................4-9c. 7 to 8 years and il to pair ............. Is 34 to 40, assorted eet eingtie north, east parts c Lots 6 and 7 in Blocý"bl" accordin, oc thé plan of(theVae of Oronjo. Hlighest or I-ny yendeïr not necess Irily acep /d b-. E. MILLSON, Cierl Townýship of Clirk Box -51, Oronro, Onitari( Rev. J. SUNDAY,1 SLInday Serveces th small ....75c. %pro es Redu( ed Focr ùi kSal1e. Orange Juý-ice, Trieesw-eet, 20 ounce tis .2 fr29t. Spie and Span,....... ........... pound box 25c, Ivoi'y Snow, regula size box.....aif price 19c, iRaspberry Pie Fi,,!1er.....large 20 oz.btis 339c. Sardines, oiwAekiani Crossed iFish, finest ..tin 21c. Molasses, DorÔleo ....... tLIn 25c. Re4kitt's fluie .2 .... pg.25c. UROtO 5 !O 1.O STRE Opein Friday and Sa~d~evenings efor yu Sunda-y Ladies vi or pleated beige, bro-ý Priced f roi / Vigor Vigo( Imc v av lia' Me und ý Ir 1 -1 1 pýirýnr, 11,q16