ued ou page 5) supports n Marketi -d poïited out the u- -s fromn ending theirý eon diisplay at the imee - Oicfdi e showed that frbm 30 S.l 'of the hogs marketed'th'l Voi ount. Producers ,vent to )hop:ý ket. The highest percent- e shipped to the Open IMr.71 orty-five pret.I Sjiast a of the locl Associatio;ù at m c ese this perce nt gei6$ 4 d t-hat somè roucrssurplus h e a sier o se d h ir Police Trustees, in promnoting ration for the Village of Or- ic ve set Up the bound,tries in-1 tel g the present area of the Police an for this increase We: on a numbeir of eon ,rcnt o wvumy percent. A few-I 1, ýunties, it was pointed out, that a SOfln, Gel ýar one hundred percent of the bogs Neil, G4e re going o the Open Market Mlbo The inicrease in the flamber of*lhogs ing shipped to the Open Market has sýe( at tj was stated, keep the present fall Thatt ices at a higher level. G ers oft It was the intention of the m~tnCoGunty at the local Hcg Assoýciation pro- the Exec te sche-mes to-place one hundred Fi(!,-Pic rcent of Durham hogs on the Open action to rket. This will beclone by contact- "Open lvJ Sa,11 producers and shippers to C0- ducers p ýrate in thiis effort.I this Dur T~he following- resolution wafs ps-camlàpaigir ies 1 wi: i n ed CouL Wi wa lo 10n Mai aolùn 'ation