-.Y Orono, Socialites Dyec. 21 st Play At OHiS Xmas Formai Barbar anaAlIdred iýz bujzzing with excitemei,ýL tdenits' Council lays plans; iggest dance of the year, stmas Formai to he held ening, Decemnber 21,t.Silic' being nmade much ealierl- studen,-ts arie given the op- of selecting theO4est of e.-ý it spending mor 'e tneo Is andl al]iai) ,,ProdIn successful and enjoyablei Black Curra4nl, Raspherry, Strawberry IGA JAMS ilb pk. oelb pkg c mes 01z oz il(OOIJ FEATURES EN PEA S Giant size...............---- --- )z. tin............ :g 85C :g59CL b 87c ý b23c kg. 2lc 31c pkg. 18e 35C tins 33e 35eco ------- 3 c a -7]c Yo4 Choice of KRAFT REGULAR Ceez Whiz CHRISTIE'S NEW Ar row roots IGA FANCY Fruit Cocktail DR. BALLARLII*S Dog IlFLo !,4 PRICE Chucolate MîJkoi St ud epts To Celebrate Sadie Hawkins Pay by Norman Rickaby A "Sadie Hwis dance, to be hld this Friday at the Oddfe1low's. Hiall, will be the reulr onthIy parlty prýeented to the students of O1..S. for theýir' enjoyment, with nusic and refiveshments supplied by~ th StdisýCucl is Very fortunlate Iln Se-_ Ctra f fSucli high catl-I Thei Sad;I Hawkins themne is takeni yev(n Aires fromn Peter-1 from the oicstrip, L'Il Abner, and )osed of seveni instru- isý in hionour of Sache Hawldk-ns' Day ns, a f en «ale vocalisfj which is sýupposedly in Novemnber. TG, The Seven Aires fre- jab-ide by the theml-e, girls miust invite e dance music at the andj( brin.- the boys. This does not i n-~ n Peterborough, very clude the Idmissioli charge as studeit iany town folk, Cards provide for this. Although the~ evening stili miore at- themle doe-s not require the girls têý ouncil has some ecl s boys to dan~ce, any other featiures it lined up to perforii in keeping with the day wilI be in-~ enty minute intermis- tr'oduced for the entertainnment of aB, 59C 8 oz jar 33c 12' opkg 39c 28 oz 39c CHA-MPION, REGIILAR 15 oz tin 2, for 2 rJ ORAPLEPIES SUjPREMlE, FA--NCY GRADE N rhern Spy A pe S ~FIorI4da Oranges dloz 29crü Tha Zipper-Skinned Fruit Good size 176i's - Sweet & Juicy 0 Tane-rnesdoz 3C c CALIFORINIA LARGE CUTR ~En~r G rapes 2 lb 29cý tette composed of e Stapleton, Frank ob Dow making up4 ,s 'who enjoy danec- d to join the stu- ning of superb en-, LOCAL NEWS WoioiWoan'.s' Association noUnited Church held al Tur 'key Supper on Wed- ,ening, Noveinher 21--t ini ty School Auditorium of the Stotal of 498 attended the hich commenced at four in oon. The attendance a ew'hat Vo 1) eious yvear s w 0attend. ~Buildig AHous? ior ,UdeliUg Your r pfut onQe -Fo~NtactMn i dphoni 1rI2 OrofO sik hundred were serve d. -,- BOWM ANVI LLE MWEMORIAL - ACTIVMTES PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, NOVE-MBER 23r<jý' 8 to lu1 p.m. Admissionn - - duits 40c., Students 25c. SATURDAY, NOVM 4R 24th- 8:30 pa. Inrte rmediate M With Your Grocery Purchýa ses BAVE! Tour JGA Csh Rg~w~~ Ask For Your Bonus Gift Catalogue And our Savings Focd To-day! ?hone 1651 WITR 9 !ess Flyinig Ace, DOUGLAS B.ADER vs. the L OLIS iT1I vs, at '63 -/ 4 Natuéama vkg rk;