Q Ntice is liercLb' c inthe To nsihipof 0 that behpAl 1 requirei 0 Noination Meeing 7 'clock p m. on rFri cay Sfor the p ros 0fno [Jfor the Villag-e of Orc Sto take notice and go, nutmber of candidatesi imoninated and make t in the follo0wîng pIacts -- Oroo Mondai Qand will be open froin 0 longer. 0 ~Given unde wîth blue with or rnto ty v ~toc until 7 14 day of Novemiber 19566 CI MILLSON, Retutining Officer YOUrs truly A SEditor's Note: Munieil _________________________ jMeeting-s this Friday. satin, »PIQUE COLLARS trimm-ïed White Pi«ue Collars in Petei oIours ot Style with fancy trimt, to wear w! wn.. h aek dresses or sweaters, JPriced PRE-TEE~N SKIRTS 's Pre ITeeu Skirts in rid pain shades. Sizes ,P1iced $5.50 te $ý7.95 Lai quilted with sh Merct sEd Graham, Mai spen~t~ Saturday with Vance ýCooper and fau gratulations to Mr. nm Lowery on the irth iter in. the Bowmianvi Hjospital on 5aturday IBNSTAKE TWO (Coninued f romi page .hat the Combines werý A sud&e._i_ýtop'by the car in front can resuit jrn an accident. If you fail to stop jr, Urne, that accident is your fault Good drivers make certain they have lots of stopping room, whatever their speed. HOW GOOD ARE YOUR DRIVING HABIT DEPART4AENT OF HilS Girl's k-notted w, headwarin Apiproxiir 42. Exquisite CrsmsCrs o of 51 for...... 98e Gloves, Mens Iinied Cpsi, sizes8,,, o10 2$24 PyjaasBeys Pqie, siZ'es sal elre. Proof Bags, zipper closing ....$17 tedl c Ared INeckiaces wt SIrÀts', Ladies uanJ plain and plaids, sizes 14 to 20. Each................$39 Skirts, Çhildrens »woo1 plaid, sizes 2 to 6x. E~acti $1.98 Childrens and M~isses Mits ai-d Gioves, colors red, white, pi k and blue. Palir....... 65c and 7'5e Diaper Bags, pl;,stie. colov pink and blue. Each $1.89 Special. Noxenta Sha yilig Soap. Free your first tube. Just mail em ýerton to Noxema, T~no rc plus postage returned to you. Groceries Redu( ed For Qzuick Sale. D)ONALID C-1. acJIONALD SPEAK:- (Continuied from paige 1) cepressed coniditioni which agriicuiltui surn1avly, Agrictilturo Goodfellow told the Feder ventjon that Ontario farme going t o be spoon-f'ed into uniearned clprosper.ity." 'n Sa [ent conditions, that surely up a straw man and thien to a pulp. To pick just one exampfle situatin cries out fo~r gove vestigation and action, tl growing priece spread betv the fariner îa receiving an( s Sweet Gher arge 16 oz. boffle Marasehir, Preserved Roger,'s toast1 Min ister i -a-----. .- - a SUND-AY, NOVEMBER 25th ORO-NO Sudyschool at 10I Srice ,tIl LESKÂ'RD Sud~Schoolý & service ait 2 NIRB'Y Sundy Seoolat 2 OSELY Evenin, SFriday & Si X.dnesd Open Alil 0-v I N Store Open All Day Mcoday Betweeu viger5 Vigor Boned 'Orne" IF YOU