out- craf ta bori- rthet- -ils right letter ~ calis yoa do yo k 01re!Y- elr [0-D otfor dtee Iam0 mnf HOW CAN 1t? Q.1Hv cani 1preveat mbotJhs? A. Spin~1e a itie turpet- tinco, ocr bE>Izinep, a-rud th e - r-e vi ceLs L0f eýosets, draýWers, nnd boxes'f. Wrap garmt'lien ts to bce put awav 1-in fesanr motis -emovepate of vngto1 waler. Suruh it& ýlear waer ~legnt eutrpice 'or our aîiiiing tabl&' A 9ra(ceÈuilal eoetdin pilleapple dcsig«n - till iL with fruit or flowers. Paeru i581: Crochet dirc4ion.s Ê01, ýwallenrjpec;body çboult 1x½incheps. Use, hejvY if cooi farch lstJff!y. Soncr INENTY-VIV1l CCNTS fi Wtl to0 'pe yOu1 For meu. 1 a boy 1. H e- ale tile Anne- stand vou