Trent. River was in urgent need of re-à pair. The commission' reconm-wended that a by-aw be prepared and passed to d ,efroîu the county system the foilowin', portions of road: 1. County roa No 17frore Caesartea. store toi goverimnnnt Mwha1f i]it, ri giltf frn Ber-'s stoxe to wvhar-f-13 The p tions ~of various county roacts thtt harvec-been eut off by roïd tagt-I -p'; opcenation1,s. 4. Counity r-oad No. 16- A from Mar-ch dhureh on the Gavan Manvers boundary, south anýd wester- ly Vo ELghwa"Ir No. 115. The commission al!so reeomimended G Wèi ekly Timcstl that the counties sliould assunie the HN rl0ýN road alIpwance between Cavan and HN 9rOON Mahvers fromn March Ghtirch north- eriyV o ffigfway No. 115., Or oo Hh School _ý- t Arinuaf ac of corsé,ORONO TOWN JHALL nd de4iis. rf Fiday, December Zlote , 5M6 dler DANCING TO THE MUJSIC 0F ~ ~Çvon A t'ro-1 lç'hic~,