D ancte Decorations Take 'ri1 by ermai iciaiy Studeuta Paint Muras j Abetter 1understanding of studlents by Bav ihaa nnAlblded pouîgsiimr fet "The Criesthemea fov e it Ashojed, wil be 1t1(_resýuit of c~ ngCrtmsfrmiiaIe~ the suies of p)ersona. neriw pre-~ e-iniiù~ to tk shape as~ the ~deco~ se"t]Y~ being cond 'et d with studett ato omte esfvlh ojof <al grades by Miss Reta Ji, bron the backdrop and Bnw.4arr, >staýff guidance onel Tw tJnerth gidig an ~' periods ekar eoed to the in- Unde ý!1 gudinghandof e r eiews, whiki, eh eig of a eon.fîi ri(e Lumin embers of ti e eommritteei dent; it uiue, are heid in private. - - - - - - a-re devoting su h of thel ud pi rods. is they Cali spaîre forthtak swlq ji tindehen- m~ke~>~nir1f 'lte hc fBeeau se of aâ ollege couirse ;Mist <Y the u,,the èommittee has seiected telrviews, but personality is Ïimpo- a hristmas card wvith a Carolier de-. tant too. 'hWs job also requires a, 1sigii and proceeded to mark it off' u-I fie(ndly attitude and a social lean- U~to qe-half inch squar-es. Gum'med that is to sayç, the aiility to wiin i tape ks used ta ghie together long over stude(nts in such a way as tu put g Y i~esof' shelf paper, ithe reverse j-them coniplietelY at e se. e s VE L i sdof which is squarod off' in pro- FRONTion to the squares ont the Card, the The stud4-uts semn to react early FRONT .1 foot. 9being uneaC inh eu as et the iinteÈ)ýViews- and ejoy talkin- t1» ~ isBarr~ during them~. Interjieý [IluJ ROLLS froni the ca r to the ag scale, Vairy in leng'th, some taking ijp o RM4ND (Cniue npge8 <iirty-five minutes. DThing the pro- ~ ~ ~ pC l ~somne student4s whkch are unsuitable- UAMROCK URE OK Uth pesoia1tYwhcihthey hold,. 5HAMOCK UREPORKareabandone. In tIeir plce the stu- Ikil n ilA IinteL dent is encouraged to- decide cn an JSAGt*Â'E ROL L 3 lb ui3inré a0 0 or rewodetng ýQur rese to nie ~ED EE LIV R b~O§04 thog n'oetiiues e sdeiit nimîght not appreciate the suggestiori W <~ J~~j mi ~rn at the time, soori theywilfdTlha LEAF loyd icholon 0they did . the right thing. Sas isS, ~3~U~FA5VE ~1 of the opportunities that >PPED$U W iýDdset. eakp ,c iïterviews the studtnt càai de- ~'1 u"u.~- e <de on the occýupation lylimt sUited tO himi or her. YOJRK FANCY CREAM STYL~E FBOWMxANVILE' C {ï; T MEMRIA 96'~ » ARNA tir"" Ul PBUL SKAT 1IG FRIDAY, NQVEMXBEIR 8QtI 8 to 10 p.m. FRASERVALE J -Admisson- Adults 40c.,Students 25c~. Fish & 20 oz - =000_= =0C Chips pkg 1 S-ATURDAY, DECEMBER Tht -8:30 î.n. IMixed Vegetables Il oz pkg 23cHhile rKinomam IGA PINEAPPLE """ r'tes CHUINKS 20 oz fiw 33c P~I/KTN 1 0=01=WEDNESDIV DCENIBER 5th - 8 tê 10 p.m.. y N E -t MON. AND TUES. * ~ IHe wais afrajd * 20Ooz I ~ I~FÀSTEST EnfSTHUrely D ferPIN ~ALIYE'ý