said that ee to corne ýd let me agreed not hiim, and arn 1 write anid MARG>Y" iîghter do te Aime been suc- ne gener- New - Tort and Study The Cuddle Clown lias corne to) townt- to make your Toddler hap- pyl Takes lots of rough treat- ment and always cornes itp srnll- ingl Pattern 6841 bas directions Éor 12-inch doli; clothes pattern in- eluded, Use a mra's sock; gayý scraps for Clown suit. Send TWENTY4FIVE CENTS (stamps cannot be accepted; use postal note for safety) fer this pattern to LAURA .WIIEELER, 123 Eighteerth St., N,,ew Toron- to, Ont. Prt plainly PATTERN NUMBER,, yôuir NAME and AD- DRESS. Our ,gft to you -- two won- clerfui patterns for yourself, your hom~e -'prixited i eur Laura Wbheeer Needlecraft Book., Plus dozens of other new desig-ns- Lo order - crochet, kni.tting, emn- broidery, iron-Qns,- noveltï,. end 25 cents for your copy of this bmk NQW - with ggi1t pat- terns printedini t. a h >vs irnle tch is jusi y mnorning enlough as froin hie hE