ricultuer ,a ietnýadPtl Ms.C. F. d, pho~ne j4ra8, paONp,10615i ORO jUN?. ILg- TOWNSHIP COU1'iCILLORS 8~Q~~i-ihi ii~fe 1 d d. ÙETIJRNED TO OFFICE1 vx<fel Sp cil1 A-krIi.UK HO df inister of Ag 1rie 1 tSH ntri.Turkery-Sh ,$ Lot 3 Co. , 'ar- IWW 0C 0k84 The Y (Coltinued f rot a pg(-5) f-.1g11 'ob p.$DA.ayDcei ment -- j I2prn m.D wýr. - sna e' ' a e co d a l invited to W im portat hepuad eeeEal alkydtaejthe Sunday . el oa4 t aniTucsday; A*tS M reeveadoe on- phases of Cout*l and tan wit Clarkce Tovhiship dog the tics' road okli the area. He point- tax n,-). 196. Cal eity o Belleville, àI a ed out that the road' wet froin Kirby TO>WNSHIIP OF CLARKE Woodland 2à456. ta had beeè u mned kcja th le Towns~hip "TENDER JHN M ABf ittle but that this. year the Counties had -- -9 with spenilt a suni of $3000 on it to bring l Y<>Kf SALE OF L Ï1 FOR SALE Bru& .ayPhi iiito g0ood shape for traffic. This &W darymt<1 wp '5NBuck f-i eqdp faêi- roaxd runs west fro@ Kirby to the b, v4~by the u tôied for ~able down payrnen~t oi, g 4d car ae- 33 # pemcestC~, BOwmaavîm niew developmient road i-at north >of ha ,,jh followmnw desced eieL PoeMA339 is Orotie. Mr. Walkey also infornmed the rcl f land: Phone OrQno 4--4. - not meeting that the section of road f rorm etms. the 'Y" at Main and Mill Streets li hemost iiixsaiwlguà parcelof not vay 115' had been turned over taothe, land at the south west.cor o f Prin ent-. th- Vilage of Oroxio north te High- ces Sreet and Chure 8 treet -i the FOR SALEJA K EI Towshp ro te eutis~This Village of Orono haiioga frontage $6000. Oronû corner Residerice, be2t -- was done at the last session- of the on1 the weà side ofhircii Street of lcvtion -1)i towni, solid brick, eiglit Couties - <oLncil. - mi feot and a£routage on the south roux-s, complote bath an d pantries, Ooo8Lct* vih ide of Prncsà Stree of about 168 rew fiurnace, garage-. 0 en fori ffer.- __ .* STK ORN ef bigth ot es a t t eroy H*iton, Broker, Oronio trl6 Actoee ndV-uà Tenders ,ýto be received on - r be- MSTESFRSL untieSi fore Dcec 12, 1956. Scotch >nexi, CaifieIeItme for tabout il h smalerdesgn einor~ sprin,planting. 40~c. a tree. and dats t-e vnidows, is placed li ai opaquxe H .M LO Cle er Phonelto,5Oroo 16 prjeto ad the image, show nTophpofCak 1eaolth-k. -llistraced w ith B- s5lQoo, Oxàitaflo TUNIT chlpafllted, cut out and pastedondu PRTNT N -ýLF iý, tisue pper. IME fôr anibitious ,:alesAn wish- TEDJACKCSON Sýrýe Uert -e iilysp ng to represelit a. we'l xuown Cêni- df rne t-alore a ni hspare eil p adestablish th Wi b s-AuctiOneer ad Vauator ~ durg seool ouress nghtswhenwrite for flldetails tO 1the eomnmittee eau gather, the decor- aamtoss AM P1 ept . tto C o-seuct dto ae atosaie pro,1-ressxn,- e-ceptiünally ? L Dpt . ttonC on 'lc.Aso SI rea. a - and at- reasabl ur« . Insva erviceVL ERJC Per)!, <stârio, -or s.pihl@ Csm*j -Dead or crippled aninals proiuptly M4r0ýztrIU. j ae remve fo snitrydisposai. U f 1 Every class of Iflsur- $2.00~ service charge for eaebca. j J n eis rpreLentd ~ 2-3643 or Toronto EM. 3-363&. Iour iff-ice. The f oi1ow- GORDON YOUNG LIMITED LIFE INSUIRANCE 1 t 1 c-some of th.e Pas--tiaio b Protection &usd 8Qinge liu îw OIr'~: 9 P un bing Ilrauidee and, Adultg; Mortsage lM^ f AuomoileHIe Â~cden andA$DF. ELYCETT - $ickn~ss, laeGass,. Liabi11ty, Bolier, Wund pele,. EA ESTROU lliNGOnt. *'P~.n l Fine, Burglalry Hospitalization, ____E____________-G Hall, Fýidelity Bonidse l ~FRETMT ~ SAFR IO Z,0à - HAT iI LRRY E. LYCEIT IMOUela o ORONQ fi ~~~plione 8 .12 ~ M um na ok F 1IlST t'ORTGAGE LOANS ~-PopWib % 318 Diuda% St. E,, Whtby ~~ FINE QUTLITY Qrouo eealyTiin0 Lýrý MONU3MENS ANY) [~H~E9lOR~j fLAI ,iESTATE' ROUE1R ~-OJt#not expeuuive-te - ~ ~ -.- ~~ - ~Puubing-HeatIng ~ L h t. -__n - Place of your i0ved me&. 6 Yeu endlillaa èifoei. I/iII~~~I/ Are YodtI rnaected< i'E S-~E HarveyPartuci ý cimA OILtO,~~~~ Against Fire Loiss? ~YY-CMA l»rt dope, Otte give y01ku protectionae~nrkrg Dagainst total loss. Che k O oo -cti :ells pr gi. ir+oVra 4-PHONE 1i21 - - nRravingGoldjeaiig es per ai 14 I - - -ft- a" mye mmsud y * - FARM and ITOUISE - WING - !'oSrtea$.d, Kena- - - ~A1PLACET SA1' s - %.A LS N