PeWeeB.aehati Team Feted Ne Roo AtSh'l n-c 'le.y Make- Presenta&lOn'S Sant rie notw nSturday Three cartons Of toys were diontd Dpen At Fi.rst Of Ycear- greet the youngsters of the area. AJi th, 0 9Bilin, Susual bi yearl appearance will be These toys ar'e d bc dean- onMana vedngl -b 13asebpll tea and pýerson: activeSni ae in the To;ý'nship Hall, Orono, refinishedi by telclcbT,'vr dtiing~t~ 14t ~ tnn afe~rthe1~ifr~f wo~ ~nthe~ec 1$t~ niTh- Board reeeivel requests~ and ale, summe prÔ nh -Aeeget fhnrtit o',clbk. coigMna ,,hnteb J h' eait w,,ith busns concerning the- ata trk din hl ntehrePirt thea:,npearanie f t NicIk pac %vl eotsa i Bcuew,1Qi thelt i k* erO udyeein attee n ýonstruetion of th~new ahro aae andiulsrie nteOr n tli- adl t>naI classtom. Frday eureyîng Eighteen~ boy andd~ ýeg olat1er ram o chire~nn tofis ail pro, Wh ends are very unevelitfiul. Her&s ri: ite4 gron'p ofi the tos recalre t" four adiaits ~ ire vted gUsts of ie lucwhn 1so aogith c&npn u 0Cw on Nùenb- 17 a i-d1,l]r WWat .nip o M4r. and Mrs . anby on eoflsve ~e Aia failiar' Clristmasý- Carols - Chde1sAdSSlt i trdaV and Suêday>. {r~ colwsp'sn t Crsima i thne Liit igeie. n tao be]~ dat4rnding the ongsit, the yon- S aturday (my daY off), a Ch th'e iineetng, and spoke to thp Trus- Mss.. ~ rossed l the whie middls and atthe haUWk~fl reeiis a sters under the caný of theo orai- in, tree buyer used up a lot of the esox2zivthusofteuh. Mr. ablnwa sssed T :r. hlue skirts of thke C.G.4.T. uorl disan rutwhc wl bc bu-ti>i morning. Then Puc m i "u exit door by students olf th e schuo serin th yon the~ girli looked, th inspiraion theyL~j te by Satsiief vr hllitinedI" to Bowmnanvilhe, had lunch, The set-retary x~instructed tUo ak e b e n h lvey "a-a1 O th distric is ~ inOtdan back hom yL .i Within 10 Miss F'oster to declaiè thiz door oul - dinner \vith -ll the iirhiîigs -service -Vhey cmared ouit. -i -oid Lo *Theà appeaance ch- ldieLO< PrThe aperac ohf 'Santa iss s-~ Loa Orala'ia 10 cainuteos Pe had ne a phe~IM~ tt actig as the dinr os ail About sxygirs entere4d inpo sadb thie Heather Rebheli Social a e a nwrd a ph onf iud t P Shoh1rs Christmas-~~Sel Chritma )TOrees ianII ou" tehep lm-wih te struct the Iiigh -Se oe, students. Mr,. Miller vlhoAferth ls k iet Night, Hol-y gt The girl, ance being offered b~y the - orno ---plantiflg schedule for- bis estate at W'att also reeidto the poo)r ih piece of pie cons~ud .111 asseii- repicsented the 'C.G.I.T. groups ofBsnsnei ganti n h eces fâ nte ih bled in' the dining rooai ýyben Ross Bowrniaivil -and Or-ono and the Ex- -- Scouts, Girl Guides -an. C.G.L.T. umlberland Cfeunity. - eo> a~nd the board stated trt they 'TamiVyi called~ on Craig IIind wbe iilureiý g-rowk of- Orello. -uopa Trip hi - - giup wiil bo selin Christmais trees.! Pet -i bis; wifeern Roe haveea voiced the tea', -epr~ecition toi - ALth service hre - ag w - rthepn 1U This -venture bas beounie a tnaipaefte calec a C wei-sie Loee, ha te fil te Crpudece .a 1ttce and Mrs. Tan -lynt~ kos - and host- 1eadr,-ý\.1,thL Chista elTe At echr e'eiji undertakingoft gro>ups andu thsoeodieLk.Terol-, ecî-dfQý,te ýýllia ess, and alsc, other pisents wiho a r wihte<hrsua tin ade possible by' tbe geaerosity d ot hr iRe (e l'eL'e r h e pk f thie, .sst~~apovdug ~i\n ojyal ~g re by Doreen Aldread. Jeani Mess M'n an Joh Arit. 11cost seventy-five thouûsai d le~~H Scýhof1ol eceriûng the sinitary- thenin andpur lesson for th iebrwbo supply the trees free 'If -any ik4 tlraikeautiful. We'e0CO i[îWnS Of the en and luncll -evteai, based a"I sqid.A th s inie cartI yeo gave a Cbristiuas Prayer. -quet was held at Shiloh United~ charge. - e unilhome Ï11ci. Wtche1d luvr etil and ai ûthe dt ciaasre1of de -ftebabalSUa.t 15VD Thie clinia of the eri camne.Church on Nokvember 20. 'jle ladies 1tl1-:'iý .n Ltlel1ulrc-titýÏ Neil -Hooey7, on behalf of th ea of the Shioh W.A. served ai deit-ioxsÏ Trees wvill be availab-le this oouiingý î1 pse until 1:30 a.iu. then tOa bèd. to the faetý tLhat the hecntem- preenedI~re~*1n it aiecat -he Jon ideaiMarer Trriland p1enitîful suippar. Thie ieetinglouaathet$dofi atr By 3am: soie Jerk wa.s peundiug dows sti 5h1 net equipped wi:th Sash- -ifui, bouquet of~ ê -ooru ailuinsr'. Mrs. land fMari1yn Major lit threecde sene by sing4ing Gae oowdby OrreMncplBidn.D'e-ýt n,&o.I u-idottOb ucord teý miaie tl{em pni t, ioe7y T1amiblyn couIi- , boys on '(Centinued page 5)0 aina nhm cail bo arraungd thrpough the o 11 e u lieor Itt inndett aor prt rpr ourNatona Anheu. 1son Ernie, to teil us that bis i-wV1 11 tir ltter instancýe tire Tiusféa -ther ac~m]i -àvacfa ~1 The total pred ~rmtO51 thr o a u'sxehgad- a"re to givo 'their earliest consid&r- -W the Gutri, tili also their Atter first course a sigsaled t'rees goes direet1ri te the preinion chi d1 stin tea tha' pro'hlenr grantug I plyc unii1 h' fpa reply, 'thanlked the boys for their ,3 Ms etheusrsu s Munr etl thf iron etiiio h V i We arrived hrome at 11:45 p.m., výer lunchl rooms the caretaker is to sweep, niost geouerous gift aud stated that was enel yal.o rn.about 5-:30 a-nm., te be awakened -t thoee eut daily an(r tpply o Larry Mille, o beal of - li ~ e lie hd enjoyed worinag wlth the FoTlokiu the banquet Nve went te 0.~ -a .rn. by a -Toronto man wishing -to ýcoatract -tI wsi Sronr -ede s. tire P0eWee Basebal Squa.d ext(s-tei during the siurmer inteths. -He tire charch room where a display eof L ~ " - amke arrangemerts about tr-aispor- On request, ef Ms. W. C. H. Mitchell sdtî emst l locongratulated teby ou thira eins and dolls -fromn Eure»en and4 VI4 e Loge Hod in hitnc re.-th raesrr e;eid na>u~ -those wvbo hlpe- t th'e teain co-oerative Spirit and sportsnianShip North Anierican countries wa set p. -L1 L ig Au ristne au- trees. the &u e- Trte are tdcide' ron acu by as- ~.- u and dlurî+x thue yes iMrs. Morley sang "i t~u~he Part lai.:.. Hal tofn nUW4eh oudlct 55SI~~~~~~~I1 ~~~Gar'den of Tonuorr-ow' accote efn u irr acudlct ,i-rnprin te tean'S dgood superviser fraChristas tree Mr. arold R. Stark was presae at p~cletiou-to - D~elu~ theei~oamg t the Tam-.ýhy lits. Westheuser at the piano. enjoyed ping peu-g Miss Powell lrutrodueed ou speak- "Five Hndre4d' becamei a popular Prniaet. At 10 a gapap ef Iost tIemeIgsdoge4t iwte coch fo -te -pn orwMss4iye -Iýtuti, bnd", thsa boys gan on ItMeuday evanurg -when the naturalists sougJrt hel tû flind a trosteose awritten a reenmeut guaa-- Marare Boathn. issMarin oldOrage odg No 10 ofOrono- held certain locattion in the Gariarasira toeing- ail Plumnihg iu- the building -~of ther rtrip thraugit mayErpa a card party in thre - 4reo 1..0y, Forest. fer a po-riod o et i r He is Iso. Yy cunItries Ahile Miss Benathean show- I ali Eight- tables of card-s 4vere in~ At 11:15, Pete Resse phoed te braze- ail jojints in thre typing roen. ,, n. oo fe lo. G u s peaker -ddds hc er eybaf -to invite us for noon d «inner. We stay- Ou- moVtion- the tendçer o-f V, .Am -rs Robnso tinen foare s ir eorge M-ton won- th do ed homure -aný a d a lanul chop dianer brosie CO. td. was acepteâ fer the. SIaý Iotn Our -,o Bob1f pdrife ienery o a v oliii,,e e A t r ede0 10 Lu k D p e treet -where Yoù Live» and -Hý- 1eaiea Pi-ýl fo »oi ger u a 12.45 Ant 1:1- pute, ne c1asresýa ,rz r t nofMy3 Heart1', Mr. &Bowen tirankedi eBw, th onsolago n rzswt Bob -gave pn. ah a mi- eut a TIn i ke of hý cet- f dulate- - '--- the singer, s~peaer and conu-mittee th o rzsgigt r .Mle eeiTi oki ob i-h -&n W nitrbogtwr rnOtaaadse for thre programme. - Austining" te Pete Kessler's ut Christnas h& y Miln thaet1O1 - - oth eiu aetters being censid- 'The rneeting -cloced with the sing. I llow-vug a full evening of carde, Sta'ilwhr ewig roud wll ba cioeè dewn.-- _>-giutr ~f eed in- view of tire preseint wOrid tin- ef "0 pnada-.' lu-ntach XwM servel. one of htler tenious, delicieus chieken TIesctr- v itsedt>--- ïemsae? tth> v engf situation. ______________________________dinuers, witr du'mpling-s. And where 1 request the On-tario Hydro te returri 2au-~ O.i4 ~ ~*-- wespen an iijoableeven$u-g ~flthe plan for thre i-lgIting -of the apre -- N November ~ ~ Wa tire By~ way of eîiterteiinnent, Mrdw -en nejybl vnni -Anul tnd-,*<'flol SuPPer R-alph M lcole a Viewt-- -in u spite of tihe -T.V. set no-t workin- 1 baselue-nt classron. - -- - - - Mulceluf ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ I-iQaS ~~We àrr-yed home by 11:45 p.a. r a abdb ihngrad dsiýa -o tine Coult5t Of ong, lrelped by Mrs. Ruthr Wilson -1 _.ltdaoyu-eoe >- Ag1l11i- i h Ceiunt'Hll playhng tire piano. Lut-e in theê pro- l it idy ul . eloe - in-a M.Jcko fTyoedeilt Ed. Yeiugman three GLhe -rs walked ur jute Gulides.- Setdat'h ead tabe wre: Mir.ê the large audience with bis very ~*-tb vaug -Clarence Ailli> n r.ra M. acksn tcs Tyrorted egby- ~ l W lA the~ MarveiynMi r etd-a-hots f - ~ad Mss.- cevr miin t1,ks asssno New - - i Fve ,mo D -f the Local Assoc- Ailn;is vie 11. RchrdMrs. Jadirsen and vainu-eurbers Th argar motlyneeting -ofi Reular busin-ess was dealt with~- -olTe la ant ii Mr. ea uominatrintnecrng naieynr.theEvnigtuxilayet,-aWhed nhnda eminai congt e f MryEtolIn ocl "îresedthir-tvehtoreir ofthe Fd- -and Mrs. Donal1d Staples, Mr. Richard thre Sou-<dy Scire luitot-ian ef tierb7re Barlolw :and Majoi Enrol h oitie apaeae theirwl--tioii o'ef az -1 able -Bowles-adM.BbHnr.OryoUie h ho Tliursda, Guds - B rewnies, arothars ami Mis Anilie CsmsMrs. Mîldrad Mr.s cfl>v r. John Jamn ~ ~ aiet Y'ne me Rbars e iate fore vho -rn in3 -ner4155 efthVIe local Association M-lrltn, -1ir s. Elsle Jones, Mrs.- Sisie - - Mrs. Foote an M. dSunirAg-. tir annual mieeting Part of tire- pro- antui n ntl frc uTadyKrpt S~r r meLuu rieltreRe i"i t_1tieand Mss. 9ýarnew t r te cairnrân's re- Th fetin peu witir a t aw -tws lodacidad tirat tIre Decen, evainsI te witnleas the -awardiug eof - ere i(ceptetd. - er1tr f ' e ire . 'eiark b tpenedsdet ber meeoting ha ini charge of tire exe- Mads. M. Linton Guides.ed 'ls ade $ummrma 0 Qth,,Is ,)ýe-snt et head miarks-. He -re-cautteti semon et tire ,eunn re1ak 'My tireo prasident citfe esladies-g e aonGids table -Warê rýt)bears o he- ir h past actîvities et tire oi-nizatienn laFe -s -sal M'arlene Girahamn tulfilleti the re-1fer their able asSstance tireughLi e> Pr Foreu iird werost falrm for 1956- sud cal-led oun renawed -support Oliv' Md n the-hiryn "-0 corne -Olive Miffison mioveti a voite ofi quiremnensaend received the ironour years- sud -pointeti ont thnt MiS. Cot- uni for thre eveuhntirag ofth ederatien for thre corning al] ye faithfutl". A few miinutes allant thnk te all tlrniembemre of -eting e First Class Guide. aish ha helti tihe office of treasurer Tire president. Mr. Alin, call-d ou- year. One et thre tirst n-reves li Jen- prayer fer- tire Iungarn retugees epeisalu-iyett J'ke Tan Brownies wr enrelleti anti (cen-tinued on~ Pa-e 5) Ms. urn-mners ko £ntrodirce Mr Goed(- ua ry- f111 ho a geirerai meoeting on -,vs soeinilzoti and tire Lor-d's pray- hle oslnil tteTre tellkw. pipeline, hydre and iriglrwy appro- al' rePeated il- unisen.(Crline ag 1 t In a short pertinent addresa tire pritien et lkand. Arnounceinnt wiîl pa14 uicitrC-7Y;l-dine-üed that fr- Ire later, A Aý.îU Fishl & unitH oId A ninual M ecàt Tirera neeti n r ng unitêd organiz- Ms1 . Charles Os orne teck ïIe chaisr , *iv ~ . n î-eier nendl -ne allow Wo.A.tou A n W .M S Fo H nt Fo S t ation te spet IreAd tireir drive for -)1 te give tire repert etL tire nerniuatiag Ogz etn elsaia l e ire Miaran- troua- tir - -ier.n Ms.a iz Alon H uat Foe- swos; ferer islatoni e1co for tire w sc nom as pros Ci tma M e av 6 --E