e osistýreia zan'ý it, t1iis nmeans provicdinz tur-1__________________ 'eied agalnst te , i - nshdl, i gqutr, mpome ariiy accepted. R fI ,adl- its ,idid eighbourly friends'hipi on.bpofCake17)' j s tSedIan iiireaI good con- TOWI;0"IP < Claizke jthe PrcLc SAL2 JOHNREGANBoB.A te ~d~ ~overthe irt ~inthsof Bn 51Oono, Ontario dition. Rea.sûnabIe. iPhone 109. OIIon. shvligwak t ess, îl'ness a nd adjust-IF----ALE-- - -e-- No-a-r1 Public I ng the, winter 1asn.. < *147 PoIac b(ý -passeige'r Coupe. 33 T.eUpe.aRce st., Bowmanvifls t I ntodo? Ap ply R. Forrester, Oro>fl<x Phone MA 3-3292 lui - e i-'! ardi of any stepa )sbeing tiken anîtti su par, r REMOVAL SERVICE JR I _"e.T 'UuitPCd O 1hur 11,1S a 1ýiS>s- I euoved for saiiitary disposai. ioaay fnn'.Th~ hae a eme'< nurace 2.(ffl service charge for eaeh call. M½4o y oc ii ~o meeýt regulat- 2-3643or To'~ronto E3V 3-3636. v, ýia1 wi{h a chanter Gf a Study ýý GODO's "ý1 LMIE bç ~k, s g hymns aRd have prayer. i very class of Insur- GODNYUýiLIIE aei Al',er praise Nworthy. n isrepreselited jin Aucinranid Valuatot *1eyW~ '- branch . of the Odd- ~u officet. The f ollow- ~ lu ~, ndthe affiliated wonmen's 'o hI u s s s wiheIit'r ron-"led Rebekahs, I beliieve, mwho r are sornea iun~eraî, wothwilelocal charities, mi-ii2 overages w e taàn ~F'ntw ae 1 'l ave ý,, a Monk 1,ûdge. [qofr: AND (4>4ult me for termes Shuh' w alla publie nmeeting1LVIU&Wand5W ~dates Organ .1Utk'(If 1 l 1 lal organizaitions and Automobile, Life, Accident and Phoe 5 r Uq oe4 mI li da'~?Autoric ths coumi- iSiekness, Plate GIlass, Liability, toAutthoe icmminut- Fr, urlry HÔIspitaizaton, A* L TJ; FOR ESTMATEI. orities ao-aeure a IHinigar-ian - ei vi>Ri- 'I 0 HARRY E. LYCETT 'ncert rfami; u spo for ru OO~I~î~ ..ieTEl) JACKSONLI 'couLt raMý,t a house or' flat and Atutioneer and Valuagor ~y Iherent fr a liited1 FIRST iMOrRTGAM;E LOANSp. *cr Vil SAI Uigsttree months.) Thexi we eoulÉu - - Cc»idueta Auetfanei m av a sou er to provide the f urnisl1 ý" at resanablorà# ing. Eexithepoorest fariily has a C> 1Csauceýpan or a cup and saucer they I &llhtOI Mm iuiia~,wt ~U t Pf Ô . 1 J5 J.fl f eau spae. Theý bigg-est problenm willTrlb"Yg O' QWalH, or Seo hâ cm0u.k,, ae dore for il aduit refugees if they Il ~"~ft ae aï o lylself-suppoyting IAav- r.St ugP<ing ~nt 59 e e bcum loal fi FEE ESTM'TES qLIPE lINJSURA C ____Hom-____ about it, citize'ns of Orono?RiA Do you -wanb Vto do aome praetical Plns .uctîaa Mîvoar ýorkç? Lets have action! Are Yon Protected Q ý Harvey Prtnel ro«lo ad avn Yours in a mworthy cauge Cide adAdu1ts;,â«tgele à% C . one us Again6t Fire bL'Oss f CE F.E.LYCETT v j Onyinsurance Phone____1 flousePHONE 1291 orrr.jling yurpres43lt one i] nstCONTJRACTORS FRô ,.,atc~ coergeforace- FAM and MlUSE o meital Works îoy Nchoso gquate replaceinsnt val- PWhoNne,Wbltby , TCRS il' P311e8r12 Or0n.st.ree Estiaiate F'>n~onsndsepie"'n'u -t b~ T1 ~. ORAPPLIANCE SALIES ~ w~ù'a&~~ Or j, -p fl P.12516~ Prom->t and Guaranteed _ Rèep aiuau. - !and t ee s lJ h~DEFiturtur lvemaose. cents er ga. lesA Dots And epair cents pr gaa',-% enterd tflesg MOf 4ivery PhoneisB.-H. Paint& Vanwushes >r~~~~e OSHAWA R.t5-116 c. . OG NIro. Ph~wJT~ ri~vflM