keting xmers, Record sales volume and r&cordk apitaI expeixditures -were chalked iup ýy United Co-operatives of Oatarieý or its fiscal year ended Septeinber K, 1956. This w"s indieated by HughII BadiIeY, ,enerai-managi, n his report to the ýnPnual Meeting of United Go-oýper>s- ive s held in Toronto, 10emert md il. Sales volumne for the paet erat $57,890,748 was up 151/o or 57.5 million~ compared with the pre-~ eigyear. The capital expansionI ru,ýgram for the 12 month period ejid- ci September 3W, 1956 t eld$iý T50,0of4. the largest since the zin.- any was ifr6t organulzed in 1441. Major items ;in the Capita', ex-Pan- ion pr<gram were the openinig of a.~ ew ultira--iiudefl1i feed nmiii in GU(eIlnhf a new agrieultural chemicals plant in- (Conrtiiwed on pag 7) »oufties are uow invloved in thig ýain vazito move 1Wogs ofto theo opee Visit SANTA OLAUS la bis artlc 1workshop every day untl CHRISTMAS I I I ______________ Candy CanesI d1e BooksI hile payl-ects ar- tances b> a.9 muc)fr deapite a nOn- O.n the part et sand $nshi rcreasing evidene sures,ý 0', gove>- >ciation intene45 O -d ce>mple bouse- ,rketing PracOï85 Lr round )FIS eOntar j '9- 9F VOU QUT IN ON TRAFFIG Passing cars when thcire is barely enoughi room to avoîd oncormifg traffic causes count- less highway accidents. Make certain you have plenty of time to pull out, pass anid regain your place in line. You will lose. only seconds of time but you may save a life, HOW GOOD ARE DEPAJÇUMENTOF HIGNWAYS-ONTARIQ \55 0/ FoIIow the GI1AN T Searchi ights s, qEVERY NI 12 te DIEC. 22 YOUR DRIVING AMI %P ril-il A B 1 T S ?