ns and the ciaýss buffet supper and thought-provokiflg the meeting closed. ýon the followinig make this a HaPPY arantee Year round MlOTORS Newc.a.,Outar- j Ou 3 ceRItS per gai. peious pêaSseSSîonS duiring the per- was the edueation of the public in the LNTERMEDIATE STANDINGS iods of anieent eras operation and need of planning. P p il S In recent yeairs XIr. Naish 'said thiati As a very guiet convelsational type B-ýO Combines . .....18 2 the Meat Packinig Coiupanit-s throug ' of speaker, LMZr. Pear-son, was; very c<>ourg__............. ....... 16 2() research~ and training were findin'g effective ini howing those esn the Lindsay_..... .......... --- 18 20 p ' se frprdut whicb. at onel urgent need in this area, specifically Lakefield................tinêwerei of no value. Here he pointed1 which, he said, ka on the perimneter of~ Port Hope............... to the extraeting of vurIaus glands MetroKpolitan Toronto, for planning. ! iow use t t protduce some of th-e~ be only an inirnidiate rolution for ANCIENT EXPERTM niosI, modern forms of mredicines. iti building problem.s bu~t equally im- The Swas i'nm cd.eee g1aoamîathatheueh , ed- jportant, should be a long range pro- 3,he ye-ras o aine krigh CT s Insulin, Corocidrin and Igrainthat would prýove effective in razQoran e fr s o mod ie bi ks . ht a nd oheirwerepossibl. Il j vidin comties with a sound faars nd he firt su-d4ed ~ stated that~ a great deal of tr-aining planned progrOfls of Municipal ser-! and car. was nece,sary ini order that vices and planned growth that couldi ~ ~ Ithese, glands may be extracted by sav@ the ratepayers further grief IPatking Ilouse pexsoftrlel so that they fromn overtax tio 1. may be used ta serve thie public. r Ieeve J. T. Bro'wn, of Clark e L tdMr. Naish was introduced bv Lion 11rownship, inoved a vote of thanks and- John Riekard and thanked by L'ion apreciation to the Bowmanv.llle iRo- L teJinu Por-ter. am Club on behaîf of those invited Di>ring the1 meeting the L motion ta hire gram- a chlldr( the Newcastle, wI \as reportei Signs ehould bd furnisli hel.d inr Hall on TEX-MARE (ÎME... the buy of!lier Iifê,! id the thriillof it is-ali at January's A imeeting of the Locï of the Gr Guidecs and 1 hPe1 at the homie of t Mrs. G. M. Lintonl, ol * ~hJanuary 9th. Thle follow\ing offiocersý Chairiim, Mrs. G. -M. retryMrs J C. Tambl er r.Chas. Tyrreil; tar, Ms.L. Alldied; tavy, Ms P ty B Ilimbers aie Mis. Rossý Oýladjys Gamsby,M. A. MsS.B. Rutlherfard. Several imattýies of b discuissed, such as son nm1akinlg imoniey, larger a( for CIe Brownies, tue daughter banquet ete. of -Mrs. A. L. Haoey, Ruther.ifor-d and Mrs. D( was appointed to ta, ta accommodatiùl. Bi-monthiy mieetingsa by the Local Associati timle the Guiders mnay lu- lems ta be denit w'ih as fla i:s agi eed that eve and cansideration. shOn the leaders. wt-,as also eidt Guide and Brownie wee Room Lots *JAUR Y 25 P aterlis to choose pear, frolMic ,aind tlp The was diý Tuesda: É-he Sui at that At die clolýe hostess served grow ~up - churcIh st speakel In his ýaish deý ieat pa< ) give -Park ven9 ts which are ective forinis ression, Dot te such a >RONO ý 1 zý