n techniIque ((li hsealing- trips wei e iving ail a cleari Ijor Occupation of ants of of The film was much enjoyed by the n eighty percent *emibership present b ü atthe nmeeting, O tude to othe bo deny oui have a propp oodç;? Are \v Thene »w fours adopted L ber of tihe stores mwill be opi a soial haif hour ual hours on Monday, Tuý ning- to a close. Thiursday; open Wednesday -~ cioseil during the afternoi ~eeu Ummttealiday and evenitsg on ri MOnuY eetinl the evening. Stores adop ______ ours are iisted in an advý on page eight of this issue. anagement cointtee The grocery stores Nvili fe unty~ held its -nonthiy present hours until further y.The meetingl was a- lnm- the us- ay and norniig~, lotice. ~on King St the meeting wvas 1Ai nanager of thse thse taric -e am initeresting lace of bLainking.Then vill on an oid f ma resp 12. From 1956 wiil carry on until to his f arm in thse rarya ror that Mrs. t who has Cobbielick. etary, aiszo the Boar'd. banking and how it al er portion ot ts ino' wzis a report Superîntend ciarked tisa he hos;pdtai ondition and -d beeiniua( zone the t iii, extends Qulebec bord ýMari ploced ýfour, lOn Mt tË 1pope mOn 19,57, at Dr. s nnld Thl tglii at 1 The Bo smit- 1 and se )tallled $1, ttieir iol. Thi2