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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Jan 1957, p. 2

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_____ OIONO WEEKLY TIMES THU'RSDAY, JANUARY 318t, I197 Rppepot rom Parijam e nt Hill rangements. Ih CCPFanlndment and urprised Sp n i gTwo othrmaji. r ft,, 'eek Wnsday aftei-noôîishortly before G ove n m en Sp ndin' mluded the announcement by,,the the fienal 'vote was called 'to dispose Minister of Publie Works, 'Robert of the item. It read. 'W. regret, ~?ve Biijo Winters, that the interest rate underj howevep that yur Exc.1.1ency's a- lllow O ver 5 B ifi 8 raised from 51- to6% The newý rate support progranmme, the effeet ofi' means aniother $2.q5 a month in pay- which is to leave the agricultural in- Jy Joh <M. ,ame8,1 was arrived at after censiderable re-' mntson ag2-ear cp ootrac foe- dustry in a state of uncertainty anti ByJh .jne,3.. straint in every department's estî.j»O00 mrotae h ooti e insecurity; we aiso regret thiat Yu Finnc Miiser aler ~.Harismating and afe te ipratsigned net to penalize those Ph'anning19 Excel lency's acvisors have fai.led to Uabled the annual main spending es-I projec!ts had been _ýhelved for a year. ts obuid thusesthyear. R, ate, i t take the necessary steps to establish- Uniates of the governmient this week.a syisehopof that the 6% rateiwill et- 'nlye cnane nathick blue ProLvinces Receive $127 Million I tract more lending imoliey ;n the u alysemof ptsaity pries o gicsul- y iere ekaind inw tat o 57 'h tinrse a nad-housiiig field than lias been the case. triPo~cS't ee oisr zoverd bok andshowthatfor 1571 he bgest ncrese wa an ddi-ll'hoe wib NH co1t0%tsparitydN of101 pcorneo i fore ao- rieul-l ýan estimateJ $5.2 billions "will lie tional $127 millions w'ýhiüh will be col- .hs it H cnrctnieay~ turai producers.'" zpupt, Uip about $184.4 millions from lected by the faderai government and effeet will remain at the former rate. jast year. Surprisingly, this figure handed to the province under new ar- The 61/ will apply only ,in new miort- Dei1e e mara gages. Undoubtedly, the ameadmient. was de- ýsignedj to provide emibarrassinent for ~ HelthInsranc Coing the Conservatives. Last year, it willI she second major a,,,,ounlcelinent be remenubered that, John Diefen- came frein Toronto where tii. prov- bkr"e riaemme~ ino WM oqu Jf nWINormetha ndc tedtt duced an amendoient as foflows: n will eirod n e it:o,,a the opinion of this house considera- ti ssinto bring abou 9agee- tien should b. given by thie govern- ALE A d ED IVEsuane thOttawa, for a hospital in- mient to the advisability of introdue- ,SALESnd SER ICEothe l,iiee. Ind(ications areý that ing during the present session leogis- prvzeswl li o'4a lation to create a parity of price's fori A.I UsedJ Cars maje - rsi ftepovince.s, rep- agi icultural preduets at levels to e- t resenting a niejorîty of the population sure producers a fair prîce-cost re-1 Our plee ~e e .iarntes yar r d f Caadawi1 agree to tI.he me. itioniship.Y At that timie, the press, OtrC* plt srýW urItes llrrordoweanara il .yt~emaymnh publicized thiis as supp)ort tfor a paritY, -Nc-ea.ýe, Ontar* 2' A .4'. <4 -4 A' -4' 4-. 4'. A A <4 2 'A 4- .4' 'A 4- <4 4- -J J-' -4' 4'. 4-. .4' <4 2 4- A' r y 2 k v j- v k r -t -t 4. 4- 4- 2 and he oantalzaton rogarnput Vote Againtis1 00% Parity into operýation. Howe.ver, with MIr. Diefenbaker as leader, the. CCF group apparently CCF Sponsors surprise Mjove waaited te see just how far lie would The. farmn population of Durhan-igo with< his agricultura1 policy. After will be especinll'y interested in a sur-1 a quiek caucus behirid the curtains, prise aimelcnment in' the Throne de-jthe Conservatives, except for a fe'w hate last \\-,ek, put forwýard by a whoe reniained outsiîde, votedi againsi Agnon@ rMEMTE SIEÀPT 0FOPHONOR Sothnq-iteahe w h«bwInadded te Odamobbto ,proud fine of beautie. * ...P TATT4go't rwheVaceanmd giernour of hard-top etyin -amed * atm wmpulvng. ThM. us Ilve t aineu iensltsby OWamobit c (Continued from page 1) for White Oats and Ensilage Corn for-- by the Newcastle Gouncîl. 1957. 'ne frield crop competition Iw< Lt was the dicision of the Society provig of interest to farniers and-f the Society encourages participatioi ini thýis p~hase of the Fair. Crediters voted with the CGC and the Liberals voted sýolidly against it. It The com~mercial feature in ap pJe,; *san Ïnteresting developmnent te- will appear on thie list of exhibit~r interested in emberrassing the Con- the '57 edltion of the local fair. find the COF croup apparently more C.W ilnsadAE.Mro, Gervatives than' they were in *attack- . iln'adA..Moom ing the government. reportied on the District Agiculturýai,, -meeting and stated that Septemiber 6 Prime Mieister's 75th Birthday and 7 were the dates qllotted to Or- eno for their fair in 1957. Tilts coming weekend inat Liberal convel¶er of the Entertajumient com- Mernbe-rs of Parliament will visit mnittee wl%,th powver te revise and ad4k Quebec -,City whiere a big celebration is planned for the Prime 'Miniister's Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn was appointd,? 75th birthdayv on Saturday, February Other conmmittees are to remain a 2nd. in 19,56. Orono Fair Financial Statement. r Province of Ontario regular . . . . PrlineOf OntarjO Field Crops. ..... Province of On01tario Caif Club............ Prinlce of Onýt:ario Livestock --- .. Dýomjinion of Canada Caif Club. ............. United (-Counties............. Toivnship tof 7Cilare .......................- Township ofYaplingtn ............. ... îrret rcdl Association Bowm-itian ville....... DONATIONS R. R. Waddell, Orono...............$ stedrnan's store, Bwanvir ................. Wm. Rîddell1, Oroo ---------... .... ............ H. _Mercer, Orono........ -................ "««- Lloyd Taylor Orono.---- ---------- . ......... . N. F. Porter, Or-ono......................... Carman Cornish, Orono........... 1lainiitn Toý%vnship Fire Insurance Company. D)urharn11 Co-op. Mvedical_......._....... ......... Egert-on Hancock, Orono............ ......... A. E. 'Morton, Orono---...... ........ MNaple Leaýf Mutual Pire lnsujrance Company. Oron.0110ntieSociety.......... ..... ..... Prize List Advertising.............. Entry Fee(s.---............. ........ Membershi ps>......... ............. ......... Building Revenue----............ .. . Space, Rentais ..._.............. _................... Concert Reýceipts Gross ....._ .......... ........... Gate Receipts ..........._......_................... G randstand .. - ----..... ......... Total Receipts ..... ..__........-.. _... EXPENDITURES 1956 Debit Balance Iromi 1955 ............ -----.......... Prizes raidi Heavy H1Orsesýý................ ..................... . Light Hor-ses . ------ ---_.................. Beef Cattie..............---- _.. .................... Dairy Cattle..........----- ---- -----_.................. B. & MT.___ - ------_--------------.................. . . . . . . . Sheep)............ . .........-- .------ .-.---- ..---.-.---- S w in e. -*« - ---- -- -- ....--- ----- Poultryý. ............ .1................ Grain & Seeds ------- ------------- --................... Vegetables ----_ - ----_................................----- Fruit...............----___............ ............------- Flowers and Plants ..... ...................------- Neddiecraf t...............................---- - ----- Dome-st.ic Science---........ ...................--- Field Ci-op, Uns ...........................--- ---- Field Cr-op, Corn...........................----- ----------- Junior Department..................... Dairy Caif Club ..._ ---_.....................------ Di-amatic Contest ý-------........................----- Hydre.....---..... .. .------..-----.--------. -.---. -------. Judges ...... . --.. ---.-. ----.. -----------. ---.------. - Attractions...............................------------- Races - License - Starter ....._.----............----- Insurance. -... ........... .......................... ... Labour and Services... .... .. - ................. -- Bank Charges..._................. ............... >---- -- Advrertising and Printing .. ......................... St'ationery' , Postage and Exchange............--- Hall Rents .............. ............ ......----------- Supplies.................................-------- -------- Auditors...............................-------........---- - Association Fees ........--- .-.------ .-- -------..-----.-- Miscellaneous Expenditures ....._-----------........ .~ Balailce tu 1957.... _ ...... . ............. 824.60 150.0 -16.50) 100.00 46.50 408-52 200.00 75.00 100.00 5.00 2.00 3.0u 3.00 U.00 3.00 3.00 10.010 10,00 4.00 3.00 10.00 20.0'0 160.75,- 101.007 824.0G, ' 216.6Cý 1149A'.40 164.2r-, 96.10Q $4714.621' S ~18.5~ 237.00 41.00, 479.00 95.00 61i.06, 66.50 5'0.50 44.00, 94.00 84.3 5 169.75 79.75 75.00 75.0 100.35 139.60 130.00_ -42428.7ù" 65.00 500.00 288,05.ý 358.00' 217.21 430.0a. 37.01 17.15. $ 4714.62 'r i t, c., * ~ r~/L-~---T I.... ~ ff1'4~/ W.NICHOLS - Courtie OROvNO I Pholne 11816 TelINSHOP Orono, Ont. j CAR VETN MOTORS Phone 3251 .,. *. -. -. .t,....~, -. A' t' 4. 4 I Ai A Plumbing Fixtures Accessories and Repairs Warm A-IÀrzHeating an~d Air Conditioning iB.-H. Paints & Varnishes R. E. LOGAN, Prop.

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