i ' c. - ce Rocks, March 131. jPortant -factors' in a wvofan's phiv.i-' tR~!rS ac fcal beauty is hein,-:encouraged A eami .CýDlie put inito prctice by the O.H.S. Ma- Ijo)rebte Oorps in thelerehersiheld by CinJyr1 ste eral timeýs each weý-ek.He -gis., Didseoemnon anig undeil the apt ieadershtIp of Miss - Br~h i V Pysca Edcaio ~ That' was the maiýin topicý along thd-ý ciu.One of tes io t baan dy s ail bh ework wa; oilgottei ;j ciga bookçon th('hed, p and 1down i de rodiscn pe heforthcom- a dobefïighit o ou ve? l)e ïýstep-svb c which the Sclioo! BoarcVhalS re0ni 1-U, ntiyParty macle possible prJOvidý,di or. the Cops. ~ tdn' oni a edh psueis imp)orLtntor eC\_ the Odeiw' o.Maiy were eryone, but especialily foi- women, asjiin to dahnce ail inrght whîle arch.oeo ~ei gcd 1oi~. We 'theis weîe co- tto devour the a perlSo)n Ibas -good1 posture2 1every- mrc esh 1, a s trinhof ents ros da by th girI unth- h o se o i e s ot the food commnitltuýe. Ev-erything 'f} n te siinethusprou~in moe ws spin l lŽi ine of use Il elaxed imovemnent and pueon- _ yiaseotsh sur a~n TYhe MSrteof CoursPe Uar1e'on-1a l s~ate~sdfxtosfi tining th"eir baton t viig ad1 ec,1 s mar-Lchinig in i ýme to r(o.é ms,1 an1d areee ars1ý'ling 'two numbI!1ýes fo t the Last mieeting,, of' the Stu- (Continued on page 5) J(conitinued on Page 5) RIB RA r, BEEF TALEIT. 2E LB 4Jc 4B Sc TABLERITE S-'-ICED) Coolked Ham 6 oz pkg 49c 2;N ~%P .4< «'1 BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL N ARENA CTIVITIES - - 8fl0 to 10:00 .Admissioi~, SATTJRDAY, Ee heads 25c 6 163's 25C AktuhiILs40c. C~fhidren 25c. :30 p.. JUû.NIOR HOCKEY ,wmarket vs, Obson Pontiacs ADMISSION - Aduilts 50e. - ýtudJerts 35c. - Childrenl 25,c. 6 cntsOFF REGIJLAR PRICE filh, " I ge lb 39e Adulte 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 if- t e' e' e' 4 4 4 e' e' e' r r c 'if' <if e' 4 e' 't - NA- COR- aryý 13, 197, ts. Cash pay- if ts will oilly t i ~NTI' i __ i. 1, E, A F ,emeàt