Athere WIiaIes, Play 1 stretched out on a. 10w cliff ýjist'ovër~ the sea. A shalow rack trough lined with Vaccini*- )MpS, crowberries, andf mosses, nde a wonderful scentedl, ýprngy bed, heated by sun, woled by breezes. Once you kuiow tour enwironment a littie ànd bave learhed a few dçxlges, you cani be just as at homne anld relaxed in a tundra worlda i e, Newy England garden. GrQups of white ice cakes, in- zongruous in the sumïer blue Undl green of the sea, floated by, graceful things, sahlting- each J Dther mi~netaiie clashes and inkes. Sonie were fartastic ihapes like fairy castleès. One w'as ais big as a smnall housé; there a 'pure wvhite, upright arigel, then a gigant.ic peIicani with great outstretched wings. White whales, with . younig gray ones .(soj»e people say. ones are occionally..." gray also>,, dived in and out puffing aànd blowing -wth that dîelicious soothing sound as they tred placidly. Funny to watch themn standing straight up on their tails or heads, re- yami-d onesoew of a sheep)'s. Way out vwhere wind src the water, were purpie and S Pmerald patches. And in thie C ftar distance, ni -st wonderful of n àxi, great-mirages like big h. white cliffs. . . It was strange and~ restful to i gaze upon that great sea, which fo aeerms neyer to bear a man- 01 made ship pr boat of any kind, f r and is always' so . mpty of Iiumani signs. .. On the slow walk home v Terry had toid me it, vvas somne two or three miles to a point jiot far from rmy tent - I foi- lowekI close along shore wher- ever possible. Occasiona-1 small asttetcbes of sm)ooth. sand and. grravel were almnost devoid of th~e usual sea life we're sco ac- ceustomed to along Atlantic eoasts. Nc barnacles, anemiones, eponges tir sea u.rchbns; only a 1ew starflish; very little sea weed and scattered fo-rnis of But in t1ide-water pools in the Ytswere hundreds 0f cape- - miallsix-to.. eight Inch, ffme1tlke flsh - darlr olive with golden fleeki above, .ldes orf tkight si.1ver shading luto lav- ender and pink wilh br~illiant o Ëainbov sheens. As exquisite as any tropical things, - From 'Thê Tundra' Wor1c, >by Theo- dlora C. Stanwell-Fletcher. A telephône üý)erator nsýwer- Ing a cal! with the usual «'.Nu- ber,, pcease?" hieard a voice re- ply "Puston.," -'What numnber, Duston?" ask- td the operator. No nýumber. Just Dso, replied the voice impatiently.- And then, since the operator gill dbviously failed to under- stand, the voice added: "l'in l dustin' the telephonie," ai tea r se 4.h r%