ýe to hear sli was umn W B [) 5 -1 ýe best e seasônl played at ht wheni The Orono JCredit Union held thel-r US V- anriual rmeeting on'ues(lay eveigl Vin the .lAgricultur5LI building, 1ow manville with a1 g-ood attendance pr- O .ri. *sent. Mr elson Corbett was the g-uestý speaker for the nighit oàtidninwg the * many features of the org-anization.ý Mr. Corbett c is a representative of KENDAL 4 bhp Ontario Credit 'Union Lengue. Hel Junior Hockey pointed to a revision in the hy-laws1 and if he lcalwhiecih las. given authority to Unions, i ad o th loalto ainiost double the amount of boans. it the Orono rinký He also made a comparisoni of Ur- i Knda an Or ban- and Rur~al Credit Unions and the MlVt, uv IJi M Ulit p11) 4*t with passin~g plays quite teamns were evenly mait- gaine enuld hae gone to continuing of this type spectato7r ilterest fcould earound sixty specta- ihand for the gamne. )n starrAd for the Kendal 2 'with Kelly Lane tak- David Streedkerk took, for the Ororio crew Nith1 sand singles went to-, n.1 jack Williams and1 dceath, ence lier. $tUp T ,ft, the nurhaenhoa 14zi7 n Mr. And Mrs, SOth ý -ef ore On the evenin4 of Wediiesdav, Fe ru~ary r>, the Parish Hall of S . Sa- iour's Angican Church was ti scene of a celebration which ail ne- 1w25 aiitomnatically expeet, ar w1hich turne out ta be - ite achievement, if andi when realize Fifty years ago, Mr. andi Mrs, Georg Ifu.ttn were iuarried in Yorkshir Engflanti andi came to Canada tI fIwngMay. They llved first Toronto and then in Downsview i a thuie before finally moviag ea an~d seVUling in Orono and vici: wbere 'they have liveti for the pa tihese years, a Mrs. Hutton to show their Svery smart1 they matie d rplativis ofi ,h theb but art extensive creasii ed in the the tr, e of thlese by-th 1 a ndth