quent appica-. t tons per aera ars) are i& infrequent ap- 15 tons ev-r O.A.U. autikmr- eolate Fuidge lix rc pkg. Poly Bag lb Çqc tural Colleg-e. The app)lication of m ue o"th Land returas at least a prilaon of the plant food removed by crop-1 ping,ý. It also assista in mMtaininî,-g the organic niatter wh'ich i s vital in, eating bthe neceç-ssary activity with- in the soil. Fromn $150 te $210 worth of plant nutrients are' sold off arinuallyV in farmi produce on the average 100 ta : 200 acre farr. This mneans that the soil is ,becornin- slowAly depleted iii 'fertility . q 15 o. ~titi 9f'or f.*d & wbhIte 5Soz5 IFRY'S 0Q,0QA.' ~In 1 INST ANT MILKO POWDER LB 35c iCLOVERLEAP,, SOIJID WHITE M%,ENI TUNA FISH [Ib tin 35c .1OHNSO-N'S HARI) GLOSS GLO-COAT le 088« ie air as an le use of is action tuntes theas meýPi :1 in the unanuwr withth >hosphate or, gyp,ý;m ina h iphate, $orming 'anmoniunsw which reumaîfns ý elateY~ ýplicaticn of "superphos"j ds, oher benefits. Farm -ntains twice as ' much nit- d pùtash as phosphGIrus., and sing the phosphate in the he value or effieiency of the s incereased, because most oils are low ini availahle is. AIso, stable sanitation ia bhrough the reducing of od- hthe "superphos" acting as ng agent. -seax-h -work, has estab-- Eý fat. tat mnurerein-1 QT TINI ITREESWEET ORAN~GE JUIOE 48 oz 35c1 HGOW oz 2-23c LIBBY'S Fancy Peas LIBBY'S Sauerkraut LIBB3Y'S Deep Brown 15 oz tîn2 ie thlon Swithi conservation lb 95c Aunt Mary's lb $1,03 Red &White lb $1.11 2 for 65c 10Ooz pkg 27c * III III III FRESH MEATS Young, Tender - Loin End. --2!,,2 to 3 pounds Prork Loin Rst Ilbi9 Well Trimmed -- End to end. eut Pork hp 0boneless Beef .--Rolled Plaie' Pot Roast Smf' re n - By the piece BioJcogna Swift's S1iced JellIedIieadcheeae lb 35e lb The use Df 2W percenit phosphate 1"~ lii stables should, be loqlked upon as a long-terni soi! fertility practice, -a -oo '<" THIJRSDAY TO SATIJRDAY - FEB. 14 -16 IMATINEE SATIJRDAY,2 p.m. IrYou C6aa't Run tAway Fropa It" [c.Ior] Musical Comedy Starring JUNE ALL'VSON and4 JACK LEMON 1" TuLbwed"(clo O AUDIE MURPHY andi LORI NELSON U Last complete show 8:35 There Is Store" A Red & White Store Near v1 Open Until 9 p.ni. Fridays and £ornOMM R - .- Am INMONDAY and TUESDAY -- FEB 18- 1 oAbove Us The Waw 9 ~JOHN MfILLS andi DONALD> SIND>EN 9 Last complets show 9: p-m. SWEI)NESIIAY and THURSDAY -- FER. 20] "Sloocd Alley"l 1Technicolor.- i nemascope 9 J01HN WAYNE andi LAUREN BACALL Lat complet. show 9.10 Now February Calendar 926 and 393 worth $20.00Oeach expire1 e 4 PARKAY REGULAR MA RGàL&A RI àNE 4 Ibs forl99c N.F. P Phi. Res. Early Riser .21 FekiE 'esent