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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Feb 1957, p. 6

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ý more exciting d routine. They lornes, feed thcir Smeais and (re- rmal habit> their deals largely appened dQwn- The men mar- because they id fhey have the ct a wvell-ruin dren. The busi- ho deliberately these expecta- te, pay more ýe thînks. treason thiat a stay' home is to tnat vyour stand and stick- Rlemind the man you udget househod needs the reduced income; the least important an- he stil! hesitates, su- e talk this over wiith physician. lHe seems Vo the facts of if e set hlm, so he will under- how essential te your ess and spiritual peace at you perforrn the ma- role~ to its fullest. You )y sympatby, but also iviction that your bus- objections will mnelt hyour argumnents. "Qear Ann Hirst: 1 Ihac begun te thiànk alil wmen are alike buit one or tweo wbo have 'writ.w ten, you have cbangad! my mind. They seem, like real lidies, and Y'd appreciate it if you. could tel]inme 1how [ can get in toucb witb thern. "'ve b1-een wronged by one wornan, and divorced ber t-wo yaars age. (Womren gre se un- predictable these days, and men arete.I airn very lonely. I stay home every night, have a geod job, don"V drink or play thse herses. "I'd like te mneet a nîce wo- mar who sin ' the saie situa- tie. Cuidyen help two of us find happiness? I've Wd-cvery- thing else. T. R,." * This coluran, 1 must e- * mmd new readters, is neot a *marriage mart. I cannoît re- * veal the ideutity of anyene te *another. *Are~ you sure you have ex,- *haustec ail thie customnaryý *sources etf friendship? Dees >- your minister know how ]one- ! y you are? Your co-wvorkers? *Tell them, if you haven't. and *asis their aid. 1 amn sure Vbey * will look around and mitro - * duce you te a few eligible * lenesomne young women. s if evel y dnd lflow lu n readers of g expcrience Ihy give her bat lias kept ,ethier . . . If do, write ber igbiteenth St, AH,' YOUTH - Nothinq fa-zed by ;iubzero temperatures, three- and-one--haîf-year.oid Betsy Fish -ebvîously eats up ber Arctîc-like1 surroiundirigs. Whiie her soÇf ei1d er s huddle irdoors- for warmth, Betsy plays in lier' snow, tur.-el atand nibbles at un icy sandwich, a rein ivelV ulq1ipo rtant Prince tc propose tI i n n on- So one day she sent for Alb~ert and sat hlm beside her on the sof a. 4s he told his grancimother later, "She declared te mye in a genuine outburst of love and af- fectiont that 1 had gained ber wvho]e lheart and would mak-e her intensely happy if I would miake her the sacrifice of sharing ber if e wiVhi her-." Barbara Kelly was only seven- teeni when she proposedl to Ber- -nard Braden. They were in Ca- nada at the timne, riding ln bis convertible. Suddenly she announced, " want to -etW married and I think it had better ba you." Apparl tIylhe held out for a month so, but as the wholp world knows, they are new a v,y3 happhly mnarie(d coupl1e. A very forward mmirx was païinter Jean-Baptiste Greuze's mode!. \Without the slightest eu- coUragemient, she asked hlm te mnarry ber, Fin ding itdifficuit to be dis- ceurteouis to a ,voman, he agreed, but bad to bc- pusbed before hie would decide on the date. They were eventually married two years later. odm misses aren't at ail backward in making the rua- nîng. A few years age, wena bus cond1uctor put a ticket inte the hand of one of bis passert-- gevs,. she said1, "When will you give mne a rimg iastead of just atickýet?2' She wahis girl friand, w.homn he hadnt really noticed in the rush of selling- tickets: now she's bis wife, In Mianchester a younig couple were saying good-nigbt and she uipset becauseshd been taken te task by ber mother for flot washïng the disbes, "If you don't marry me soon l'Il kil! myseif," sh -e cried, so ber boy friend obligingly saved her 11f e. In the film ýworicd it seensal, most normal -for the uspual tien te be reverad.Ain acteor re ported that a film sbar asked hlmn to marry ber. "Itv was't the other way rouind,>'lie addeà tactlassIy. 0f course, when there's a for- tune to be galned, w,,omen iare rarely backward lu comnlngfr Ili 1953, bachelor Ned Eng- lisîh, a 75-year-eld fron- Kilfin- ane, Courty Linierick, £vas left a£ 10,000 legacy b1y his broh. More thani forty ,womer. be- f ween theý ages of twentyý-,-nie and fifty, woesaying that they'd love to become bis wife, Moderin 1 t, Etiquette . By Jane Andrews , , Q. peoilleem IlI' ve just met often say, "I'm very gîad Vo have mnet youP. Is this cor- rect, andiif Mo, bwsbould 1 A. This is quite corre-ýct, and the preper reply could ho, "Thank- you," or, "imvery bld te bave met YOU." Q.When onua issmkn at the talen a restaurant, and there is no) ashtray, is it ail rigbt tVo use, a plate or sauicer for the A. Ony n ill-bred person wouldcie -)this. Ihis much better k the waýiter or waitress for Is àV ,Qotlniuprfor a e ask hem escort for - ar d flown over fromn Paris te spend and receive the a-ward for lier Douglas received his for his work- IERFARM Àv We are just corninig eut et the deep freeze - wbicl< we did net like oeý bit. The temperature around here for a whole wveeký ,ranged, all the way from ten above 7ero Vo twenty belowv, of- tan witb a ' streng .w;nd blowig. 0f course the eold( weather brought wt it complications; the bouse was liard te beat and the car wouldn't start, but thank goed-nessz we dlidn't have trouble 1wîthi the plumbing. Last Tues- day we had business to attend to down town and the easies;t wywas te caLl -a taxi. That tiime everything wvas fine. Biit on Fr'iday 1 had to go clown ,mai gain- thfis tinîé to shop. retit wasa't se good. In fact it. pralcticalljy amounteri te a comedy of errers. I got together what I wanted frojn the grocer>s and qsked Vo have mny ordar senit over te theý taxI cal office. Went Up the stràL-t and did the rest of my shopping-, calling at the but chers, the drugsterg, the bakre shop and the dlairy, carrying mest of the stuff with mec. Thbe saine taxi was available and readY te go se 1 theuight aIl we kad Vç) do was stop at the dairy e nd pick tup my ordar. We geV home anud Partner was waitiag to take evervthing inte the bouse froin the back seat of the car. Without aýctuRl!y checkin1g I knew somiething wavs missing. "The- greceries - where's my box of geere "Iasked the driver. "'Greceries? I neyver saw ne groceries." "I'm serry, but nothing cameý h ere for any Ms~lak. "Are you sure? There sheuld bave been a box of groceries and a sinal bag of potatoes:" "Oh, that order! Yes, î me- memiber it comniag in but the boy said it was fer "Mrs. Currie". The taxi is away now - with Mrs. Currie and thie greceries!" "For goodness sake! Well, 1 woader il .you can phone Mrs. Currie's pflace and see wbhat you cari do about it, If you can le- caýte the greceries haîve the taxi bring themn in som-etimie during the day." The caUl-lady was mst oblig- ing, and a littIahie she -phored bac!ç< told me everythig had been straigh-,tened out and the grocýeries would arrive befere lengl-which they did. A pretty fine example of the advanitage of living la a country district. 1 suppose geveryone was more or less at fault - I for net rmak- ngsure the box was ln the car the -delivery bey fer net giving the right name; the taxi-dreyer , for neot making sure hae bad the riglit box fer the right person. And lu each case it was excus- able. Being- Friday afternoon the stores, and thec taxis busy and I, ibe!ig used te my own car ai-d picking up mny own parcels, didn't keep my wits about me. Tt could 'be theC'y were partially frozen! However, all's wvell thiat ends -vell. In spite of difficulties we now ha-ve eneugh of every- thing te kee--p us fed fer anothier week, suppesing we cithier get frozen la or snowed lan. As for the car it ha.-sn't been eut et the garage for over a w.eek. During rougb weather it eau stay there se f ar as 1 ami conceýrned. What wepay for a taxi wve save on gas, se what's the difference? The el weather bad it3 drawbacks for us but thie four- legged creatures seemed te lîke it. Our aeilgbbour',s borses were racing around in the pastures having a grand 'ime. Our few, cattle vwere eQually active ini the barayvard. As for Rusty hc Ji Seven pretty edgings in filel crochet! Yoil'U find these de- sig-ns se useful for decoratîng ai types ef linens. Tbree bave new picotmresb ibackground. Pattern 810: Charts, croche, directions for seven edgings, 1Vt te 4½ inches la No. 50 cetton.' Sead TWENTY-FIVE GENTM (stamps cannot be accepted, usi, postal note fer safety) for thii pattern Vo Laura Wbeeler, Box,~ 1, 123 Eighteeath St., New To- roiuto, Ont. Print jlainly PAT- TERN INJTMBER, your NAMI A. This isý quite aIl right, An attenýrtive escort, ef (cOUre should -make sucb a3,request un- necessry. E u t should e be h fogeVle nougbi)LÏl, iV is perfectly, proper for tbe girl Vo ask 'him. Q. Somie friends ha-ve just told mre tbat 1I(committed a serlous breacis of eliquette by congra- tulating a girl upon ber eng-age ment - thiat this sugÎgested I thoughit she ïwas Iucky te have found a nin Is this true? A. This was a nijstake, but it is a very common one, and yo should noV worry too mucb - e -ibout iV. The usual procedure is te congratulate the inan :ad offer wishes of happiness te the, giîrL. was fuil of beanis and White played around like a kit- ten. Twýo big grey squirreil chased each other up, -down, and aro uwt the poplar tree in fronît of the h10LIse 'and 'one day wac saw a hug«e hawk resting on tlie branches of a nearlby oak . e'e Ir, fact it looked itoo big to bé z hawkJ. Perhaps it was some kind of owlv. We couidîn.t tel! frorp ~the house - and to g-o oui birdvwatching djdni't appeal to us in zero weather. WeIl, we got word from Eng- Iand this. week that Partner has lest two aunts and an unela since Christmas and the young- est of the three was 85 -- Aunt Lottie. 1 I-went te see ber whien 1 was in England and found a bright, active little womian, liv- ing alone in a big fhouse and do- ing most of ber own ,ork. The jother one- Aumt Mary -- waa. around 90, and had been HIi for some tîmre. As foký Uncles WillI Partner thinks he was crowd- ing a huLndred. The wyhole famn- ily bas beeri noted for its Ion- gevity. The mother - Partner'u maternai grandmother - died 1some years aýgoat, the age of 103! She directed her two un- married daughtars in theïr liousekeepirig duties two weeks 1ýefore lier death. She might hive stepped 5traight from the pages of Jaina- - ex- cept t1hat Jalna wasn't eveu written than. Seven Edgings £ 1* ~ t: *nature *Take yh à/ -' -IFIVE CENTS ýe aicoepted, Use, ýaety') for this plaînily SIZE, FRSS, STYLE .NE ADAMS, eentb St., New -1957

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