t .-' ITI1 Subscription $1.50 per year., Over 100 Atte.nd Annual:. Mother And ,-Daughter,,Banqïueýýt Tire Anuas)Mother sud Dauglhtru(- i]ljr IBanquetai' tire Orono, Girn Guides sud jU4S Brownies was held in thre Suuday nrpr o lyoâ SLhool Auditorium ai'tire Oroso -Un-'j rep eFrPlyon ited Chur-ch an Tuesdsy night, Feb-- ieJnoHoky ean.wrh ruary 19 at, 6:30 o'clock. ' u ileitèrinHociey Otain wior Amouud 100 iatirers or 'mothemsç "D" Pl-jaydwnis nre presently form- borra-wed for tire occasion, sud daug-irý- g sd -:11 appear friteir first tors gabier-ed aro.nsd the fables iactice antireic NewcnstýLÏe ice tins -whieh >were decorated with i-cep) Friday ovefing. Tlire seco'i practice ipaper sztreamers and spiing - ilowers. will ire held in Omoilo on Tuesday ev- ening. The toast t0 the Queen was pro- posed by Ana ]est, God save th,, 'Qujeen mwas' suYngafter wiht',e ,Guides sang the grace. A banquet of hot scalo,ped pots- toes, cold m-eat, devilled egjeilly This ea is made up of' the alîstars of the ' ocal league whichi has been in action cd îffg the past mnouth and a balf. Eigheen bi~' ave beeni signedl uip for thie team su ad thiesfe boys are - weil represenited froinN e wcat .-R.CLARA SQUIRE Polio VacLi. ýOIx lide eo~rt w-id pas at Mr.Clara (Doli Keats) Sqýcuire, ofai tlire ate Williïam B qie ýssed twa'au lFebruaî>,y 12th; 195'7 Ciarafin Gera]msi &ital, i 1-a'r 81st year. Mi.Squire had resided ini Chat- hiam mnost of her life, hiav-iig been born there, da,.ughiter of the late J-anies L. Keat, and Martha Hurd (formerlyý-of Orono). Suirviving is one' brother Sai LD. Keats~, R.R. 5, Chiatham. A number of nee and nephews ai-so survivTe. 'Mn. Sqluiive rested at the John G, Stephlen Funer-alT{omie where thle funeral service was conducted by her nephew, Rev-. H ugh Stewa4t of B-odlerickç Baptist Chnurch, St. Thomn- ais. Entomibment a in The Mausol- eumn,Maple Leaf Cemnetery, Chathamn. _Mrs, Squire was a frequent visitor to Orono - hier last trip was last June to attend the Goldien Wedding Anniversary o- f Mr. and' Mrs. E. elJ IeWCpltil IIMarc i 41n1 AshiP!ý'ent of p,Qmyelitis a cinle has been received by. thè North- mberj'and-Durhnm I-Ieaith - Unit twuo weeks soonier than had been promîsed, states Dr. Charlotte M. Eloriier, Med- ical Officer. of Health, so tbat the, H-leath Unit staff is able to go' alhead -without further delay with the rgrmeof providing, cl1inics 'for the prevýention of poliomyelitis foi ali llcildren in the United Counties' from the age of six nionths through high se hool. Alrecady, ffrst ciics have been hleld in the high schools ini Bowmianville, Cobourg, Brighiton and Campbellford. Plans are being- made for ,liisc for preschool children on diates asý follows, the particularis to be adver- tised in local newspapers: -1, jA1 ' iUe lo L ,1 a 4(t '.rui. 'l ie tc,,Cai WiI i ain. BighonFebruary 25 ~cemwas enjoyed by those presen,kowný as the O1rono Juniors sud is PatHp1erny2,2,2 Uiegude ad ronie si--ý-1-. sponlsored by the, Orono AmateurPot ope Ferury oI2 " -8 togidasto udiibrowuies poservig. AtleicAssociation. AnriuiicemleutPuchseF cslbe M ach 5 m A tasltaGusdng asprposd ben madýý(e by th-e 0.H.A., as "" oionive Marh 5 .Jo Annie Rutherford and 1e e$t yhs o i3700O for Couâity Roads Bw'avleach56 iI4is es sr.yet, as towh n sd whue the apen- Camipbellford M\,arch '7 Wls o-aBrýing for thie locals wHilbe imade. Cut od nNrhmeln Cobourg ac 13,1,1 i'its.G.M.Lîto, harm 1i' Ant Orono-Kendal duel ws.s waged sudd Durli should show maked in- Second doses ta .Jhesfi preschoo(l the Local Association, then introýdued art the local arena on Tuesday even- pravýeent this yesr. Purchiase oaicidewllbginforwesfl Bterhady, hi a Dfivis:s oin ing ,~vith Orono tsking the long eud more than $ý3 7,O-uworth ai' equipinent ýlowing the first dose. After that, Dr. ButtryBo~manill, Dvison oin fi the 9 ta 6 counit. f"or r101ad maintenance and construc- laersa1,_1nis0i, b 'l aniSsiaffer; Miss Hazel Wiaiter, WVhit- - Gary Co)oper again sparked the tion was authorized atý a mneeting ai'1 thrghout the nited Countes ta by, Aren Camnp Advisor; Guide Csp- locals wttorgolholweryteconisoadadbigecmi- gi irt sudiecntd dones f6he tain Ruth Gradhr; her mother, Mrs. wt orgasflovdb h oite odadbigecmis, is n eoddsst e H. Goode, Mrs. Gladys Gamnsby, Miss Reg. Wîllets 2, Andy Souch 1, San- Pure-hases include anl Austini- ginners sud other elemnentary school Bore-en White, Tawný-iy Owl; ber dyRthe1 u alRtefr .sa nCbug children who have not received any mnother -MIS. Mldred White; Mrs. Paul McMaickini paced the Kendal Weýters grader valued at $17,1300 vaccine, sud third doses ta those who -Ethel Tyr l raue i h oa squad with twa goals wýýith singles ta f roni Sawyer-Massey Ca., Hamilton.rcivdto ossassrig yrelTrasrr f h1Lca he price inicludes Ihe trade-in aof the rcie w oe atb'lg Association sud daughter Mrey;CaTtin, Ted Lane aud' Joe jack- i147GlogrerAnefu-O M4rs. Hilda Tamlblyn, Secretary, asud soun. qdL4 ýlo rdr or dagherJen; Mis et arr,whe drive truck w,,ith cab sud chas- Mn ,duhtrJen Mis et ,sis \viJl alsa be purchased framn A. shw roan4io Browni Owl; Mrs. John 1Gotceu; Gl Cord Guide, Ans Best, her miothier "a!n arABoda1U.' Kerr Equipint Cao, Toronto, Teams At Mi-eilroek rames M àirjorie Best; M1rs. Nets T àb.naFi'%ABoawyif- $15,245. Of this amouint $5,500O dred, Badge Secretary, her daughter, Sucerss, To Corne T Orono ame fominuruc o te l ~Joan Aildrpd; IMrs. Dorotliy BaiieItck. oeleuerfrH ockey players fiomthieVillage Publicity Secrtary and daughter ToSmehatsfrta-n again travelled ta io ro on Tues,- ,Mary Lynin.e "Sabrina Fair",asfaur-act roman- out culverts wHill h bought at $2,175 day evening representing thr1ee_ ti cmeywhchha mt it sc-each plus s, cleaning attacht,,,inetanins. These teais wr the Atoins, Mrs. Liniton thep called an, the cess as a Broadwsy producto ujorh$l5 ~~fewiqLeaders who first had a aso as a iiiv ie tomnes ta Orono inluIl the roads and bigscoirniis- PeeWoeSsudý( Bautamrs. ,g'mup Of rw~adi)sa Flvst AId the lsat wekof March.thoplay is sin appropXa:àiOfi Ss4ed ýatt lk ~demionstration in ia-tiriial respira- bejing pee0d teOrn m-Cottuties counrcil, $,*35,000 :vsst hs rlsaepraving quite in-, fo,, pttiing on a hoad hband sud tour éAthletic Assoiation snd is 2iow aside for ulew equîmenit reco- erSting -nad a numiber ai'tthe par- puttiug n arn l a slln .-snuelbeiug -rehearsed under thdire ictor- mýended for purchîase by 1ýcaunities En-onsaefloigte ctiisa' Mvlajor then led aniother gopin1s slip ai' Margot Samnuel. gîneer G e o rgeL otn cig theicse youngi-sters -when they piay. d.emfonstration ai' semiaphore, a, group Tie ca)t ai'ten bas a nuirai' ofper-! the $5,W0 O nsurauce mloney ron he The Atomns, 8 sud 9 yoar old boys, ai' new r tecruýits told wha.t they k-iieW foreswhio aippoared in 'Dear Ruth' total expend(iture, the ýoititee is aebidn pqieafloigsd about the Union. Jack sud afrte whh was pi-eseu->teci lasji year under keeping iithin ifs budget. Chairmaalara cerngscio l te- group demionstrated thearai fold-- the Samne spOInsor-ship. Tho se arnlenr- is Ray_ Bothwell, reeve ai' South seoives at Mi lbrook on Tuesday eVýn Âig their fies. Iinii p i the play will be Jo Aina ut-Mouaghiau.in.ye erford, Mary Rutherford,Gere- -- - AirS. Buttery then eriled th,, ai spokle s fPewv -words on -the district Carolyn Janes, Jim PollardNe isOrvillee - a i' u a mucb l"es thanef ecovered sud the wavrk doue in Gidin Catro.Vc ue u ea ar.mrî The production will ho s taged In wss ini the fist gamo piayc-d. Terriy Mls Margevy Tyrrell then lunti a-Te buaymeiga'teRu GramiteOon espaedn diced 'the eust speaker, Miss Hazel th onhpHll rn u idal Womien's hIistîtute waýs heMd at outstanding gao for bis team ao Wiater, who told the stoi'y ai' Lordbeieaatouhtprrmn, the homne ai' Mrs. F. Stoker on Wed- tumnýd nmany s shot ýiay 'whichw Baden. 1Powell, faunder ai' the Scoue uLi eLin Fbray 3bwiblabeîled fa enite,-. CaleRe'_d sud .an ide moveenf and whase birth-lDoddie White, v. .Curt' rs &lnt in the, aire or w gesv -ay e celobrate an FiaFeray Guide Captain Ruth Grady to r othherol ai, mal baw sar frt e loai.thaer ssron 22.ý This day bas been nnmuiled Thnk ook clargeoaf'the meeting d aperbags wrohanded arouud it paes oeWan Mle, ap 1gDy.Ms Wue iee th e candle light servi i' enrofment W55wbich ose-h put theim handsaid sheak Kenny", ý;Ian kWayeier, Rd.ip-l Scot-did mvemhx , f vhih oudctd eryeifecivly.Th IIW aud wtheach i ewbe-r sud -gave a soni, Bsrry Ifbbbs, John Graýtdy, Rab- there are now approxiniately four Guides e-nrolled were Judy amlngre ing t was trinui-need tha te i agvMche aaDn million, toa sraýilroad 'wifh the lýss Dissue Gilb ansd Patsy Joueis, short course "Brighteu your homle Rg 9sn DulsaaiudEi engers ail aboard for, "Good Citizeni- Badges wr afarded ta JOAuewt colour" ,vould ho held ai? Marich ill.esn oga l no i sbip." Rutherford, Marlene -Grahai, Joan 2t iHheSiialsholr.i.A Al-tn, Marilyn Major, Marilyn Cob- aDirou'1is te Si passed alrn i) Thanks, on bebsîf ai' the Guides, Jsledick sud Counie Tyrreli. I -onhih enput spatch darond i sm ll 5thre PeeM~ee dvainthe gn ,Brownio2s sud llbose present, wss exý- Pao u Tp ruib eycontribution aird it -was -reported it euded in a four-alI ra after the teiided Miss Wiuter by Tî%WnY Owl, enjoyable oveniug fa a close. wss etting- quite heav-y. A discussion Sixty inutes ai' play. Thle scoring anteidesai'f having a travelling acefo the localss Gary - basket ç0-th each one putting i scolie- Msackin who netted fthroee ai the 0Or- Banquet And Présentationhevhave at ech atnsd aagol.The ather counter camie ]Ban due A n Î" ëse ý.%ati n 1the off the Stick ai' Noil Hooey wha alang baynsk. Thi wss hought ta bori e avith Larry Miller pmovided somne very USS î; ood ides sud was adopted. Mv,ý good passing pîsys,. Other niembers I n fonor A. /ie Rusns ieil ein BîCStapletndrantGen aýck Staploton ws-s is change ai' th, i teta e- ragHudWye program sud gave for the natto endBa tpeGi rn A gsherng i' iort frro he VI-'ed a th inerat sown y te Rs- Simiplicity is a virtuel'. Fomthe tapic Woîod, David Ende sud Tonly Mtl ilage aof Orono hououred av d sud Mrs. es2 in the activities of the Village. secoe"ipepesrsa os Sany R~sel o Thrsdy veuug t ws tï'oghtheleaemlip i' r.try- Life" sud told hovw they had been Theh Orono Bantains, in tbeir f ea- oi' last week. Mr. and Ms RusselRss l as president ai' the Orono ojyn cutter rides this 'uaeNpvii ihte1ilboktnn car-' wLere guests ai' hanour at a banquett Amnateur Athletic Association, said ols the Sixth Lino, when fhey brougbt riedl off the horours 6 toý 3 'Th-veugh held af the No rtliway Restaurant. iMm. 'Samruel, that this org-anisation ouf thre aId cutter suid bitcbdtedîighceyi h at~r~e'the The evening camne as a- surlprise f0 wass today finanlcially Sound sud pro-odmaewihadonbsyntebysce pwhtiiri. thecoplewh wll hotlybae o ain-g a wide range of activities for1 tobacco farni duriug thre summier Sault St. Marie wheye v. -Russell the children ai' the ares.sdhdalenae a a. The The re stood at 2 ta 1 for Mill- has beau transferrcd by the D j m.DoalaSapeswa tese-il hildren h-'sd i'ound herses to 'ride lu brook at- the end c'f thre furet period. nment of Lands sud Pamests. MeD onl tpc va hncl place ai' bicycles during tIre Winte'rThe sole Orano goal iu the first Per- Thre banquet taak thre forin o!ai' ai'1on ad be futhered the reinarks nionflis sud en~Joyed the change. For lad wenti ta Green. Peter lMisartense furky diner ith Il tre dlic ofes Mr. ,Samiuel. On boiraI ai' thase ithre contest, each cut a pieeeoefi'waaltedtescr nhaeodpr'd anrd ster ta ll tr eliarthwaypresent Mm. Staples presenfed Saudy whicir they thought would nieasure idtheirscorue ga i thescn pe riod sau at. dtob teNotwa itir a pen knife a-ad a set ai' brushes. tlreir wvaist asd if was fus fQ sce iaw thislngolftepro ]Rsal.lawnîtbedinr .E.HMr. A. L.Hooey, also on behaîf f a'god the guess was. Mst aof te Samonue thae a innerworcl a po.H. the g'athering preseuited Mrs. Ru'ssell la1swee qit 1urf.En-r'Geing into the third perilod the witb s bovely vase, lady was rewarded for this ffort b c'y a "i~a '2.BnMdl In l their reply, thre honoured couple beilg presented witb a nice rosy ap- netted a par wifir assists ta Rober',i Svaiced their appreciafian sud sfated plM by Mils. Stapleton. .J1he. meeting Reid snd Greeni. AIsa suoring for ~' Ithat their stay iu the Village hadl closed by sîsgirrg "Thre Queen" sud Orono in tho last framie was Gr'eený Though¶ rF« The veek been inrst enjayabile. Sandy said that refreshrnents and a saocial c1at were and Donnie Lycett. A single goa-l1 ho Ih-ad alrws'been interested in th, enjoyed. M s artIl Mndarnsd owent M Il-ro ne tiethird. Tire "No one is eselese i this act*ivities ai' youing people anI Was Mrs. E. Coui-oux vere trie hostessos. Oooby ae-i'witrsgo Lorld who lightens a burden for f ld i h patnt i en ll Mrs. Couradux gave a voe f 'thansbanaihokysd ayeseni P smo~eIe'-Care esto work ,vith thec Atietic Associa- ta Mrs. Stoker for enfertariiag tirea action tins Friday nigitriat thre Orana0 p fiaS --Charpromoting t.activitios for thre riuk at 6:30 wiren they again' play Sy0ungsters J (onne on page 5) Ptrbruh ISkating SkiII At O01rono Arena 1 The Orono Skating Club hield a M4arjorie Tyrrell, Sheila BraaI very successful demionstration on and Patsyý Jones featured preelâo*m Saturday evening at the Oroijo rinka drill and rhythm, whnen three hutndred Wdults and chîl- CaOu oejndLiCsLct dren Were preýsenlt to view th atis aolnJne n Duls ett try of sonne sixtY chîldren from theo entertained the audience withýthiàr~ icommunts Thcapable' skatýing in a twosome im commnit. Th evnin's ~rogam hich ,they pr-esenitedc a mqre my ýva s a dtemlonlstraton 0f f igur -es, d daiwing and free skating. Vis type vace stage of skating. Thism of Program outlined the work bein j1 also true of solos hy Mary Jane Faun&' done wihhne children at the ri»k thi! and ilCooper, wh both gave a_ year and through the dAmonStWrto esrton of free skating. ai the vairiou,:ns nmbers parent n The club pro,, Adele iyns>lu er intresedparieswee ale Oun- graceful mapnner and artistryr of Ute ment favouaby on the progress of lver bildes, gave a stirling per- Ehe children. frac'offres<tntoceh4 The (dem0onsration e'venWin uder the evening's eniterta'ininient. -b'e(dlrectorshýip of the club pro., Adele Mlyles, ala provided drill namnbers!lPresetatin of gifts W«er made tu solo, twsomles and athier features rs E. Neflson president of the eIu~ 1 hich deiighted the audience. ;idn e yls club Pro. -nd Mý1rG. Chýarles flutton acted aýs mjaster ofi Hutton, mnastLer of ceemonie.s. The :eremonies for the eveiniig. 1presentaitions were majjde by juniQr A group of senior Cis first dem. i em on behaî f idte club. S"abtd the figureeight, one of the Thee iwnstration wa,ýs certainly a important features o)f fanjcy skýatingý,. credit to the Fancy Skating Clubh and Follwing was a Performanae by the to their pro. and did sho-w adv;ance- beginnrer's grOUP, wýho is theïr own meirýt in the abilîty Of the s at r way captivated thes portinOf the'drii the seaso)n, The chiilulren 'wilt so.These youngsters perfamdtecntinue ta pr-actice the'ir skatLing oci ar't along 'with skatinig bcwrsMnasadThgrsdays unlilsach wihit taught to g-ive the skaters1 time as w,.eat.her does not pei'mit. confidence at this early age in skat- ing. A grou~p of skaters having ÉWFederation To Re leive Ap- yeaýrs of experience, del'ightedth gathering with the bunny hop and lotfsFrFIkSh l skating backwards. A group oai' thieeFe Flkrchul year stuidentls aofthe club demonstra- ted additional arts wvhen they per. The Directors o f the Durha'm Coup..- fmed s2irals three turus and the 1 t Federation of' Agriculture miet at technique of' skating on inside edges.j the hom-e Dr 3Mr. and Mlrs. Roart7 Twelve girls of theinemdaeIMft at Orono. the evening grt cess attîred as majorettes and twir- February 14th. Due to pour roa&d- ling batons estd a preciincondition-s only fii'teen from i Clark drill. This group f ...yo.ngter paiid Darlington towniship were pre-, average an age of possibly opelevn.un, During the first half of the pro.- Th e PridtM.Crec gr-aithree junior members display- iof Newcst, pesdd Q ed the art of fira skating tvith uel deal ofL geneýral, busîue2-s was cleaed& taking- to the ice in solo numbers.MWr.EarI Dorreil ehaîrman of tibm Thee yugsters went thrugh thirj opeatrýî,su1ne (_,îa nlumlber quite capably snd were, Yedeation Çomite resign'ed =4 Mrigaret Mýiddletoni, VleieMecr M. atoi oe!o Ji ,,st~ A number sliowing good turne and sk'atinig was a twosomle by Miss Gail""S Pinent at th ecOetng was Ir WiLis and Miss SMarie Hooey. Thiese; Vic oof 1'nt Ti îfngs ii- orLbuR1- two skaterspresenteda deigtfl be -nd C6int. r o ow a and talented act depicting two danc- Fieldrnn A- 'the Ootoio VIE- ing dQlls. Their alhility to saeta- ) holCouneil. g'etler and in the lit was rnust en-CutwokSho ab ~dMrh joyable. 21 to) 24 w ~eeied*rs~eight The Dutch Waltz poe a hit wýith1 delegates, The meigdei(dd ý lih ~i~iecewhen it was presentedi pay , di wapiePuorthe dei"ayng of by twdlve senior girls, of the cu.epre o hg ftnig ~ This numai r as also th(-,Fieta Tanigo cationr ilbe ecivdby i eln4u_-. djepied ej hythn, poaise nd ailtyby 1Jack A_-rnoit, Ooo the; cso goup. Bath nupmes wPy iDe'o 0 t1eOFA. r re pwell preseuý-ted and wl ried ( - aded greatly to the eveninig' ayo gave s report on a recerit me~3n i Tgono and M.DOP gia.Stpes=potdon the Lend!-rship A foursome by Heter Rutherford, Sehool held recently in Peterborouge Life Mem--kbership Presented To Miss EPenfQunJc The February meeting oa i' 1 t nl enoudsdMs. PRain(ey made suîi- Wam-an"ýs Association wa-s lheld as able elis ThýursdJay aftemnooip, February l4tir. MmS. crnt'hon conucted the- Tb(eere 40 ladies lu atÉtndau!e. Ibuies.Lt was decided fa have &a Mr.Kitchen, the presidenit, 'w'ns S tc~te. end salefai' r> lun tire haimr iud aiter 1.tewnig a w-el(come ta thre ladieýs plp-een, o'peu-edmdecoi-oîFidyp.xM-h ire eeting bW repeatiug tire W.A. 1 u lothInt the W-A. iwaul&-. M1ottoansd ai! joiedlu- sigtng tritherC, t -re1'alten a-qu t> theli 1e Sang. i -cckDecombler. -M-1s. L Haoey, the ,Cari., Alrs. Ro'beit gave fie De- Sec, rend the lette. or i'thnks ,ý irma votiîonalŽ Sire t.ead a passage i'onlM5 .GaaMm riueil thre 15t' 4ha1o1a' lph, thon 111Mr. Ruth MaUffat. Mlr. and rs joined in siging bymu 344 "hTyoMs rdDna u Thou who e-spest fron abave" Mrs.C.Wo xrsethnfr-eý Hndkgave interesting sud he'p- Lar ai'apprciatin )sent tq ts ful comment snd lead in prayer ta Wood by the WA. close the devotitoual. 1-yrtn 39-4, 'Hsp- Mrs. M. J. Tamllyn eanrvener o- py thre home wvlen God- isfoe"wstire Visiting Commnittec, explied sung by ahl. that the ladies ai' aur church hag Mrs. Drummîrond spoke ou Chist- been dîlvided lu-ta 'Io g enps, Inn Stewar-dship and presented Mi'ss gmaup iras 2 or 3 leadcýrs who wJ1U Stella Pesi' nil, wlia'Ias beer' a visit the nmerb-s aoftiroir g-ran. an&' most Zaithful Steward ta aur W À. in flila wvay a'l làdieýs oai' r aurhm w;Nifi a LiE e Menibership certif icate - will be visited. sudM. Kitchen preseuted the Lii'e Mrs Kýtchen closed tiie ieet membershp pin. Yoliawiug tins, Mrs. --witir the W.A, thenre prayer. SIre ezX- C. Duncan. in a i'ew% well irasen tended an invitation ta thle pars6nage.- wavrds expm,)iessed tire appreciationfu fr ton, wh-eme delicilous refreshmetý t;ire W. A. medvbers f eel toward aur - el,:2rv'ed fr-an a table with ~ very eff icient Past Prosident, Mrs. E.i centrec piece aOF beautiful Sprmang Rainey aud Mrs. IH. Allia pr-eseuted 1fkw, 'Ail jel lîiI i~to hàrm witir -a table iamip. Bath Mis n s f1 -~i.