Report From 1Pýarliamen t Hill RY J hfl M. thn M.. Iem anating fro ni "a sou te ýý close tu Specuktihi-, Tirf- -on The LJi!! the cabinet'" " u h rttv o r e" Tlhis m r t w e'il h gl d " p c - h g - l c d gove r-,n melit officiai", sa on t il " a o n ~ t ~ a w t u u l y re 'iable sou rc e" and ;0 o On. pe-ýapfî-rie.ý n& rir v y it Tt would be unwise Vo take an:y of of ifrm t ' hey receive through these, stories as factL unti vou leai] direct Or dr ed utsto QbtaInl that Fînapce Mý'n-ster Haji s an- aMeOne hint cof w4iat the ,Fovernmfent mhiaed i. n. the House of Commors leplnnn' t include' in, its forlth- thit suëb anid se vas goling te t-take tnii i' rn g . .. ami w hen an elec- pl>ee The osthers are ini-ýe specul ma-ny of these reýports;. spec7ally' News from Authoratie Sources those by' the top juraisstra et You wili be readîng articles stating to 'De. ihat old ;age pnsons and îail other pensions bieh increased by such Secret Caucuses Soon in IIeadli,,nes and s c ' :o n. w " t e e - A ct'ualiy, news mnen ajrou nid here îslation w"I not, be affecte-d. If you take greait pride in the ac;ac f read c os -â ech (ýf thiese dleclara- t e r p e! e o s a d l tiens id polcy Wl' be ýïua'ifjed as erable Icudcjgi xVhen their ï-epoýis turn out to bel1ar from correct. One fi nds )ec,ýu-e of C p ,ü rr ti'! lew{f of the amazing dïe-ve1oniernts ach rc-turns. In an attempt te either nipiB C s S a tP yo f T - gh tiea caucus of anr -party is held is ini the bud this provincial bid forSt t Pl y fs T -n gh that, though they are supposed to be funds and to further inipress uponi secrut, tne after.noon paper-s carry the Minister of Agriculture the tru- cabinet ininisters and leading memnbers fairly accurate SUo ies of' wh4a trans- han that miost apple growers iniOan- of opposition parties as well as just ?no etlntels iueo pired. Men-rbers who attended anld ada cId use assistance, 1 took, the garden variety type politicians at- JunorWet hihe inte y- probaby were renîindele that tihe (;.- occasion to remind the BX. c h appies tending and getting their vocal cord.s pa nTedyeinn nLnsy a secet afair heclne uiteplaced the wiunhig puck in the Lind- a seretaffar, ecom quteof earlier experiences. Some years in shape fort the forthcoiniing effair. suspicioiuoet their felluws who they ag> B.C. growers pleaded bard tines syntadas u h oiavle -1 iii ,have pas-sed along the co-, and convinced the governient th The other day, Ross 'Thatcher, the Orono Combines in undisputed first. fidential information, For good ni they should halve assistance. Th - (KIF mnib who, Ieft-jiis party to plae. This *in gave the Combines, naipermen, it is child's play to gather suit was that they staged a terrifice unLbea ,ldm fsoec i the lealgue championship and the op- wup, scattered bits of comnisurt apig am adv'anee Planning. Hefç êpect.s Vo runiftipn (:f chffosing their opposition f or- inth, als r-th ffices and p ut- advetising empin n shippari in a ,ak a ah'clstetëy eall- the semi-tinl playdown series. 'in th~ hals ortheM ost ý ç-tlieir sui-plus apples herejust, P s i a o a wh r C e n e them togthe ino agoo stry. at a tinie when our Spics were about Hazen Argue holals the seat. W hen B..Apple Growers After Subsidy Vo be sold. The price took qulte a, theY were both in the sanie Party, The Combines took, as their choiéEý- bes ro BitshCoumlausd ihe were roominates in the House' Lindsay andl this Lida.Cmne besu fr otiBiontishiroaumiause cona growers, while the federal govera- 0' Coiimions. Now, war has been de-'serýies wîi start tonîgbt (Thur-sday>ý cerning, apples. Ini effect, thev want- nîoney to rmin our market. Every cf-i lrdbtenhe wt hexpcinBwavl t8:0Tesre, ed the federai government to' once fort wiii be made to ensure that such tation that it -ývll h e one of the hot- continues n Lindsay on Friday night, an event wili eiotisaipenaaga n.tIftest fights of the entire camnpaign. back to Bow mianvTle Tuesday an6, anherenis ging ito eh ipýn git shoufdRoss alr-eady bas oer70 imeetings again to Lindsay on Thursýday. IF bher spread equdî bo al proi ncs . ld arrnnged, flot just smali groups, but future ga mies ar-e-neeessa-ry tbe pa e be s rea eqully t a; p ovines. ftIll-flecidgedl politicial mreetings, twvo andl date will e annou-nceal. a losàù lecton Pomo tes-'%l( tiiigFever ami threýe a day, with long dista nces Asltetio Proto tes Mecticig r,' in between. -TJndoubtedly, both T e s or ofe u -,da a ë A s t e e e cti n d a w s cl o s r, ~ e m - th e s e c a n d id a t es wv ill b e t e ' a r T h s c e o n h u s d y g m bersandprosectve cndiatesarecorne election day. tot5u-1f Jn de vi g n o her b ag s of) tricks a nd(It ior W est paced bis te-a ni w jth tw c, g gets to determine what will best A Ljesson lai Parliamientary Language couniters,. one being the winning goal. arouse- interest in the pu bliic and bring D r n a h a e d s u s on o o e a a sk , K i h e t a d 1e w c ojut the votens. Ail ov iger an da fw fih sibject %which is of no importance to scored sing,1es. inaio m etng ar b in h ld W~ this story, Social Crediter Jo hni Blackmore trm d a noth er me bei NORTH UMBERLAND - DURHAMI statement t'a pre(poster'ous lie". Nex t IIE A T H NIT OLL M YEL TIS da yý the Speaker. ordei-ed it sr c la k o e offeied to change thec- fr-oni the record as unpaiIlamentýUryý words fiom 'ea pre(posterous lie" tCý VACCINATION CLINIC language. A hassie on procedur-e de- "1'entirelv il) error". Th(- orephae i PRESCHOO CHILDREN velope-d, but closed quiickiy when M r. l is p ri m na y the other is not. (Must be 6 months of' age or over) NEWCASTLE TOWN HALL MONDAYu, mARCH 4, 1957 10:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.31. nia dom ............... ...... 1ST Place 1951 lsT Place ....................... .............. :1952 ls' Place :1953 lsT Place oului mon' se The Ninth A Na N mua A L ratqe E E T 1 N G of the Durham Farfflers, Coufity Co-operative will be held in the Town Hall, Orono Thurs., March 7th Guest sp aker:- Mr. Norman Mioor£,, Public Relation Officer of the Cockshutt Plow Co. Ltd. SALES And SERVICE A 1 Ussedi Cars Otir completelservice -uarantees year r,,aý,mà (iriving pleasrae CARVETH îMOTýCRS t-,- OW Is The Time For INTERIOR DECORATING i We can supply your needs with 1 IBRANDRAM-HENVERSON Paints and Varnishes Orono, Ont. P RONO WEIEKYTIB THURSD) Banguet at 12 noan. Business at 2:30 There isri'l a car on the road can touch Chevrojet's record! That's because no oth,--, car has so consistently offered the stviing, per- founuiice anci depetidabiýity that make Chevrolet an unbeatable vaitie výýar ý41«ter ycar, Apir. in '57 Chevý, -olet outclasses theni all! Heres a car that loves fo -,,o inel ýoollý,ý it! From te, biînipi--r it has the. sweet good -f BoLly-by-Fislier that put fashiori and function îbeauitifuily together! Try à = the See how Chevrolet outsteps them ali! Try U the smootlic,.st, liveliesý V8 or 6 You ever put a foc Ao. Try the mosi copicd riec and handjing on the road «,;Ii(le-Ri e suspension, Ou ri-ger rear springs!). Fýir froni 1 ý-1 -1 resting on their laurels, Chevrolet engincers bave niade this beau tif ul--ridQý 1-ven better for 1957 ! i Small wondcr Cb.evl-ol(,t oiýtsclls* thern ali! More ind more people arc [AhIg to, uiiiiing ways becauý,e Uiey're find- ing that Chevv's value cin'tbe beat! Sce vour Chevrolet dealer now ... sec ýýIIy Cheviolet outstyles., olits(eps, outsells tbeni, affl Pho'ne t9j251 Newcasti--, Qntar! ROY Wu NICHOLS' Ce urtice ié Phone 11816 Chevrelet is famous for its winnîng ways. More people huy Chevrclet thp-,n ý,,riy othet car, ORONO TINSH-OP R. E. LOGANe Prop.