- -v. -~ ~" - ?'N 1.03 I 2 O? fIEIN,,Z FANCY Tomito Juice 2 I.13i 20Ooz Cis EN GIýA ,T FA NCY ~~ê- 15oz tin2 for 31c 'îhz 16 oz 'ai 59c 2'S t in 4533c ;umbo sze89C 1]ARGARINE airgainel 1D A carton or 1lb pklg 33c dtcz 45c FOOD-S Pies PICTSWEET Frcnchf 4 8.0z99 C Pl( s 9oz pkg 2 fr 37c lb c Pure ork Sausage l 9 W'ITH FREE $5.0O BONUS BOOSTEU .TAPE 63 ozpk349c 8,zpkg19c lb pkg 79c For thiat ditferent taste - FRES I and TENDER BIJY THEý BEST- WHITEAN FLUIFFY P.E.Pto~ 10 lb 430 Criipy, Fresh , lEasy ,to nt"V itamiips Lettuce2 go-od size heads 23-ic VW[TH FREE $2.50 BONUS BOOSTER TAPE Distirnetively FlaNvoured, ONTARIO GRZOM Spy APPResl 3 lb POllY 350 a e * - p - ,.' r -r ER TAPE er at yoUrtilg ee av -eah ine e 0 uh oeqïua] jthe r;c i ein* us n e- atedfor n iîe 's c aA b e " lo1 g u e . A il P re . Inoins :xtra t ay.inane Mlost IG;A es< le~ejy~ 5On'eti- ca sh d receipts. N w la ekyFood Featmpes TAPI- CGifts T IC3A --ailJ Clainwzth 5pBon AS on tf0extrýacot M'IIf REE$75 BONUS BOOSTER TAPE FREE 2FQBOI BOOSTER TAPE O.H.S. WEEKLY REPO)RT00 20 Year Separation Prelde ToMth- IlDaughter Reunion MA'T Wedding 1Th1e t i Coim.merca! PI.y Op,,Marà Lt'h By Comiie Tyr-reli h1loxFeature Lient .1h.w Hollywood may have g-irls with flong blond hair- and short black r-oots,! At MjontIhy S.C. Dance jand somesner that are illeeting on VWIU %' the igh C's but O.H.S. has a bundie of tualented kids who at the presenlt by Norman Rickaby daof are ingig, ancing and acting thinr The dlance to be held on Fray f ac 1 1 te" orhcmig (m tIS week in the new public school mencement. room m'as the main, subject of dis- Il A visit to thne draadpartien't c.ussion at the shortmeting9ofth finds macnt eomedy-drama lbe&ng Studert's Coundýil hel'd on Tuesday~ direýted bhy AMr.,Watt and Mr. Ruthl- 1Students w111 have to (dance in their efor. Ti~ sorykysbarsthemmdsock feet to prote'-t the tile floor ini i ad hartofa oa n h ihsto the school ioomi, but what's a few- mI euror-se~ysmskes. pýj'airs _f socks btwenfiends? JuliePrto (Su~e Fosýter,) has - om, The unique feature of tilis dance i~ ~ ~ ~~~i 1,e01a2O eretnc o eml- Will be a talentshw urngthe iî Plezlmn. Prort. ")the sen!terce terission. Fouri- lntscouts were- P herL bi vdauglhter DPýinewahndd chosen from the Counicil, one, froni.ý over to Verna G' layton (Carol IGrant.) ech raean e'une ofth ese 1)be b- ouhl)u Is efn'sowr i ilboh- eced to briing somef Jui ould be pormîtd o seeof the showw-i'1l' peene ihan' Diae (ayGeah)on er vedin Lp. IeoJd ami the ~u: di w Unklnownl to 'the girl ashI mohe 1",8 rp..record. I ~ ~ ~ ~ 'h J11 drc sa"r. ae oh1 h tidn' )uiî i- iscus- with the lahýt minute weddhug prepa>-"sed"I riefly the niatter of hlow 1mach ations wheeby sh reets a1nd taks oney wste he -spent on reor-ds for wihhrdauighter whiom she ,srwn sehool dlances. Th'e final dcso a d1 red (1to anotevs e , gyears h)e- $00 n the comm-littee for thc. fr.John1 am1 naniid Jo Ann buing of record>s is to b,,-given this, i ad aid IWith this niote thie Stud(enLt's, Coun- t o Soth !pay confnui1es - thle :cimax cil Meetinig w caldtgo'a close witfr- of this story t o he eead at the a remninder to encourage Il1 StuLdent5ý CommnencemIent onWensa even- to attend the danceý this Fridaày even-- r, arh1, in thýe Township Hll, ig at 800)( p.mi. at the new Publie- j Orono.Schioo3 Room. -- MUIA fonPýe3 fail. MUSKAT frompag 3) As this particular little lake is iha casions they halve usePd ani old 'Wood- en hair that waa lefIt in a duc blind in thie marsi. Echtime it .%Ia S nearly covered, ail in thie pro cess ofi becomig a muskrat bousýe hy èarly a rocky barren ar-ea, with very liittle- veg-etation alvailable, 1 arn surýe thcL, muskrat would itppreciate the miner's, dishpan i his fight 'to surviv- ag-ainst thie elements of nature. BOW MAN VILLE MEMORIAL ARENA ACTIVITIES FRIDAY and SATURDAY -- FER. 22 - 23 at 8:00 SKATING CARNIVAL ,Admission - - Adults 40c., Studeuts 25c, TUTESDAY, FEBRUARY Xha :0pm I T E RMEDIA T E "A" Lindsay vs.BOC' - ~, WiED'NESDA..'Y, FEBrMýU-ARY 271li JUNIOR HOCKEY Ne-"wmairket vs. Robson's ADIMISSION -Adlults 50,c.- Students 35c.- Children 25c±. THIS THUJRSDAY TO SATURDAY Ai-CinenuiScope Show "<TE EN-AE REBEL"5 With Cnger Rogers, Mýchajel Renrie-and i3dCty -Loui Kelmi "TUE LAST WAGON' 'With Ridhard Widmiark MONJ WENE lit Technieodor "iTHE GIRL CAI 1IELP IT" With Jaynre Mansfiel TomEell 1 1 ad il, TI y STEAK ORROSI Bm . e1ess Roun TABLERITE SLICED CIo 17Ha TABLERITE C1eciB'Lo;ni TABLERITE SIi'ced Sd ao