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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Feb 1957, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TlftJRSU/ýY, FEBRUARY 21, 19.57 LHCAL NEWS 0 The Rowananvllle Rotary Club spu¶ge F .Hnft o ýWininipeg Il n hewe-edwt Mr. and Mrs. presentsLeroy 1Hamilton. 2,r. and Mrs. E. G. H-ay, Dont and Tiie Three ,Act Conîsedy s0 'tkendii tedMonic dies night i Bowmanville on Saturday dm o night from no010were Mi.and AMrs. -H. Duvali, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rickaby, o -r. and ,Mirs. G. Cotter, Mr.i and Mrs. -' RLogan and Mrs. C. MeLar-en-,-AMr. E' Hneta EntA and _Mrs. A. AMeiGill and _Mr. and \z. 9 ~~Ed. Mlsn with an ail-star cast of local talent to pro vide you ith two hours of tlumorous Fidayniight dinrter giiests with 'and _Mrs. Hebei-SOUCI', Mr. and MrS. inJh Carl Bhings, MUr. and r.NelPr ter, Mr. and Mrs. BdI. G'ahmt, Mar- TOWN HALL, BOeWMA'NV'l'ILLE'Jln n fry o n M ry . LyGnn.crbiou CURTAIN TIME 8:15 P.M.AML .MGwaSabruh 01Mrs. Garne't Gamisby and JuldyV, King- 0 stoni, .spent the weekenid xith Mrs. Robert Allun. February 28th, M ar(c h lS t d2 and 2nd.Wn.1loc m aii ily hav\e taken uip residence in To- 'J ~ ~~ 'J oto where Bill has secured a Job. j Admission w w - 75e per person i.n Rowrnanville tt tie Lions Conm- ~ ~ g uniity Centre gave f irst class hion- o Mtiss Norah 'Wood of Grade 2 fiTickets irpay be (otainýd from thile iemblers of, the Bowmarnville Rotary Clb, entitling you 1ito admission on1O aiheo rad pan . hor e s t F e lra othe gdate specrfi ed on the Tickt lr ipsof rad i. Thes stues ' ~ ~~No RESERVED SEA,'TS JreppisoMs..H.tae. ~~ ~~~ ~The Orono GirlGuds rwi, ______________________________________ Anniversary of the Lordci Baden Poýw- kel]. Mr. Richaýrdson, disticticommi- swiner wilet he uet;l, s speaker1. 11KENDÂL NEWSý' CLEAING PRI ES «(ontinuedp( from page 1) Lc RING JPRILC ilb jie tii - _____________________ -- - - - - - - - - - - 'w' - -w- WALLPAPER Bargains in Wallpaper. Less tha-n haif price. Corne ini and look them over, There are papers suitable for every rooni, iving rooni, cining rooni, halls and tbedroomns. 2 to 12 rolls in bundle,. Priced f romi........ 50c. to $3.95 WINTER DRESSES Clearing ail our Winter Dresses to make rooni for our Spring stock. Values galore! Dresses in latest style and materials. Size 9 -212 Val ues $21.50 - $24.50 for ~ $16.50 $17.50 -$19,.50 for ......$13.59~ Other Dresses for ......)$8-50G WOOL SIKIRTS Good quality wevl skirîs, unpres- sed or straight styles. Valuies f romi $7M9 to $10.95 fogr $495 $5.95 and $6.95. BLO'USE Bargains in Blouses, ail wool jer- sey Angora trim. Reg. $'7.50 for $4.95 Tourquolse Wool Jersey, size 16. Regluar price $6.95 for ... ... $3.95 All wool Bla,,ck Jersey Blouse, size 14. Regular $7.50~ for........ $5.95 $3.95 Llouses for only 95e. Dacron Blouses, regular S5.95 and $5.50 for ............39 LINED JEANS Boy's and grl'lined eas it ni ingp'-hi rt, s ize . -6. S et $2 , 95 Armstông s Mopday Open .AUIDay Cou [ur convenience i sinali quantities avaliable at the Station Open Eeig and Sundaym The manyv Kendailfri nd& of iý1. Lon ewreý sorry to hear of his pa.ssing,_ in Menmrial Hosp,ýtal on Thursday,'Febr Arylth adextend thieir depsusmnty q tebeev r-d faily IMr Beill was very muArl miissed iii Keindal \\hein he mnoved t, Ormoo it HildaI a few y eavs .1go 11e Ihad w\orked for -the Kendal Unl- ild Chu rcýh 1unceasingly during bis ilf e in KendaL, and w-as for a great ýpàar-s Superintendent of thei 7IKerîdal iSuilday suihool. Dur'i lg9the Iast few yearps in Kendal bis healtl' failed. It was a shiock t6 hear of the pass; in!' of Mrs. Roy Mdrceýr in Bowiman- 1 ville Memorial Hospital on Moniday Imorning, February 18th and al he Kendal friends offer thieir hear.tfelt sy-mpathy\ to the 'Iereaved f aily. MUrs. Fi y Mercer bas been an untiring- worker iln the comimunity for na great majny -eas and mosýtIy under the stress of il iialthi, and wjh1 he sadly is'sedI in Kendal. Shelha been in faihng eab b'esepa t few yar and bsh:ad1to take t"g esbe- Iirrg na Le t(1dothe -wor k s e wo hdbve liked to do. She w'as p,'ýsideni1 jýf theIKeýndal Wo)menIs ,titute ror n~an vers ad pesidnt)f the IKen- dal Women's Associationi for. a great I ~ ~ u Cnn er~ uig whc imeShWC was eiy ttive, although ho e he't1 ýwas ne% er very good. I Th Kena chin.dcalSt. nonofi' week. Wedneday nght, buay1,31, 'M bertCGay, our temipraymn ister for- the Newýtonv\itll Charge,; Jday Schol room wýhidýh hehad takeni 1Wn he wras i nge of a nmisi -in WesternCanad an the youLng I foikas enjoyed a pleasant e ýýeninig.IlIe called on Mrs. L. Thiornie and Ms A. Mir. and Mis3. Wilfre(-d R.oughley and David and MUrs. Ferguson and Fred Anderson of Osawa caled oni Mrs.Thone wAntMrs.SwaA<rick on fSunday. I ~~'~I NITED C40RCH ) Orcoo Pastoral y1 Charge I Rev. J 'iee SUNDAY, FEBIIUARY 24111 0ORONO Sunday School at in Service at Il Comi'ss;inrS le Riadso of tie Boy Séout Assoc(iaio' ,QShamwaý, to be the speaker. LESKAR'ixD Sunday School rit L I foIOOoflo.ot,.Ofl~QOnQeo ,9,uflne ,' Should IPrmpt you lin ci uon ui s intim'e of, o"'0 WeSt -ess _Simple b e auit i fu sel Le ta prove consoing to thebeeed HARTLEY He DARLW -phone 1187 FUNERAL HOME Orono, Ont. PhonG LI Ta keîtkm the Gicket~ Mc LAREA' Here's the fuel for happier heating . .. better living. lts the witer wonder for qUick, abundant 9warmth . . for clean com- bustion that hetps prevent bitrner troubles. You'Jl likp the frîendly, persona! attention with which it's delivered, too. Phonle us now ta arrange for neÏ winter's supp [y. Orono Fuel andLnérLd Oreiimo phone iiGi6 Enamiel, Stedman's Quiek Drying for w-oodwork cupboards, etc. 10 popukir shades to dlioose frm V2 pints foi.....45c. Quarts .. $1.15 Fiaý--t white Paint, to change an article from a dlark Color to.a lighlt collor. First Use Semnsflat wieto cover the dcark color, also as a pia on new woo. 2pt. .....lie. qu-art.. 12 boxof40 î.......................9c occsios, ox f f. ... ...........3e tlty t,,Dish pans , C- eI latiwiil iotchi or scratchkitch!en inks.Choie'-of color,. 69C. Per-sian Letter Papev, Iiiien finishý,nt size p)ad(s SPECIAL...................... 2 f or 2,3c. Ladies' Nylon Hosiery, chioice ofIL si7e and coloxrs, substandards, whbile stok lasts. Pait....- Umbrellas, Ladies' assorted plaids with colored and whlite plastic handhes. Each.. ....$.9 Raincoats, Ladies' Plastic-attached hood and beIt, cmo-os clear iand biue, sizes smallh mediumn and large. Each.......... .........$4 New ShipmientLais assortedi styleýs andc e Dresses, cttoni prinu size 14 'La 44. Ea. $2.98 ûULRO NO CHANGZEiN STORE~ Open FfrW ,,Eýývenlings ti Closed Saturday Evenings, 'z. J t i I I I i i g i 82 I VIGOR Oi~I -LIMITED Between Orono and. New!castle on Hlighway No. 35 Vigor Standard Casoline 3S?0 oc per -gai - tax mec -tax included *1 t t t' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' 't' t' t' t' t' 't' t' t' t' 't' t' 't' t' t' t' t' t' t' y t' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' 4' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' t',' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' t' s,' t' t" y t' t' t' t' t' t' t'

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