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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Feb 1957, p. 8

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02Ç>NQWF _UY TIMES zed as Stecon Cias. à'.., t)tie Dpartir, ent, Ottawa * der. R. A. Forrester Publishiet. R. C. Forrester e- he Sehool Starting Ag e Throlvincial Governant has approvred iii lPuy" il the g r at whichl- a child ist be aIlowed to staol Grade ; 0t S %Wo. ThisC the firsýt tim-e that the- Governntn bas put dow-n i hikai 1t Nhe stArtîng age for Grade. one This has been Wi tne Y' cuid- loca - -achol boards and thie schLool-starting age bias varied( across [lie pro- * vince caiusing friction between boards and parents. Thane uling by the province W imore or 1esu standardize nhe startig age for chaIdren goîng to grade ýono_ and wiii tae-( the responsiilty off the sdihol boards. In Ahe ameadment the province has ruied that chîdren ftus<t have attairied the age,( of' five ean be- r' fore January lst to have the rlgeht te -sbta't schbol that Sejte&nb)cr. <e This- i the sanig .a nat for stlarting soo t %ono Pub- <e lie SchooL. Froni timeluV time it ha been quostioned hy parents in r *~4he Local school ares. whether or not children' should be a'Lowed to, go ne flic yo shoo ut an ewA dur ag'e. This new aniendmient by th(c pro- aince ruas i arcordance wtth the local ruling. r This starting ae des seein pructicul even though soma Ahbd- e-re îia ay be reudy at an earlier ag.To start a child at ton young pu age is too great n bur Wn seams to push the child out of the horie whpne thuy slhouldi ',e duing nteir early -life. >Great Britain '401lt Cost Quadruple r' The heinaiag of plannig for a Health Plan in On)tanio is now <e ~on the 4raftg hourd- and -01i roune it effert within a ypan on two. r ~~The goianoent hAs set up an estlmbtd cost of dhe pl-n but it ap- r ~peurs f romi an articl!e -Whieh ppae in theý Toronto Telegiani that <e an estimate cWul bc awa-y out of Ene wihna year on two. The Tiegram artico nvaird to the Bitish Healt plan which r'in 198, when dhe plan, eus sturted, 'vas -xpeded-( Vo -osýt $49000-0000 r' This lu, n far Cry fromi the ttal cost. this yur of $1920.0,an, r~AnnuLt foui toie, as getas exete ine years ago. The ciust of soil.min Great Britain is a great hurd-(eii to its e- peop'.me la Anvoion a n ae sources are aow pointing to this factor foru th-e moass imiagration foithat cýountry. -~~ O-u Hfentth P i-,s noV a giUt f*rom theGoei net , is one r v' \i the nonle ofl"unr-iili ha-,ve to dig int derpc- oi yfor. This mFans g-reaten taxation 'and increased costs. H ARDMOTORS P ilcPrry, Ontario NEW and VSED ORNOREPRESk-iENTATIVE :-- JRONO WEEJ*LY TIMST RSIDX.FE 21. 1957 CLAS8tFIW SECTION BIftTI CGRi8f-~Vr. çi4Mrs Cam~. CMING EVENT LS tCorish nee Fac 1otlns'ý aie(, 1PIPY Noticê New Date toanouc t~ irhof their -uh-L.OIL. Card Party aOd.elin Fmle Me eunbac, tan t(ter Chi. 'l Lee, mon Saturay Feru- HaI , Wdnesayv, Feuairy 27th aýt adwht.PGLI44 Taittoo ini left ear. ,I ]a;ty lt,1957 uat Obw eea ,.NotifÎ CLiiCutis, lPonltypool. a-p) Hospiai. ~ a-pCards rzelunchi. -~ IFOR IRENT i DID ~'R FRUM ive-oom ungao o heatinig, WANÇNA MDtiHoitalFe Mcrda -rnn~ er~a- ti ~oeadfi 5i ' .us ruiary 18, 1957, Robl.ert Wat-naa i.Be- a-cc o-praiëý.i loved son of Mrs. Je.,sie W'annan-ii and Tic:C-oat s.Eerb.y i The ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ la-Mi ac ana.Âg 7Welcome to attend.a- 1 CARD OF TAK ~L tL 1 llI E R Resting 4 dthe Comnba Funoeral __ Homne, Almionte. Src in tle Lang 1I wish tb thank the boysfotei Meio rial Çipl-, qronio on Wednes- lp ungm afie ondD. !)ir West Durham and Bo-wm-ajjville. J day, February 2th at 2:00 p.ik. In- Kenzie, 11ev. Mr. icen, Mr. Bar ýl-' I»'e iill hid Dinerin the Le- terentOroo emeery' owý and the nurses ofBo aniein Hall, B ma ilOn Frlday, ___________________A1_t,_ Ma"1iý-ch 7 p.m. Guest speakers DEATUS [emri al ,irIosp ita. Alrsoio the ini,>ideIlon.-Jamnes Sinclair, Mnis- I l,eattful] cards ajid flowers. ter of Fiheies, ho as recently in- BELL-At Memioiial Hospital. Bw Thanks a million. a-p jrdo 1atpt R s1 D.Gad manvie, on Thursday, Februairy 14, S E. Allun. Vipond, LibDera1l canididate in Ontario 77th year, lhusband of the late _Mande, hami and others. Tickets; are $1.50 Weatfierilt r elrseda h OIEeach, obtainable from ny membher of Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. the Libe-ral Executi'ves; of Výhe area. ~ericewa hed i OonoUnied The tegular motl meeting of Church on Saturday, Fe:bruaryý 16. at teEeigA layhsbe ot Lang ed to Thi-rsdîy . February 28'b. j o'ecek. Temporary initernient ý Uinj Vault, Orono )Cemet1(ery. a-c Tisg" o keep the dat nmdy e'-c MJEECER- At Memnorial H-osptal, j j Bowmianville, on Mondaýy, Noticeary ireoitr j l8th; 1957, Ainma fhlargaret Merer, it agýed 53 years, bdloved iwife of Royl AND OTHERS Mercer. Mr-. Mpecer rested at the Morr'is Funaeral Chapel, Bowmianvilie. In the Estate of Wallace Lokwod f ?very, class of lInsul- f Se~oews Pedin Kendal United deceased: It l' at 2 o'elock. Teniporary interment Estate of the above-namied deceasedl, urofie nefolw LagVauît, Orono Cemetery. a-c late of the City of Oshawýa, in the ~9rofc.Te I _____________________Count-y of Oatar-io, and frel of mg re s e of the CÂRD OF THÂNKS Counity of Durh-ami, Who died on the mi oergswe can fCount", of Durham, who died in the r R0BBIS-~e wsh t exendourThird day of Decemiber, A.D. 1956, ~ofer-: ROBIS- ü-wshtoexeid urarehereby notified to furnish proof l h1'eartfelt thanks and appreciation to teeft h nesge eoete uooie ýfAcdn n our relatives, frïin4s and neiglibours i teeft .einesge eoete Atmble ie A,(ie1 n for he anyact of indess~d1Fifteenth day of March, Â.D. 1957 ýSicKness, Plate Glass, Liability Âfter the said date, the Ex1ecutor expressions of symipathy sh n iU ds bt h stt aigr- Fire, Barglary, Itospittllmtlum duin te llea ad eth of Mr. adol odiso hc oie Livestock, Boiler, W:iqnd, Polio, Lorp S.Robbni.have been fiied. ilail, Fidelity Bonds etc. i pccial thanks' to 11ev. J. Kîtchen, DA,%TED at Osh-Iawa, Ontario, this I «Mr. and Mrs. 1H, Barlow, Doctors and 3lst day of January, A.D. 1957. !ORONC) PHIONE îRîG 11 nuires of the New, Mount 5mnai Hfos- ZENO\T6I TARlAS SLES pital, I.OA.F. No. 436 and tlea-ther Executor. jFIRSýT MORTGAGE LOANS Re'bekahl Lo4ge No. 331. a-pID 2Slimc(oe Street South, The F xiiy. oshawa, Oatanrio. Le roy H~a m i1h i r~i REAL ESTA'ýTE BOE y'~ m l s1 on . holle Orono 1061 nada hints r Fn sIne OurAgiitrlFur Cýommiunity Hall, BIaclkstock Thurs., March 7th * Equalized Assessnient. * Agricuttural ,Trends, * Agricultural Eduicatîon. Proposed IHealth Plan This will ho a com-tbined meeting of the Fedration of Agriculture and the Farmers' Uniion -spunisoxed by the Federatîoïn. Ladies brin.- lunch- Blackstock Farmi Forum w ill provide the cfe gDiamonud WeII DriIIingL And Soit Testing for~ Water Wells on Iower cost 0 basis. $4.00 per foot and up. New WelI Machine irnported fron United States. oAFast Service. Guarantee ail work. Froin 1 ', tio 6 inch hlole. Dignar4 -W.11 Units OPHIONE EMPIRE 1-1441 29 Mý'cGILL ST. 0 qTORONTO, ONT,0 REMOVAL SERVICE Dead or1.cippled arlnimais prom»ptly remioved foer saniitary disposai. $2.0f) service cefor eath call. 2-3C!,',or Toronito EM3-36c6. GORDOýN~- YOUNG Ll-TIED iS i CALL US FOR ES-TI-MÂTES jHARRY E. hYCET'T ' j Phoae 33 1,l2 j ORONO - ONT. vw,~ I4ofessienal 'Directory A. F. NeIKENZIE, MfD. PHYSICIÂN and SURGEON Office iHours: 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.; 6:30 to 8:M0pa.. Sundays andi Wedniesdays by appuintment 01nlY PHONE 1471 - ORONO DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON 'Veterjnary, inedieines, biologmIcus and instruments ethically dispensed. PH>ONE 10616 ORONO, ONT. Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrimter and Soficitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. phones: Office MNA 3-5688 Hlome MA 3-5558 Barrister, Notar Public 33 Temperance St., BowmanvîlIe JACK REID 1Auctioneer an~d Valuator SPecialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit nie for ternis and dates Jiho ne r 18 - Oron, TEl) JACKS ON Auctioneer and Valuator Conduicts Auict>on Sales of adIl izes and at reasonable rates Communicate with, him nt Port Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerk A. E. Mlorton, at Orono, for date. LIFE INrqSURýiANCE, Pensije Plans; Eduicational Policieag Protection and Savingls Plans fer Children and Adulits; Mofcrtgage, surance Plans. F. E. LYCETT 1orono, Ont, - Phone. 11716 STAFFORD BROS. 'Monumental Works Phono Èiby552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUAITYT MONUIMENTS AND MARKERS Lot us ereet a handsomne, dilg. t fied 'monument over the reeqt- ing place of your loved onmes. It's not expensive. And seeing ~rr~ Or FARM and IIOUSE J REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ,MIRING F îroperties Soî&, uete<id Free Estimates Manag& ad A.ppraisýed APPLIANCE SALES YM. ALLSu<N Prompt and GuaranteecI Rejpairs Rel s t roe i aIl kinds of ElcIrical upIen Phn3566 * NecalOI and Appliancea qpenI> Suck a. . Nea, ':eter HngitF- Two blocha 'iorth of TYaffie Light. 't i

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