- - -~ -~ Yw ORONO, ONT-EBRUAVŽY 28ih 19, 7 T' ES Subscription $1.50 per yeai olice TrJesCnie E nfercing P eddler's By-,Law The Orono Police Tustees at thieir regular meeting on Monday evening ~passed a motion to have drafted a by.-law governiug Pediars who make ~a door to cdoor canvas, The Trugtees 'were unanimous in setking up q ped- lars by-law for lu was their opinion Ithat far ton xuanywe taking ad- Nvantage to canvas the homles of the Village to seil varions wares. Such a by-law ,v,,)ld affect Bread Corapanies, magazine salesinen and -any other person or persons soliiting zales of me-rcI ndise on a door te] ~door basis 'within the Police, 'Village of' Orono. This would not ef'- feet anyone lin the Village wlxo might be selling mnerchandise door-toý-do or. 'The fee for suci a permit was tent- atively -set at $25.ff per year. In counection with tag days and money canvasses, it wa deci'dcd to have a m-otion pre pared in order t1hat persous or organixatioîe inust first Everyone Wek; me At Aniyene intereted lu horticulture wili be weicomed wheni the Ontario Hortieultural Association heolde its 5slt Annual Convention at the Royal Connauglit Hotel iu Harnilton ou March 7 and 8.9 Combines ac kià g ùfi ve lu the thlree games payd u h semi-fiiaI se r ies between'the B ow- mlanvilie-Oronio Combines sud the Lipfdsay Begeut, Lindsay 1bas ,goni- eut lu front lu the series 2-1. The Com~bines secured the first gaine whie the Regeuts hazve taken the lasýt two gaines te give thei a decided edge lu the best four eut of seven series. The teamns ag-ain mieet lu Linds'aiy on Thursday niglit and lu Bowmiauvýille on Saturday niglit.j The first gaine of the pi ay-off serie bettreen the Bowv-maovilie-Or- ono Coumbines and Lindsay was play- The Convention gets ùinder WaY ed luin auil on Thursday last wi,,th registration at 8..30 a.m., Mareh when the BOC's h ustled for a thr-ýee iLli. During the morning there wl to tw<Ž win. The Coibines carne up be an address hy the Pres;ident, Ken with a couinter lu each of the thr-ee Gardiner of. Brantford reports xiii periods with two being uetted by be heard aud there -wiii be a discus- Wally 'Samanski and a single hy Raye sion perîiod. lu the afteruoon Pr-of. West. Liudsay's tw-ýo goals were scored] L A. McDermott of the O.A.C. Will wthiu the final twe minutes of the[ speak on '"Life in Eai-th," Thomas game and exitement arose at this' W. Thon-pson, Metro Parks Con- time. Thiese were soe by Jackl missioner, Toronto xiii dis'cus "The Graham., Trend lu Publie Planting" and Mrs. reriv~ptrUIb~II1U~LLV ~""~~H. Brooker of Brantford xviiih!bave as The second gaine went teuindjsayý inoney canvas could be held withiu hier subjeet 'Juruior, VWrk" ' and this tied the serie.s at this point. thelimts f te 'illge.. jThe- final score of this feature wals 1Irs. E. Neilson, piesident of the At 6.45 P.m1. the Annual BaLnque(t! '5-2 The BOC's ge-ais wer by Raye Orono Skating Club, asked permis- will be helil in the Crystal Balîreoin est and Don Mercer. This gaie left sion to s~tore prop;erty and costumes wt a Ci"ie Welcome being extendedmul obdeidbyte obns of the iclub ln the roin over the fire by Mayor- Jackson of Hamilton. Hlou.j ho wr unabe teo fiud thescin hall. As this roon, was net iu use-, per- W. A. Goodfellow, Uinister ,f Agi- power. mission was -ranted with a noinal:-l culture and Honorary President of f ee of $2,00 being clisrged. Mr. the Association, xiii briug greetiugs The third gane c>f the seres -%vas Rutherford aise referred to the use frein the Ontario. Goverirnmnt. ThepaeluB mnll o Tesy of thee oon by the Orono Red Cross giteýt speaker xiiLie John F. Clark nig. he ît Lius gayltakng e oege as a possible deppot for reeeiving cloth- of Torou)ito.8-.heBCsgaswrbyL el ing. -Althouglu the Red Cross has neýt _____ 'sought the use of-the reem- it was The morniug of March 8th will lu- Neinatodes A Newy is felt that it could be used te some ad- cludfe démonstrations and discussion , ~tiWyuS výantage as a central depot. l. periods when sueh tapies as annunaîs, Co)Vereà Eneiny On Thle Farmf The 1Trstees passed a mto n bulbs aud perennials and seill, fert- otructiiug the seceetary te eend out ihles and insecticides xv.-iii be dealt bils for, fire calîs l the Township. with. Iu the afternoon F. W. Warren 'While on this matter it was expressd of Dundas xiii sw coiored slides Two huudred agrieniturists includ- that it was unfor.tunatie that te date of Br-itishl Columbia. Fojliowing this ing several Canadians met in N-ew 'the To)ý,-ship ha.d made, no provision the eleetion of officers xii ho held. _ork recently te hear -what science to #-ve i. piDeeio i(>HailtOr.- wilL givo lias Sound ocitabout 4wél~~'i. um~er f -rownshi an ilustrated talik ou "Cav-alcade of meet recently diseovered enex±iy, -u -ires hiad ocurred ini the pqat six the North» suad Leslie Laking, Royal nematode, a microscopie xvornmTa nionths lu the Town.shi'p and th-e on1yv Betanical Gardens, Hamilton wili destroys over one-tenth of Northl protection is through agreenients speak on 'Rcomm-i-ended Trees for Arierican crops each year. Nerttode' -,v7ith the Village. Varions Purposes." _Mr. Laking's a-dmg n emrha u ilo 1dress xiii aise be illnstrated. The dollars: a year la Nor-th, Amierica ac- It was reporfed by the chairmran -iConvention will close with a mneeting- cording te estimates by 1lead ing 1 ~that the repair werk on the fire of the 1957 Bo:ard of Direetors. nemnatologlets. tower st the fire hall had been eom pleted by Mr. Nicholsoni and thatThseio, rtof hi kn everythiug sceemed guite eatisfactory. Tjýhe sssn, firý)stof eir kiude A general dleanup aise iiimproved the oue lu particular had beeli worked (ee ed1vÈe~puoedb hl Injterier appeararce of the roem over 0on but couldn't be epened. MWr. J. Chemnicai Corporation te briug the the lirein-11. i(ideto wacoit-.teclto ty aiatest seientific information on the open the cniverts eausin1g the flooed- damag-e sud contbrol of nmtdst Cong"ýrn sas exprêsed o(0ver ficoed-,jib.Also mentionied wýýas the condi-ariutaits lng lu varinsý parts of the village.j tien of sm of the Villag'e rends it vnýs poiuted out that frozen cul- wh-ich were be!oing maiked with nilte.ery 90st, autura ver ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 %0eemil h cuesdta pieospthlS.scientistesthouglit mee eaoe wuereharm-less. Meauwhilene - tedes sapped the vig-or frei fruit r hsn lihd wsuegr bes of oin PartiesAereeWith Pensi on11 .1 tiees, aisiedastegar Ove5 ý idai sgarbeetLiidanddrastieallY ~wrm~wi~I~I~uU~'je c u1 poduction of Long Island pota-1 A t û o"o H ,d à- M eeting teolet.Thr!e damiagýe they caujsed, was1 ascrbedteworn-out sou" or "tired The question of saliry increasesi the Commission xveuid psy their was again the main topic for the Or-t rightf ni share of the pension this The ident.ificatiýon, of the actUal one Hydro Commission on Monday year ($,M0. - $850.) sud that the an- clrtcetdanwsine-Nm evening when the regular mionthly nuali ncressemrentûs would then neto irtcetda e cec en meeting was hel. It seeins Wite del'- start until a year later in 1959. This -A +11. .1.. 1tip dir. renec +o theor'zin inute tsartue commission andate ne imtui,,.e ouierric roneori., manager, Mr-. Dent, have tentatively proposai except that for eue year the agreed on the inauguration of a. peu-1 Commission vo-ald be payiug- frein son plan for the manager. $50.041 te $100.00 more t(- the benefit Before auy dfit earenent is of MNI. Dent. reêached the Commission is teIn meeti Iu regard te Mi-s. Nortou,'s request with Mfr. B. Mersen regarding trie set- for f$180.041 raise eomipared te the of- thig np cf -the plan and the cet te fered $100.041 the Commission toek the commrission. It is thoiught that ne action aud wiil handle this o'nly the pilan will ceet the coninissien be- 'wheu the eontvact is eoinpleted wvith tween $300 au $3,0. the mianag-1er. It was the feeling that ~Neither Mr. Dent nor Mrs. Norton the mnanager's salary shGuid f iret be accepted the original proposaI of the eornpleted. commission regardiugsaslary adjust- The commission diseus;sed the pos- mnents. The eorlniss$eu had effered sibility of cutting dowu on overhead Mr. Dent an increase cf $250. for hy eihniunating office ceets. It xvas 1957 whivh wa --te purchase a portion the opinion of the Commission that of the pension. F4urthev, aunaIlu-,the operating cost of the systei is creasments of $10Q.00 beginniug 1958 teeo hiIli sud tliat the ouiy rmenus of were te be paid utilthe i total salary pajing this cost 'was by veducing the >'osche&, $4 000.00. Faolwng a dis- office sud secetarial costs. This cusiseon the ebraiiissioii sud the ,,Ind mean the closing of the office m-arager, moeç r less, appreved that for regular heurs and the eliniuatung of a secretary. The coimmission stated C1=ý= =ý that undleii' any eLreuiustasuce they would net permt an iuevease ini 6,i 10 l W e r to affect a ise lu rates. A ttal Q f o $4200. or $4300. was feit ta hoe the "No ose is useless in, this5 unît the Commrission could pay for, I orld wlrn lightegas a burden fora - ~eslu 1_457.1 goee~~- lse --il Accounts lu the amrount of $2009.611 i'were passed for payiuent. The balance ~~ beoere patying the billesxwas $4178.49. Su~essI eein At Oono IHigh SholCosts Jump I $55,OOlTùrease ToT1axpayers Theý Orono Co-operative sponsored a mïleting'-in the Oddfellow's Hall, 1 .J I Orono on) heevein of Monday, f The eight municipal counicils rep- U u r, W Ferav 2th Foty-fur popî, resenteçi on the Durham Couinty Disý- G ie N w were present from the district to lis-;triet High Sehool Board wilI he asked ten to t.he Farm Forumr broadaset on to provi de $245,000 in their 1957 est- In spite of a rainy night, nearly- al Co-operatives and their benefîtis. mates for the maintenance aud oper- the Girl Guides turned out for thie ation of the four high sch-ools in the, regular weekly mieeting on _.ond. area. This figure was reached at the night. Mr. Joýhn Stons, president o-f the hoard's lmeeting iu Bcywmanvilleý Wed- Thne meeting opened with ilispeci& Orono Co-op presided and after the nesday, Last week. and an annou-nce--ment. The Gujilea 'broadeast divided the gathering into thnw t1' their patrol cornersan£i three groups ?or a discussion period. The total budget calls for an ex- jwrkdon sýecond class knots and jet -_ _1 penditure of $505,886.73, an increase class teachin-g. Two siuging ga« it as Lë_vn'(ý5à-ý 4 , 4e1 1 i -. 0 ý ri --~ ± . .f P "1 7 1 2,2-- t1 ,-- n '11 _ the local *CO-OP le planning to build, Legisiative grants and miscelianeous auwmfnotofOoolosetoreceipt7 are estimnated at S'2511886.73 pHighway 115 aud the sixth linê. and $3,ffl respectively. The balance e oYf $2i45,000 to be levied on the mun - S ýuLggestionis for expansion were! icipalities is $55,000 lu excess3 of the eMade at the meeting iucluding a 195f3 levy. 1fari hardware store adjoining theI new miii as one ,Of the first'dveîop- M Nembers Of the District HigIi- ments. A gradiu.g station for per- Sehool bearýd at the budget m--eeting- f, ish ni fmproçinets was thought te whbich stretched on into the smali 1-aenei.Tehadigo erl hours of Thurisdlay mt>rning expressed J ènmi productesuad farin machinery is conecern at the increased amounts that Ia distinct p)ossibility. 1would have to ke found for maintain- I.ing- the sechool lu Bow%ýmaniville, Port JAsked to consider the aspects ofI Hope, Millbrook, and Orono. Finance Co-op developmieit it was feit that chairmau Alex MeGreg-or said that tCredit Unions should expand their Ithe estimiates had been pared te) the activiies to meelét financlng problemrs. limit. He warned the board thatt hr Coerars Insur-ia ce ssoantonmance eom iittee, ea. lie stfinud u Çoerat sMeia C-ope, athe 1 ust co no icit h isayear. Thleui J should expand their activities for thel right down the lune to met auy extra Ibeniefit of aIl. fex-Ipenidituriie judged necessary. On the question of expandingme 1. Increased Eniroilmeut - Staff bership and miembership education, iti twas suggested that tl'- Co-op)I send Coutributing nlainly to the rise in Ou ot n questionaire akn for hielp- levy of 929 per cent over Iast year, Mr, fnl eciricim. The ides of appitng-MGregor said was the increase in 1dlrectors7 at large and having' a lose sudnt and staff. He eluoted the fol- jreIatiünship with the Junior FarinerI lowing figures: organization was aiso exçpressed. 1 a-l-y-and sa relenreh prograxn that had to start f rom scratch. Re- searehers have since been able to ideatify over one thousand differet species of namnatodes, and the list grows each year, Some of The species attack only onie plant, others abtacki mnore than 1,700 different plants-j crops, flowers and trees alike. Sce n- tists founil that some types of nema-1 todes will die lu a year in an unplant- ed 'field, but others - called cyst nemr- atodes - au hibernate la the ground for more than 3,. years. Some of Aminrica's ieadîngl scien- tists who ar.e -working on the varions !p-liases of researchi appeared oni the nematode workshop pî'ogj amn.Iii part of the sessionl, pael miembers re- vie.wed the miethods science hias used to try to stop) the use of soul fumil- ganti U s. Previous to the developmenit of suchI chemicails, the oniy effectLive miethod of control wsto rotate inito other crops. Soit fumig,,ationi is re- pýorted to have miultiplied cotton pro- dluction by t,,,, sweet potatoes, by seventeem, and other gardea crops by nearly as mruch. They have restored to use marginal and abaiidoned land, Fire Totally Destroys House Clothi*ng-Furnishings Lost Enrollineut (Sept.) 1955, 930; 1956ý, 1*35. 1954, 7~ Levy, 1955, $180,00;1 95f3, $1g,0,00 1 957. $245A.. This meant an inerease of 4.5 per cent lu studeuts as agaiust an lu- crease of M,4.5' per cent lu levy over the three year period, he expiaiued. BSudget estimates for teachers' Salaries xvere $35,000 in e-xcess of Liet year. This aliowed for the employmïent dur- iug th-e year of eight miore teachers, than ýwere ou the comibiued staffs lui January 1956. Total teachers employ- ed isno 54. Sliglitly more than haîf, tYea. > Little Susie" andi "Piop Goes th* Weisel." Work was doue on Hiker Badge .*4 the mneeting closied with a story el, Lord Bades Powell, Prayer and Tep&. se.ýt aside fo nieet their saiaries. No Ecouomly Possible The advice of ex-principal George Brackeubury was that this was a de-~ Partirent that the board could not ecoomie o ifit-as to mnaintain teteaching standards and bhomâ petitive with other boards, Provision is modce lu the, genera accounit for a foldiug partitioýn in thse Port Hope gyminasiumn and for a parking lot for staff and studeuts cars. Le-ft out on the roadwvay thev hecomie a poteutial traffic lxazard wýarned departint inspector Dr- William Turner in adJvîsing this step iu bis report. The board argued menus auxii wapae of cutting the budget b>ut at~ evety stage cam-e up agait tU&art JRyal unauswered queston, "What are you, going te eut?" Alex 'Mr-cCïrgor warned that u7 thiurg tut fromi one estimate had a habit of rebonnding under anothev'. heading. "The budget is reasonably tîghýI he said. "Our oaly hope lase me p>î silblity of budget relief fre-m Queen',se Pait. 1I don't like it m'yseif, gentle- mien, having te- ask thie mnc'paite.- for snch a ot of xnoney, but whatý else eau we do?" The miotion that the bde be a4-' opted was then propo)sed by Mr-. Xc Gregor and secouded bSt G. N. Stroexgý The reselution -,vs passed unanimous,. Two Orono Teams To Take Part In LittleNHLTournàameii-nt This Saturday tominior hockey n hr t100 lr gi h teamis friom theý Village of' Orono xvi..game ,vill beý made uî) of three fi£- take part in the Littie NHL pla- teen minute periods wvith thle winnxr' d nsin ie Town, of Port Hope. to mi-eet Mýillbrook later in the after These teamns wilI oe the Orono Pee floof. Wees and the Orono Bantamns. ai-patntedywl lsbE In the Pee-Wees the Orono crew wil fTakinghtpat i te dy wlar l b y hit the ice at l11. and meet the entry ifrour, eigoht andvine plyar oîd bê rm Ne'wcas;t10ý,These -teamns fon rnowowilpay'ih l play three fifteen minute periods. The castie in the Junior A series of - hç winner of this gamine wîil thent meetdalogporm e Mililbrook latex, in the afternoon with Teamas are entered f romi Bowmian.. a final ehanl4ion belng declared early vle çcal otE~e ueI# in the epening. and Miltbrook. Parents are encow-. ag-ed' to attend to watch theîr b" The Orono Bantama aliso meet New- participate in this day of sport,. Aêt castie in thei'r firat gamne which op- mission charges are 25 and 10 cet- P'ire again became the great de- second ~story of thte building where id stroyer ou Mvonday atrouwe a mossible te reach wlth water i1V Pat'ing P e en e Y it totally destroyed a dweîîliug aîong due te the dense smoke. The onIy a81L 86.5N with a great, deai of elothing and ,water avaîlabe was frein a cisterni contents. ire destroyed tho framie 1under t'ie hose andi athough thel dweliiig of Mr. L. Hoey at he x- Orone ire Brigade dicL put' waer Cubs To Saxidy R ussell - xvhich Mir. and Mrs. Roy Tennant sud edvanàce of the fire aud lu a short Tit-ie(rn Cb ln vt Rtrigt h uiia uiç k ýfamily were residente. time the fixe englue had te withdvaw a numrev fiOoherCs vreprsti o ing Rthube sud theMotiealjoined ta' Mv. su Mrs. rein aiong side of the house. AfterMoayenigith OroMu-ascalvnigudistemou ' The blaze ieftMran rý.T - abondouing the. blaze it was, only a Aoiq vni, nteOoo"Nui-asýi1 vnn idas uhnu nant sud their five childreu homne- trociemiue eeeticpal Building xvhen a oilgtr-hireirgassanlae. lese as the building was a total lOas entire lieuse wças tetalyaizu n u presentation -,vas held. Thiy Akela, WMlss Cavolyn Jeres, sr )ka leaving only aches -where the buiId- docmed te destruction. Tise Oro-no Orono Ctube duriug the course of the a few weî*s to the gather'iug, point.~ ing once stod. - ire departineut stood by as a p ev euing paid tribute te their assist- 'ng te the time and effort epeat by sut leader, Mr. A. A. Russell, xvho le Mr. Russellinluassic'tng with. the eu4 ' Alorug with the building, was de- caution of fire spreading te the barns . ioaving the pack due te a tranefer te m-ovemenfr iln Orono du'riug the pa;Ns stroyed the entire furuishinge, cdoth- T1he franie- building was located Sanit St. Marie. few yea.rs. flis assistance and know- iug sud bedd'lng 'whieh was on th,justet of hghay No. 11:.5 at thei Prier te the festivities of the e-von- jedge of cubbing was certainly te b. ' second ofere the lieuse. Many art- north at the Village aud traffic lined in- the Culis were taken on a sleigh missed. Douglas Walker theni presesi- icles were, hexvever, eaved frein the both sides of the Highway sud the ride with -Mr. Ivison Tarftbiyn, wlho Ited Mr. Rus7eli with ax Drummond oil, dowutairs when residents ef the.sideroad.j previded thie eleigli. Aithougli ram ain tig hapitn a ta Vilaesu rmf wa fratre AtpesntM,.an ls Tnan hortGned the trip the Cube stili had water scolie sud xas pre'sented «n,, the building terjiewa untr A rsn r n r.Tn ant agoedly porti-on of their trip cem- behiaîf ef the Oroio 'Cub,, Mother% s and appliances were Possible.------ su ad family are staying with neiglh-1 pîd. Associato)n anid the Gi*p Comiaittee' The fire appai-eitly started in the bourinig relatives. èiOL2 Ný- WlE ev . emm"g"em e N N s s 's 's s' N s k k s N s N N N N N N N s 'N N N. N N s' N s s s NI N N NI N N N