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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Feb 1957, p. 2

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EJKON0 WEEKLY TIllES THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1957 ~/ 2ewCaL;L 4an is',' give&n a.,pecial invitation--. -ttend the 1rgI~monthly nwe,Àtný of the f __Report Fr6mr Parliament H1i Faim G, oups Present Briefs To Cabinet C-,eý0 F!SH ANO'iLJ O y uh M amsM.. ther legisiat;i o bc considered Thi h -ý jýeiIlplý(ýutil-a t :gav-e littie indication that there in the O'RONO Mý,UNiCIPAt ,UILING g 'a great, extent in thie capital, -withf would be much opportunity for iheat- special emiphasis on the îinterpr)ovi- ddbt nteiei tilt eds r' cial! Farmi Union group who broughitcussed. As a resuit, the session con]- M ouýçýday, M iere 4th at lalredleainumeingoe tinus to be miuch duller than last 80 'with them t,'o present the(ir brief to year, although there stili is time for Gamielaws will be discussed and questions answered Cabinet. it to awaken and break into verbal flDurham County was r.epr-esenitedj coniflict. by Ken, Tolmie, Game Warden. Everyone welcome. o by Mr-s. George Prosser of Burketon No Word On~ The Awaited, Budget Qand Lou J. W oods of Shaw'v ,S. Follow-, Date în theprsenitat'in to Cabinet, the Mr. Harris, ~Minister of Finance, deI leainmt ihpivtweberwo visited port Hope for a meetng,, ýindividuall!y iand collectively, and madeo on Friday night, continues te be very a good job of ,ivinig th~e Carin picture ocommunicative on1 twe points, <and what should be doie aijbut it. wheii his budget wdl be presented Y.1 ~ Erlie, te Feeraion f Ariclanld, especially, what wil be ini it. ture pr-ebe] ted iewvs on the saine Everybody is trying to find eut bothi IQ rbject to1 Cabinet, but there wmas rio items, but as of thc-e eekend. he was c patie. B th restýjtýtjjIs ex-ithe first 1i tninavh -eb n a - rý 1eneY v 'i prepated and showed rd b~y the t'Ile t'iÂ7s ap si ~JiI ~ lci t o f suthogexpandedShoped print and the s5"enJd vill cone in Stove P enta aaIgood ily esitsil ,pned l ,decourse. It now appears as tog Wthe farmifllto will resuit. he 'will have a very sizeabe sur-plus CC F Again Opposing Parliamnenta ry te work on although as he stated, Divorce Proc«ed . fter two years of defîcits, any sur- Fuel O' ceit e a ot:frttuets:sionWthe plus this yeýr v'l1 only even up f oi FuelOîl 1 , e s.plur -tal G' CF had an oppOr.Ittuityeforegstr the ameount he has gone behind silice in Q hi pojfj he took office. whereby Parliaient handies divorce - For eiver~ Phone I cases fronim Quebec and Newfound OHA tteCbugI ]potind hr aewi vef.3()es r A. S PIe Coburg T ORONO 1567 - II WA RA 5-109 Gto 4be de'alt with this year, but if thel i,- O ueau these wili Ibe grantted. In the past ex- CbugLnbrKnshv p ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ _of___ _ e ip n rr casi ioti th e ctaonit pealed the O.H.A. decision handed ~ ~ f thm pas wihoutany bjeci n ùSunday that they continue the esPecialIY in the House of Gommions*micaplofseeswtLk- DURHAM 0 This time, it maty be necessary to ifild Lunibermen. Cbourg ake- have a s and ng ote on ach one quested a postpone mient of th eý series Progessie -C nseraliv Ass ciaton jthat 's approved, a timie-consumling u'ntil a full hearing of the O.H.A. hias procediare. As the tim-e aUtted for crflysuie h rbei ~ea4m w~th peiv te bu s ef Thi his plea w as decided on by the gIII LU N durng ay wek ulessthe special meeting of the club at the, 'dckm VpoeiIlo cuseQ puv dvr fvate on whether they wished to finish O ~~ ~i - ~ M Qps S f c us, t ae dvrethe playoff with Lakefield follwing rmvdf rom parliamientary scrutiny Fn igbts et il i edini the0 and placed under a central court of nih' -t som-e kind.1 omnilOrn oNeshv liall Oron MuniipalGrants Act Under Review let Cobourg know that Vhey are firrm- The ostiiiei-st'nl-par ofthelyc behind theni in their fighit te have, sider:ation of the Municipal Grants fcuea htte emtebua I&! nstae atfthey onTheirombries 'ilu edln " à%- Act, under whîch the federal goevern-an a#e takTeCmis d iaye, Plarch 5U I ~ ~~~ment -will pay mnunicipalities grants sae bti hywntersle Qequal to the am9ount of taxation they with Lindsay and were forced to play at 8:00 p.m. -would pay if their properties wereLaeidtytowuddrputo 0not ow.ned by the Crown. Actually, the league iathei~ thn nisk permanent for the purpose of tr nsacting general business and it antqiea inl stab-njury. se1cti~' anid fo h 'Vderl le~irn Qcause certain types of installations;1 The meeting lasted approximately ~ a osuch as soine imlitary c p, pakstwýo and a half ours. T hep game SPIEAKERS,, and things of that type are excludu-d. whicb was scedufltled for Tuesday Howeel. itwil imeanl additionai iiight would net be playud. Accordîng h 0 ds for- towns wý,her-e public build- tFrank Buckland, Presidunt of the QJohn A IMa " % o00H'J, tesre anot(otiu, have neyer produced any OHA. h sre antcniu forBrnt-Hl i ýi adOnarotc.l nsTemnciai'stili the fines handed eut Sunda.y for ran-H taro umuncipl fnds Th muicialiieswhich totalled $150 in, ail are paid g will beîefit this yuar- because the act nfi . euie w eeeswl URVU. Vwill take effect fromi the first of 1957. beainitlrmed t wo rdee re ill 'Oiii H o t uh .V ro t L U Other Plieces of Legisiation Mostiy b sige ehni h eann uzOI.45iII . ote MriA cntests. M1initer of Refori Institutionsg Noni-Conitroversial TeOHA ae oeesae AND OTHERUS , L The pattern this year hias been te'thdt the seies nst be played or i -.o bnîng forwýard as li-ttie contrýoveLýsial net, then Lakefild will mnove con in Everyone Welconi egiiaio us pessbiiu. As a rusult, th1e group p1aydownis. The m4ý'ter wli j Alex Cairuthlers, R. R. Waddei l ( thr hvebens 1hitmsa in- furtÉer be discussed at a future O.H. President Q ~creases lu capitalization of the Cani-A.eti. God SaVe the QueenSerty adiani Farmi Loain Board se that ad-______ Stension of the Prairie Farmi Assist-,A ___________anue Acýtto iIl ea vabe;e-TE1ER ____________ te ncrese awards and levy.! Thne Piinie, Minister in announcing I Sepratetenders will be received APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED W uniede rgnud2uti 1Ufoi- th for Sale of the foliow\inig tire par-cels of ..AD <IÇP TIOYN of CHILDREN the Couneil of thle IMunicipal CorpIor- Iatien of the Uný:tedI Couinties of No rth- ONTARIO 4-16 y'airs old umbeihland and Durhaml. C A)That property uown as lhe G - bourg Registry Off'ice located at 26 There are many children frosu 4 to 16 years Typiccil of the ichidren seeking permanent Kiig Street ESýst, berng. Block 1, Lot ,of age, who are ready te be adopted. Homes adopfion homes-, 10, 1 n4i o 1,Cneso are needed for these chilciren now.. Because 9 A ,retty littie blonde Protestant girl wbo ile1 acre appreximately. This valu- f of' their age, religion, racial oengin or a yarp ld hened oo1orean1belt sstud nthusnsssc physical handicap, homes are flot easy tel.Sh eesa od oe n find. Security for these ehildren wiUl corne partient, understanding parents . . . because :tIn of the Town of Cobourg and il from a permanent home. This p iogram k n spastic an-d must wear a brace on one buddo~teSnhb igSre does not apply toinfants, sinoe the depiand leý. Fortunately, ber chances o ondy(iha o )ado h ot for them far exceeds the number of înfants w<alking without a brace are promising Býut by Swaynie Stieut. available for adoption. -sbe bas te attend a tberapy class ever-y week, z (B) That po ryknlown as ;the If you are a married couple ineetdi she muat be in a borne near a dlinic. This INerthumiberland sud iDwunnra ealth applying for the adoption of an eider or littie girl's greateat ineed nowi lafer love and Unit iocated at -'175 Gleorge Street hniapdchild, you should be under 45 affection as part of a permanent famly. J north, neaj' the Centre of the business years oï age. You must ho in good health e Two -ood-looking brothers wbn are 8 and sioofCbugA and flnancially capable of carmng for the 9 years old. They are Romnan Catholic, able toees ngodlpiwiho et chid's future. Your personal charactr pa obEgbadFec.Bt osanld eaaiycnutdtetoo oe homnemakiig abiity and capacity te m.eet Pea potion of used prechperesboy the ne-eds of a child requfring special ca av bow bir and eyes. . witb brigbit aar e ,ts. th 1 Ca are important factors in thse placement of perqonalities te mnatch their bealthy physiques, bue arranged byapeitmnt [3NK0FCOMMERCE 7b,,ahACHEACROSS -CANADA READY TO SF-RVF YVO Or>anc Uranch -A. L. M ý OET, Manager The Ninth ANNUAL MEETING of the Durham Farmers' Co-operative ýj ~will be hél the TownuHllO*ui@ Thurs., March 7th Banguet at 12 noon.1 Business at 2:30 Guest speaker:-3Mr. Norman Moor:ý> Publie Relation Officer of the Cockshutt Plow Co. Lttl. SALES AlI;d SER VICE A I1 Jsed Cars' Our complete servièe guarant.4é year round dtliving pleasù re Phone 3251 Ne,m 6*0.00rn-o--o- ORONOa,#" » l~Tcas~,~e, Outa. i i t t 's i r 'I TU NSHOP 1 N W Is The Time For- INTERIOR DECORATING We can supply your needs -wi BRANDRAM4IENDERSON Paints and Varnishest R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Ehone 11816 Orono, Ont. e M M Oit-ON 0 WEEKLY TIMES ýÈÛÛRSÜAY, ýFE BUUý,,ÀRY 28, iW57

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