OUCONO WEEKLY TIM CHOPS Sevle PORK ROAST Bahed Apples PORK cHOPS Hawdan OÈy ?ORK LO 1 N ROA S' IS Te-nder! ç in End 2' t&3 lb aver. lb -49c Country\. Style Spa re Ribs lb 49c Centre 1\o *n Pork Chops lb 69c Peanteal Cottage ROUS lb 53e Slioed Por1k L'-ve'Pound 29C SI<. Bacon'S6w ft's Pre*luanlb 385c Tablerite Sliccd -- WITH FREk-2,-W BO13NlUS BOOSTER TAPE Macaroni & Lheese Loaf 6 oz d,7c Chicken Rol Tablerite Slîced 6 oz 29SC WITH. FREE $2.50 BONUS BOOSTER TAPE FRISCO BRAND, Coevient, Pot-Ready Spu%-inach 2cello pkgs :25zeloo Pota~oes The Vegetabe Power House, white and501bg$.3 PASSPORT TO HEALTII, SWEET and JUICY Sunkist O)ranges size 40's doz 49c size 1 44's 3 5c Brocco1i tender greeni bunch 19e FINE FOR THE LUIKR ,OX - ONTARIO GROWN Delîciçus Apples 3lb plybg3 WIThT FREE $2.50 BONUS BOOSTER TAPE j ol a 5 J IROZEN4 FOOD$~ Sole Fillets 40 fathor lb 39C OceanPerchflets4 1 fath lb. 35c RIS Barbecu ed utsChoice UTematoes C Uarkt's - In Chili Sauce Beans with Pork A y1lmer Catsup Hereford Corned Beef IGA f'offee, Royal Guest 2 f or 3e 2 tins 27c. 2 botties 41c. 35c. 1 pouind bag iGA R'egutlar V'acuum Pack 1 pouind hag Svpny MNorn 95C. Deluxe Coffee - $1.13 Bluie Bonnet Quick - 3 C. off reguIlar price Margarine 32c. Chateau, Plain and Pimente Cheese IGAI Variety NMix 2S bise Bisciuits Fluffo Shortening ib. 33c. sui tin 29c. 1 Pound package 30c. Aun,,lt Jemimla Buttermilk or regular Paneake MiNixes 2 pkgs. 37c. Det erg enti Tide 146c off king- $ 1.42 I j I J I Se. off giant 69ec. Giant size 72c. - 72e. ,Vl requests for FREE BONUTS GIFTS nitist nom, be based on'Y On the values listed in your 'aew CatalO'gue (4)- -WlhfRFl s2_5o BONUS BOOSTER TAPE WITH FREE $2.50~ BONUS BOOSTER TAPE, IGA Ripe 'N Ragg-ed Faincy Niblets Fancy Vaeuumn Pack Pineapple Chmunks 20 oz 35c iÊKermel Corn 42 for 37ei WITT E $2.501 BONUS BOOSTER TAPE WITH FREE $2.o BNUS BOOSTER TAPE 2for27 isOWivMANVILLE~ MEMORIAI ARENA ACTIVITlES FRIDAV, MARCH /'t St'ô 10 PUBLIC KATINO LiSSiO - - j Adults- 40c., Students SATURDAY, 1lýAcH 2nd -- at 8:310 p.m. 15c INTERMEDIATE A PL AYOFF ame ILindsay vs. BOC's THIS THIJRS. TO SA/f.i I A1-fechnicolor Show Iu Ž. "1YOUCANT RU'N i AA ROMI"~NEXýýT MON. TO W ED. I Wit1c June Award Nominiee anid Jack Leinm~on IngridBega And Yul Brynner of I CUNS\OF FR "The King and 1" inii ,ihAdeMurphy A e-l!y Great Draina j anti nthryni Grant 5 WEý'EKS IY TORONTO FORK LOIN 7c. OfF regular price ivory Snow Splie and Span jOMS-. WEEKLY REPORT -,Z ISgs From "Manhattan To-wr" ýFea1D7îe'cd As C eeClub Aampts ShOw Buseiness ,Neià Brrb iWns vy Connie Tyri e~stoet prv rbbyeeyn has îdle T endPerf ormranâce SolineaWIl'-- wthîIId vlst a hn niew and strange an1ldextig by Nrma RicabyOur Annumal Commencemient is go- Talent - Talent -- Talenýt. t s ie]s'ing to g -e s, glimpse inito the lives Or&noý( Hig'h School bas plenty of ita-0f' sonie of the poople in such a city- valle. ors e at any tim-e. New YoI'I. 0.11.S. will present a con- dselformý of the musicýal showr This was pioved at the clance, 0on "MNanhattanToe"nMah th Friay veiinglas when etiertin ment featnred a Talenit Show model-!1InsteadoJf seeing New Yr as a led, after the "ArÀithur Gùdfrey Talent tY o s àsîai ind in1d Lis trY, thP 1Scout ,Show of tlvso faile. Four, -riter, Gordon Jenikinýs, sýetstuo nsic- "Sot"echbogtan item- of, the inner. li*ve-s of the people, telling talntftm t~ ehe1to epe- a stury fli jOf theo life, love and lorce, senýted bfor te critical eye of theý of aj big: city. Inspire'd by the city heý mny ndviuasattending the' prýo Loe'S Jenins hýlas written za love st-ory shipaffection and appr-eciatioro or nil, Sue Pos.cterl ntfroduced of one of the geatest cities in the her> talent - Barbara Ana Aldread worîId. Swho plaýyed aý couple of selections on the banjo and the harmnonica. Al-' The 0.H.S. GIee Club made up~ th ht1his mnay not seem out of the strictlyý of vlunt1eerS and under thL, ordinary, th, unique part of hier aet capable direction of Mes. We-stheuser asthat shbe played both inistrumients' and( Mr. Watt w-ill sing such Song8 at the sam'tie. r the showý as "Married 1 Can Al- Next Wi'llis Barraball was asked to wa\*Iy Cet" and -Repeat AfterMe. pnres'enit to the audience bis talent. Hel Starring roles lvill be played by~ introduced John Tnmblyn with col,-. - Marilyn jCoâbledick, Nornman Rlck- ntadRtissell Major w'ith tr.um1pet,ý aby and Bill Tamblyn. payinig duet arra1ngemeunt of t'he Song "Cherry Pinkl and Apple Blossom - Xvhte' erenionioasly presented te MHr. and, Joan Ahfr-ed, the next talent sot Ms Watt at the end of the numnber, gladly presented her talent,' Neil Barý- rabiall, singing and neccmpanying1 The winrXeil Barrabail, picked' hîrnslf on the £ýuitar, by the applause oyf the audience -wae La.t bt ioa crtanîyne îestpresented -%ith an L.P. reeord by Las bu mot ertanlyý nt last'"Fats Domino&' while bis 'sýcout' waný Connie Tyrreli <at great expense te given a 78 r.p.nl record by Tab Hun- no one) proudly introduced Eric Car- r leton- and his Haw-aiin dan cers, An- dila (Andy Sutch) and Malilikui The dancing was then continued, (Malcolm McKenzie) complete with f after efreshuments were sei-ved,,until. Grass S'kirts and. Leis. The Leis were 12 midnight. 7 .Adm