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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Feb 1957, p. 6

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"Dear AnwHirst; Tonight 1 st aloe, ffering the torture of1 a m an w -holves and vwas lovesi, and v whù ot fic grandest girl la the orld ecause of bis scnseless jealousy, ,wases, madl about bier thaf I couldn't bear f0 share lier aven wifb girl1 friends, and so ztupisi that 1 Cid not sec how unjust 1 %was. Mylast offe-nse was when she- Sdafed an oid beau; I iost mny tçpw per and storrncd lke crazy. She 11ust iooked at mne and saisi she ,was through. 1 find she mneans "Why I didn'f reaize that onie so talented was budt attract lots of frienCs, 1 don't know. WhIv fbtought I was suchI n. prize tatI deserved ail ber Grime i5 a myi'sfery. But since 've j lest ber, I realize how seifish I1 was; if sbe'd o rnly take me ack, ['d neyer object ta anybody, just be grateful -for' whaft 'ime she gave m.-e. "We wvere engagesi, as you've guessesi. 1 know she Jovesi me dceply, andi 1 caï't believe that is ail dead. Now 111e lookçs so bleak, I don't ïrnow ho-%v ta face it. She wili ineither' sec mee nor aniswer my c alil, ansi she re- turns miy letters. I , cannot go Dn like this. Have you an-y comnforf for a stricken ol ALONE DOMINANT MALE * Like so many men, you *thouigbt your love gave youi *the rlght to. run the girl's lit c. SYou demnandesi ah ber tboughts *andi alilber talents;- you bad, fot rcign stipreme, denying ber *any other self - expression, Well, this young woman bnas : character and Individuality, *ands sb refused ta b.e dom)'in- *ated. I airn -surprised hepu îiup, with your tryanny as lo ng * sshe' diS,. * Frornl whai you teli me, * aeno doubt that she loves » yOu stfli, and if is likeiy she Sis cbastising you as a fond m ~other Fpýii~ishcs a chuS f £r *being LtaQ scif-cenfred. Assume this is truc, and make on. - more gesture for the .friend- *sbip1 you Celo(yesifor twoyer * Was fOunded on respect and *faftb az- qqi a love, and the Love! y Centre piece Pattern 581. Crocheýt directions foi- s wan ceniterpiece; body D'bout."'12 x ý-½ inebes. Use lbeavy Jfycotton, - tsarcb tfiy SenSd TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (stamps cann-iot ,be accepteS, use ~6tlnote for safety) for this >ýatftern ta Laura Whéelerl, 123 'Éighteenflh Sf., New Toronto, qnt. Print plainly PATTERN ~ÇUMERyour NAME and .&DDRESS. Our git t ta 'you - fwo won- 4erfuil patterns for yourselt, your ýiome _ prinfesi in tour Laura i hee er_ Needlecraff Book... Plus dezena' of other new de- elgns te irlér - crchtknit- th'!r-g mbroidery, iron-ons, nov- ses.Snd -25 cents for your D_ L otthe book NIOW -with Iltpatteras printed i inif! *difficulties yQu speak 0of only deepened your-jntutual esteerni. *A yùung ~wrnan of ber char- *acter is not'likeiy to hold out *forever, if she feels aniy hope, that youi can outgrow this *adolescence, *Wrdtt her once again. Tell * er that these weeks apart 'haveý brough t a new%ý appreci- *ation of al she means to you. *With ane:w humnility, acknow- * ledgeý your selfishness and *say that you know nowi that * your only goal in life is to see that she is happy in ber * owýn way. Al you ask is that she take you back on trial. *Such a plea writlten in *your owni words, may weil *touch the heart of a girl who probably is as lonely as you *are. IDRINKING COSTS JOB "Dear Anne Hirst: I an in a bad spot, and asham-ed of it. I arn a girl 24 years old, and have Leld a good position for three years. Reeently 1 lost it through drinking. 1 would like to be reinstated', *bu~t nmy employer says he cannot depend o11nime, so 1 really an discouraged. "I can only bName mnyseif. The fact that I ar1.ýnmarried to a manl 1 ceased to love over a year ago is no excuse. I do fLeel that if 1 could have another chance, though, 1 coulId stop drinktrig al- together. Cari you suggest aniy argum1ent T could use to per- suiade my boss îo take- me back? DESOLATED"' * Training a new eniployee is *an expensive project. - To dis- *cover that she cannot be trust- Sed to be at her best regularly is sbocking. If your work bas *been suiper-ior in other ways, *your former employer may be3 *persuadèd later on to take,, the *chance. But be vwould, I tbink, re- *quire an honest record of a *total abstinence, and you can- not blarne bim for that. Ap- proacb bhim w,,itb this idea in * nind, ard ask bhis considra,- * tion. 1 sympathize -witb you in " your unhappy marriage. This *is a sound reason, however, *to give al! your interest and *talent ro any Job you have, for jn in t lies forgetfuln)ess ofe your *personal tr-ouble an-d, to any ambitious person, ani absorbing *futre. I -wisb you more suc- cess iii your next position-, *wberever it may be. Whcn lanly eonflict arises be- tween two who love each 4thier., tie one that does somne honest seuLI-seirching is tHie aonew çan Makce the peace. Anne Hirst understandIs huninwekees aInd is hiere to help youx over- corne theni. WVrite h e r at BOX 1, 123 Eighlteenith St., New Toronto, Ont. "KAYOS" ELVS - Elvis Presley, in Hollywood mnaking his sec- ond movie, "Loving You' saàys heneyýer dates girls just for ,publicity. "Ah çdate girls A» like," he says. 'Blondes, brun- ettes - Ah like 'cm ail," Elvis says there's only ane gal ini Hollywood that really "sends" hlm. That's actress Rta Moreno, above. 'But she knocks me out' ho ceclores. They'va neyerrmet. Information For TV Owners The Toronto Better Business Bureau bas i-ssuced some help.. fui information for television Owniers. Mn. A. R. Haskeii. Gencral Manager of the Bureau, said ithat te-levi;sion users should re- m1ember that reception on tele- vision can vary from block to block -- frotrn bouse to hlouse - and from onc side of the roorn to another. Images on the television screen -nay be affected by sev- eral things, the Bureau pointcd OUt- (1) Atmiospher.ic conditions, a mounitain or even a tal build- ing betwecn you and the trans- rnittrng station mright adverse- ly affect reception or reduce the effective ranige of your reý- ceiver. (2) "Ghosýts" (mnultiple imn- 1ages) are genieraliy caused by your location and surroundings. Somnetimes they can be con- pletely oGr partially elminated iby antenna adjustmrents or by auxiliary antien na- equipment. (3) Passing automobiles or airpianes mnay miar your pic- turc imomentarily, (4) Recep,,tion can be affected by other television sets, by nearby diatbermny machines or other electrical devices. Wben buying a television re- ceiving set two important tbings shouid be remerinbered, the Bu- reau statcd:- (1) The mianufacturer's war- ranty. (2) Service on your set, The Better Business Bureau pointed eout that a mfanufactur- er's warranty that your set is witbout defects means that if any pajrt should prový,e defective -under normal usage witbin the terms of the warranty, your dealer will suiiPy you witb a repl acement, They warned tlhat most mnanu- facturers' warranties a.pply only when You deal -witb an author- ized dealer. Read the .varr,-nity and become acquainted with its provisions. He saisi: "Remierrber, the manutfacturier's %war-ranty ap- plies oniy to parts, not tao la- bour or shippingc costs or sk-illed services ta determine the deý fects. Free service ii, tJieý1ortàe is not iiu-,ded 'in the warranty. Thlat's where the question of service cornes in. "1You have Io deýcide whether to buy a service contract, wblicb is offeresi byý most retailers i- rectiy or indirectly ,, or whether to buy your set wýithlout a serv- ice contract, in -wbich case you would pay a service m-fan for an-,y subsequent service, other than thle cosýt of replaicerne-nt partsg as coveresi by the mianu- farturei swarny' Mo demr E tgqU ette ... By Anne Ashley Q.Are cresodec ardls ln good taste? A. YZes; they are very popu-. lar ansi in goosli aste for the short, informai kind oýf note. It is becorning muore andmore cus- tomaryv for mien anid wornen- ta use thiese cards. Huowevcr, they s;hoisi l ot be usesI for strictIy formnai correspondenice. Q. May the bride wcear Ixer engagemlent ring iand have lber bridcgroom place the wcdinàg ring above it? A. No. On bier wýediding day, the bride cither leaves bher en- gag-ement ring at borne, or wears it on ber right hansi. Q. S1houfld ail thie wonrien be served llrst at the dining table, w7here men and womcen are seated alterniately? 53-COUNT 'EM-58-Yep, ther.e are 58 letters on that strip being held by lola Lynn and four-year-old Philip Andrews at the Trovelrramo Show in New York City. As Miss Wales, she represented Great Britain. The 58 letters? Oh, yes. They make up the name of a Welsh town that claims the longest namne in the vorld. In Enplish, the namne means "The chorch of St Mary in a wood oF white hajzel near a ropid whir1pool and near St. Tybilio's cave, close ta a red cave." Weii, I left the farm i ast weck ta spend a day ansi a hait iii Toronto, 0f course I idn't do neariy as much as 1I bad plannesi. However I was ahi. ta sfay overnight witb Daughfer ai be-r family. As usual I1 spent very littie tim-e in the stores but i was there long eniough ta noU- tice -in passing some very hovely pictures in a speciai sale Of art. Many of the pictures were beau- tifl so perbaps if was jusf as well that when I saw them 1 baS oniy a little timne o spaý.re before mny train icft - if baS taken mie so long ta g-et my giasses - giasses ta sec witb, 1I mean. As you knowý, glasses like everyv- fhing cis, bave gone miodemi. iA f ew years ago you baS 01niY a choice of riiess, golsi-filiesi, nickel or horn-rimmed spec- tacles. Now y-ou have li1t erally dozens of frme f choose fromi ai colours, snapes and sîzesl, 0on f fhem engraîvesi, some étren sef witbi brilliants. They, corne in black, blue,yeow white, brown or a combination of calours. Tbey are supposer! fa add ta rather than dctract tram " one's a p pea r an ce. But which kind, and wha colour fa chaos. .- tbt's the question. The sales- man was very anxious ta sel me black trames over wbitc goisi. "Very sirnar-" lhe said, Sm-art! Tbey remindesi me of black ansi nickel bat hroomn fixtures. I Se h. got ot ighf grcys, blue grey s ansi gunmefai Tbey ail Madle my hair looklci rusty whitec. f inaliy sctfled for very con- servative light brown ti rames. 1 arn sure the saiesman was greafiy relievesi that 1 chose anything af ail. He had _aIj-eady'v suggested thaf if I1 an back i nexf day hb. wouid bave another assorfment sent in trom their branich store! That wul1hv been faonucb. Atter alIol wanfed ani inconspicuous tramne tc boiS the henses togecther. Myr difficuliy i n ra inga ecision wýas oniy because the selectin wvas sa fantasfic. Fine for 'he young folk but sureiy pian mrust Ibave m nany ciýustomers thatf a-re not in thiat category ansi would theretore aprcaea mnore suitable selection tfram wbib f coose. Whcn I got to Daugblter's place that night 1 founid ber plan- ning a lîttie house-hunting jaunt. They want ta make a mnove ta get away fromn the 'busy street they are on. Thaf is aiways a consideration for people witb a youing famliiy growing up. Wc would like ta sec tbem ,came ouf ta the country but Art can't face the idea of comrnmutinrg back andi forth. And .I can't say I biame hlmi. Many people wbo have tried living in suburbia are now rnoving back ta the city. Others, 1inexperienced andi bopetul, are bcadingi- for the supurbs, deter- nmneSta gef away tram iit al whicb-. makes àt vcry nlice for the rpal estate boys. Living any-wbcrc this wctýekend is a problim Aftter a wee7-(k of lovcly weather we are now ex- pericncing a freezing Srizzle. The footing is sotraeru that goîng fram the bhouse ta thie 'barnl isn't any fun, However Part- ner doesn't have ta make2 many trips tIhese daS. Tbcre are picnfy of odd Jobs ta do once wc gef settîed weafber but nothf- ing. that canG"t wait. No youngTI chickcýns ta sec ta; no miilkinig ta do. And frarn wbat %we b1ear there il be less ehores ta do on a few other farmls fao. Somne tarmers are tbinking that ta rais. turkeys îi r. nunprotitable sideline. I bave spoken ta sev- erai wbjo are going out of the business because tbey sayth garnc's n~ot worth the candIe, 50 - corme ncxt Christmas bouse- wives may have ta pay More f .or their turkeys. However Christ- mas- is a long way off yet -- glory be. We'vc got a lot)l of other thiings ta hoek forwçýard ta flQrst, Yes, a lot ef fhings. Wheni the weatber is depressingly drab if is goosi ta look ouf side and visualize the chang-e that will1 take place in a tew short nonfbs. Look at thaose bare trees, ansi the toeigsbrubs, could-i anythhing appear more corn- pletcly dead that tbey do at this moment? Does it seem pos- sible that. alrnost ceveýrY tfwig gzLýeen shoots w;iil eventually ap-1 peair. To me, dormaýnt life is a miarvellîous , and a-we-inspiring prehudle ta the miracle of spri.1-9 i can neyer undierstand haw atbeisfs can sayv and really be- lieve there is ro God. They feI you thlat the sprin 'g is Sue ta the nafural forces of nature. We k-now if -- but who contrais tbe- forces of nature? Daesn't every- thîng point conclusiveiy ta the poresence of a Divine Power? Mani, wifh 1ail bis ingeniousness, cou-l i neyer change the seaos The farmer knows if by instinct. l 1 have yet to meet i farmner whe iaah.isRD . Noi one can work with nature and dîeny, the exist- ence of a higher power guiding and control-ling tbe cdestiny o1 the worid. WelI, wei, bhow did i get On'- to that? 1 started with spectacleï and enun!ppwith theoiog-y. But then, why flot? Doesn't it provt that although we rnay be ini- volved with rvi]detaîls we arc still subservient to somethinj within ourselves which we may, or mnay not recognize as a powor that motivates our thoug-hts and actions. Two days later. The first part üf this column is out of date. Now, the weather is fine ani bright. But, before this g-ets intM print we may be snowed in. Whe knows? Çover the soil with growiig plants in the winte-r to reduce erosion and frost damage. Soit 1experts advisc planting cover crops on groundl just cleared of cultivated crops. Sizes Up To 50 Sizes up to M0 wili enjoy thi good looks, comfiortabic fit p, this ncew siccp- time style' Dress-lengilth or long-lengcll nightic, pretty trin-md wit} lace an-d bow! Easy-scw .4 whiole slumbcr wardrobc froir this patterni - vary necklin< and sîceves for ycar 'round Wear!1 Pattern 41807: Wýomren's Size 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50. Sizi 36 takes 4-% yards 35-incb fabrie This pattern easy tou -se, sini- pie t(j sew, is tested for fit, . Ha comrpiete îllustratcd instruciition!. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTI (stamps cannot be accepted, usa postal note for, safety)ý for tia pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYVLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, .123 Eighte-enth St., New Toron- to, Ont. ISSUE 9 - 1957 FOR SPEED WITH COMFORT -' is a new Jaguar, a series production car with full touring equipmeni. Callesi the XK.SS,, it is, an adoption of the famous "D" Jaguar, winner of mnany major European and Amnerîcdri road races. l'he Engltsh-mnade vehicle will be manufactured for export i imited numnbers, for those who w,,ant to~ combine high performance taurin3j with production sports car racing. ItfMatures a 262-horsepower ongifpe.

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