e D&%ier Does It Once Again It was just ten years ago that etyle-conscioius ;womnen every- where suddenly found their w.~ardrobes grievousty outmoded, Thse reason was the "new look" - fostered (oir foisted, as mnany wailed) by a youlig French de. signer called Christian 'Dior, Mr. Dior celebrated the openi- Mng of bis own house at 30 Av- nue Montagner, Paris, with the fantare of the "new look." It vwas a fanfare that. responded,' lIke a bomibshell, noxever, t aa style world long hampered by war fabrie restrictions and per- Inanlently frozen, it seemed, ta square shoulders, and short tight zkirts. -Mr. Dior, crying that ,Wamenî wanted ta look femninine again, tûssed out the look that bad yersistedi since 1939, and in oie swoop brought back longer (Inehes longer!) and fullery akirts, sof shoulder lines, and Ëiore defin-ed waistlines. He was called a "-fly-by-nig-ht" and a 'fraud" on one hand, and & "genlus" and a "mraster"ý on thme other. Wonien greeted his innovation wîýýth indig-naion and aoxething aýproachLng horror. Manyrseup in vocciferous protest. But they wvere fighting a losing battle fr.omi the start. They capitulated gradually, first Jy lettinge out hems, and add- lîsg makeshif t borders to their ekirts, and then by retiring- old wardrobes for the "new look' in iiew ones. M4r. Dioir made headlines in 1947 and he has been making tbemn ever since. Women every- where listen ta and beed bis f a- shioni decrees. There is almnost - breathless anticipation 0of his fsindictation. They have Zone along with change after (thange --. and line after uine - tise l'épée line, the empire line, and they have just greeted is liberté une in Paris. Ir; ten years Dior has iength- ened skirts, sbortened themn again, and last year created a thr -,iit'h his demi-longueur or V" length -for late-day wear. Onie season he abolisbed the bustline, anid the next season hle setrdif, He has pushed the w4aý.tline Up andi down and all &round. And each seasoli bis de- zigu-s have been adopted a nd adapted around the world. HRis Mteas have sifted down ta. the least costly garmrents made on tise production line. His is the talent which constitutes a con- gtant stimulus ta fashion -- and tise catalyst wvhich kçeeps inter- est bubbling. Today one can buy not onfly Dior clothes, but Dior perfumes, furs, stockiugÏs, milliniery, jew- elry, gloves, bathing suits, sboes, aud accessories for men, Andl gince he is a designer wi th busi- niess acumIen as welIl as creative talent, it mnight be said that the cun neyer sets oan the Dior fash-. izni empire whose interests afretcb from Europe ta North eud South America;, and ta Au.s- Is Man WarmingIJpThe Climate? The sorcère's açp p r e n t i c e. This mWould. turu aur eartbly learned how ta turu the water greenhouse into a tropical can- on., but not off. So.me weatber- servatory, and would certainly men and physicists wonder if submerge al lands now less the buman race is a sorcerer's than 100 feet above sea level, appi-entice without knowing it. crowding the present in-habi- In their thiuiking, we niay be tants of millions of square miles we1l along toward restoring back towards th~e înterior. But earth's "normal" climate, that this would be compensated for pirevailed throughout moat of its by i)pening up other millions of 1bistory. square miles of Arctie and sub- This Was of "nine months of ArctiC lands to settiemnent; al sme ndtre oto f -f Greenland, and perhaps a early f ai" with no polar ice- large part even of the Antarctic caps, with tropical and temper- continent. ate zone vegetatiori growing ai- 1Halviug the amounit of at- most to the poles, witb seas 100 mospheric carbon dioxide would feet or more higber than uow; onr the other han-d lower the with a climate at the present temperature about eight de- site of Bilifalo like that of San grees, and Dr. Plass tbinks that Diego, and at Denver like that such an effeet, may have played of Yumia. a part in brînging about p'ast The aencythatmay e i eeLages. Geology shows that erful enough ta bring this about mountain-buildinïg preceded or is aur' ever-(-risin-g use oif coal, acmpneglilaes gas and il as fuels, thuls in- i Fresb rock greedily absorbs creasing the amounit of carbon carbon dioxide in weatbering. dioxide in the atmosphere.Hg exasso frb rock Nature upistruhvl thrust into the air in mountain, canoes, fires and the decay of building would lessen' the car-, vegetation. For the last century bon dioxide content of the at- mau'suse f fosil uelsbas osphere, which in turn lower 1been growîng year by year, es- the temperature, bring- more pecîally sînce 1900. snow, and start the glacial cycle. Tbere bas beeni an încrease of On the other baud lhe finds perhaps 100 per cent in atmos- two major effects thiat migbt> pjheriec crbon aioxid3e since balance out the am-ount of car- then accompanied by ~ am bon dioxidle in the atmosphere. ing 0ciae Pol h ad- First, tbe oceans are the vastest vance what la called tbe carbonî reservair of il. They cuntain dioxide tbieary, -warn that this a bout 130,000,000,000,000 tons, may constitute, cause and effecf. iwbiereas tbe atmosphere coutairns They warn tbat as the worlid only about 2,300,000,000,000 tons. industrializes, the concentration As the amnounit in the aýtmas- of carbon dioxide wec add 1otaheb lphere increases, the sens absorb air l is ncreasing fast. Estimnates mare. But tbey eau absorb only, of the présent yearly addition tbrough their surfaces, and as run from 6,000,000,000 tons a if takes several thousand years year up, anid onpe einent ýtui- for the oceans to "turu over" dent af' the atmosphere clp and bring ail theirtr ta the lats that man may release up sufcteyayamutf ta 1,700,000,000,000 tons inlu ( th sucb absorption is limited. D)r. next 50 years. iPlass thinks mn' atput of If so, týhe consequences coul).d icarbon dioxide, may be ottracing ,->e te~nos r .E this balancing device. Brooks, th-e British clh'a-nu au- Seconud, carban dioxidie is tbority, calculates that a temn- uecessary ta plants, wbich take peratu,,re rise of anlly twa7 de- if from the air. An increaýsedï grpes would melt tbe polar i e supply should Pr-Ovide lusher caps. plant growtb and an increased Wby sbouldi more carbon dl- use of atmosoperic carbon di- iDde lun the air briuig abcout oxide. But, as Dr. Pas points a, warminig climate? Pbysicists ouf, eventually just as mucblas compareou atmosphere ta the eturned tai tbe atmiosphI.ere roof af a greenhouse, under truhpatdcy as the 'çt-i-er- e-'liT~ 'f -here ~ plants use. Sa thbis gffpcfo 11o air, as on the m)oaor i f the would tend la balance ouf, land suni's becat wvere radiýated away without' reducing the tcat a from the ear-th as easily as it amount of atmiospbieric carbon is absoDrbed, the eartb's sulrface diaxide. temperatures would sink far be- FlowýerÎing plants evolIved in low zero e-_very nigbt, and mounit the latest "long bleat wvave" 0of towvard that .of b()01" wa r the earth, Whichlatdfrmn every dciay. mnillions of years bef are the, Buit wben tbe suni's short- Ilanst recent ice ages. 'Dr., Plass wxave radiation strikes the sur- notes-ý that such plants grow face, if is absorbed and reradfi- more lushly lu ait atmospbere ated as beat. Sonie elemeuits of enriched witb carban dioxide, the atmospbfere, notably ozonïe, lndicati.ng thall their ancestors water vTapor, and carbon diox- May h ave Evolved lu_ sucb an ide, are transparent ta the shor- atmospbere. Th*,slagically imdi- wave radia-tion -omr.-in lu t cates that there maýy have been trap and hnold back tbe rising more carbon dioxide in the at iong,-Wave beat. Therefare we !Yisphere than nw during 'the awe if0t themn that we are nact earth's hundreds of millions af, fro.zen e\very night, andj par- years of war)n,, placid "nlormlal", bailed every day. weat ber. This is ,he "greenhouse- ef- suppose if is prov"ed that man fect." NOW. say the propanients la actually atn thýýe sor- %0f the carbýon dioxide theory, in cer' appreutice? Wbat can putting more of this gas juta) the lie do about it? That's a tough air yearly, -we are lu effecit question. Dr. PlIass figures that tbickenriing the roof of orpae there are enougb fossil fuels, ta tary greenhouse, anid soi holding add 40,000 trýJ1ion touis of cýar- in mare heat year 'hy year. bon doieta the atmnosphere The varinig trend itself is and oceans, with consequent undîsputed. Our winters iespe- nomos hanges lu thie cli- cially seem ta h'ne-warmer, Tra(pi- imate. cal -and temperate zonýes seem one way 0Qut: would be ta turn ta, be widenfing at îeast te-mpa- fa atomnic energy, since theý split- rarily toward the pales. Vegeta- tling atom does no!, genieraïe flou, fis, and aimrals, lcludng arbon d 1x3e ut on the other man, are follawiuýg the- poleward bhaud, how much radioactive treu-d, The Canadian wYheat belt matLerial would ti put into the is now 530 ta 100 miles wde air, and what woulid if dot- toward the pale t1han lu 1900. maukInd? Dr. PlasaQ doesn't even àMany other such- Shifts are attemipt f0 answer Ibis question, noted, And fLhe seas are creep- though he- raises -if.-By Tlosc,(- ing hihe. lemning lu The Christian Science This far-emoat expaneut 0f ý:thle Monitor. AGENTS WANTEO GO INTO BUJSINESS for yosrselif Seli exclusive bouseware products and aàppiances wantad by ,r very hous. bolder. These items are noiit sold l stores. l'bere 'larno ýompetilon Prof- is up to 50t'; Write Immredlately, foi free clo c(-atalog9ue witb retail prices shown, Separate confidentia]1 wbolesale pri!ce wMl be Includ1ed. Mlurray Sales, 3822 S. arec MIotreal. ARTICLE!S FOR SALE SCOTCH and Austrian Pine Seedilngs, seed from selected trees. Murray Ketchabaw, Cornth, Onit, SPECIAL -Offerl 10 new towels. Fln- est coiton and rayon. Large aýize. Colora; yeilow anid pink. $1.30 post- pald. R, B. Greatlhouse, Warrior. Alabamra. BABY CHiCKS 240 EGGS a year f romn one tient I's done. But ht takes somie 'doing' but nowvadays there are breeds for suds specîlized production.,1t pàys to con- centrate your c hick buylng9 on your markets. Widecbcoice, Bray I4atchery, 120 John N4, Hamiîtoon. YOU get miore income wt Ames ln- Cross chickens. The Ames In-Cross cblcken lias beeni ln-bred and crossed for a period of ten years, tç combine and trengihen the mosi desirable traits a chicken cen have, High con- sistent production -- Uniformity of egg size, with hi gl h ercentage gradina,- large- Efficient feed conversion and oiitstandmnig iva.bility. Send for Ames In-Cross colored folder, Also other popuilar egg breeds, dua.,,l purpose brceads broller breeds, Turkey pouIts. Started pullets, started turkey pourits. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICE HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO "OX.4FORfD" 'App.roved Chlc-kslilve, iay and psy. They are the resuits of thiriy yeara of careful slection snd breed- mg. They have to be good, b)ecau-se we want the very bet kind of chicks for gur own flocks - big, vigorous an~d early nmatuirïig. iWe have fou1r pure breeds and fouir crosses - Clml Rock, Light Susaex, White Leghorn, Write for free folder. The Oxford Fermera' Co-operative Produce Com- pany, Llmited, 434 'Main, Street, Woodatocek, Ontario. WVE pay up to $5,000 for, old boolks. Calogue 25 . Amreri:cn B-1l300)" Ml1'18 Queen Street East, Tüorto. COINS WR BUY old cins. Send 25e for .specia l ilt and coin foiders. Collector's centre, 17½ 9uqteen Street ast.Roo'm 101, Toronto. FARM HELP WANTED SINGLE farmn hand toat aet once. Apply in person to Findlay Dairy Ferma, Edgeley Ontario. (Tirece miles eest of WVoodbirldge, Ont.) FARM NMACHINERY FOR SALE NEW ydafxP T O hydraullc chain sew 32" blade, 20-lt. double hose. Regu- igr price $375 - Special Price $26.. Nevgw H1cllnd No. 80- wire île hailer ith' enghue, used very htile, perfect condi- tion wib ydraformatic baie tension control This machine can be used for, tationery baing ifl eired. Nýew price-, 5300- our bargain price $11,395. HTAW. KCEN FARMd EQUIPMENT, Arkonùa, Ont, FOR relief fromi piles useý Certlfied Pile Olimrent. Tube .vith applicatr $1.48. Enclose cheque or moncey order, Arrow Falcon Company, 4625 Grandt DON'T OELAYI EVERY 6UFFERER 0F RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOU1D TRY IXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 El-in OttawVa. $1.25 Express Prepoi STOMACII SUFFERERS TRY "GYNO 4000" MONEY BACK AGREEMENT GYNO "4000O" Scientifically comnpound.cl ad wiil help sooih stomiacu irritation. by,' neutraiizing the kecidity which L, ùlten reaponsible for pour digestioni, Acid Dyspepsie Heaqrtburn, gasileas, snd klndred o-ther dîsconiforts. Sold &t leediug DruIg Stores, çmnq month treatet$2.50. Mail orders C.O.D.ý postage extra. Gynko Producta es , 5 Wites Lane, Stoney Creek, Out. HAVE you trled 1"KERFO'" tablet fnr relief or os pimples, bieckheads su1d nierves. $5.00 jard $5.00. liMpO SALES, P-0 Bo'x 471 Wlrlipeg, eMai POST'S ECZEMAA SALVE BANISH the tormient of dry e(czeiis, rashes sund weeping akin troubles, Post's Eczemna salve will not dlaap- 'point you. tching, scaling. end humri- lng ecze-ma;. acue, rlngworm, pinipies and foot eczema w'Lll respond reaàdily to tire stainlesa odürlass qinmeni ce- gardless of Ihow eatubliorn orhopelesF thiev seem., Seol past Free an"F'Recewt of rite PRICE $33.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St Clair Avenue East OPPORTUN45iTISFOR MEN AND WOGMEN BUY Wholesale!f Hundreda 0of Nama, Brand Items et savinga up 1080 Write today for information, ilel-AcI. Box 921, Pono Lake, Pa. TROPICAL fBoomring Florida! Ren! dollar, receive latest Sunclay Mlami paper. Approx 220 pages, large ciasi- fied. return mail postpald. Zook, iBox 259, Coral Gables, Foia OPPORTUNITIES FOR MIN AND WOMEN REMAIL Service!i Letters remalled from Flint, Michigan. 25,t oach, or & for $5.00. James Evans 525 Garlarid Street, Flint, Michigan, BARGAINS tn magazine subscriptions. Write for free liat. Free prizes to our eustome'1rs. Ksy(ion-Phllllps AMagazine Agency, 585 Portsmnouth Avenue, Kings- ton, Ontario. MARE nmore money taking magazine subscriptions, new renewals, glfts. Low rates, high commrissions. For f u par- ticulars write-: Kaydon-PbUllipa MMaga- zine Agency, 585 Portsmouth Avenue, Kingston, Ontar-lo, BE A HAIRDRESSER lOIN CANADA'S L.EADiNG SCIIOOL, Great opportunity Learn Hairdresslng Plea5sanxrt dignlfied profession; good wages, Thousands of auccesafl Marvel Graduaîtes Amrerlca's Greatest Systenm Ilustrated catalog Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St.W., TlOronte Branches: 44 King Si, W., Hamilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa PATENTS FETHîERS'TONHîAUGH & C o m p a n y. Patent Attorneys. Lstablished 1890. 600 Unversity Ave. Toronto. Patents a]counitrîes PERSONAL SPECTACLES frous $3 - ten pair@ sent to test your eyes, CGîve age. satisfaction, or mney refunded. SPaI way & Rowve, Cardaston, Alta. HOW 7O REDUCE A NEW Ide, . A new way. Amazlng results. Writeý for detals., Box 130-F, Donalda, AIta. $1,00 FR1AL offeï . twenty flve deluxe personal eurenns Latest catalogue lncluded,ý The Medico Agency Box 22. Terminal "Q" ' 1oronto On t. HYGENIC supplies for mnen, Our con- fideentiel price Uist sent to you by mail lui plain envelope First Class Matil. u- cludie namne, age an.d address, send ta RAINBOW VSA'ýLES 1171 Maror Sreet, Toronto. SALESAN WANTED Local dealership witb exclusive terri. tory, new Une of Ca-nadian imade domes. tic and Indiustriel tyater softeniers. Ttua la a direct selling projeci for someone having iis eiliy snd avaiulable on part or fui]lurne basis. Wvrite Water Soft- ening Equlpmnent Lited, li2 lManlll*16 Rd., Scarboro Ont. ABSOLUTELY no selling Ogperlence necessary. We wUll train ,d9 give you a Sales Trairig Course. h, yoiïquall- fy we wlvll eadvance you troney on your future cormmissions> to assure you of a 1iving while tralning. TWs lsaia patented product for Home loi- provem,îent nationeliy advertlsed. Mn from U.K. welcome. Age noua, ir Appfly Mr, Mason, Richards Products. 41Yonge Street, Toront. ýSALES7,AN ,vanted, lIfyou are ottil- Inat on fermera oy fIfyou can ell farmers chlcks or turke-y peuita cn- mnicate wlth us. 'We are, looking for a lire \wire salesman tio sali top quai- !ity chk frPggproduction, fr brffiers sud for dualý purpose, aise tuîrkey poulta. LPieral Commission pald. Feed decaiers, farmers, or any- oua seiling farmners make ides] chlck salesmnen. Send for full] details.Bo No. 153, 123 Eigteenth Sýt., New Ter~- onto, Ont. Ifyou lke breedIng, thenoetlU Fou should conider this wonid**fti opotntZo getI on the gremon flo.At Sales Landrace out-ell aD o>ther breed by many dollars,. îR cos less to raise a Lasidrace, and you g more for IL Wean»ings, fi' our etIt eld aind six month pld 3sows and boAr# luý p g so ws for sala.AAilfromimprt *d stocr-k. FERGUS LANDRACE SWINE FARAI FERGUSONTARIa STAMPS WANTED for Cash: 014 Postaggm Stamps, Starp collections sud A&~ cuimulatlons, Aiso 014 Buttons ani& st$nrgs of Buttons . Write B&x 537. Milton, Ontaria. TEACHERS WANTED TEACIFR wanted immediatIe'y Ufo Sbifllg T)ee J'ubic SchooL. Salary $2 300. Fifimen pupis, graRd I -e aPL.' tating qujAifications tn<1 line of last Inspector. Ma.Audreif Moore. Sec,.Treas. Sblhiing Treqý ont. SEOCINtabetstoken 4accordimg ste, irecîiens lt a ofta way to indtcese.p oDr quiet the mrves whn î emm.$1.00 Ail Diug Stores; or Adrsm ttd., Toroi CQS. SMOKES FOR CANADIAN MUJTARY PERSONNEL Serving with the United Natiohs Emergency Force ini the Middle East $j0sends 400 CIGARETTrES ori cny other Macdonaîd Brand Postage included Mail order and remittonce fo- ýOEUEAS DEPARTMENT MACDON~ALDTOBACCOINC. P.O,!3rx 490, Place d'Armes, Montreal, love. Th e o ,o l-sbIect f. a.y changeL In GovrernmetRgltos Get your seats NOW! for the AT THE CANADIAN NATIONAL I of son's Divees Hamilon's Army Aerial Majorettes Gmna1 Sbarkey the The Great Seul .Vendo THE, FIRST TIME AHYWIHERE- iHamnlet's "B/RPS tOf PREY"I tao G oýOIlZf, cII9PPING, CANON ITNG. OUR FINEST SHOW' £VER TO CELEBRATE pLiR- , las i-m.; 5 y 5.p..,, 5o.-4us 1 25-BS Sats$1.73 la hblInAd,,,1sI,-AdtsSo (s Io *J-10 .e)elChiiden 25é - - tsegerz ehwil.s dialo« Adylis 7~ N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N h 'N N 'N 'N N 'N 'N 'N 'N N 'N 'N 'N y 'N N1 "N y Ni 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N N. 'N 'N N * N N N N N N 'N N 'N 'N N N 'N s s, 'N N N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N N 'i ~ 'N 'N N 'N