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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Feb 1957, p. 8

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1WTLY NOT A CASHI DISCOUNT u v y bInteresting letter apardin The Linl(say Po)st a 1 in %sago uhwh ah a riter a'oaedads oun o r esojan àng thiî licenses within the first nmonth after t hey boea La ab We wýu'eimpressed with the ideiea rseit seems th if gove) '--'t-., géjnerdly are too prolle te mnake demarids upcin people without proýid- iri thienwithincentive te be promipt witli thei, coni 'ýbULions to theV ËaI., coffers except, perhaps, by way of penlalizing them fer delin- qcueany lsn't as a-prealIlln as a reward for promp)tness,. le there uny reason why a governinenit -agencey making demnands en the publii's pocketboek aliouldn't mnake it wýorth the taixpayýer-'s wile te pay up proiuptly'?lis, the case of niotor vehicle and operater's priîts it mightwolrk wnes getting the inoney iia ieurly -\en under, 1kistiing conditions but we have an. idiea the timing oýf thene issue luf permts ia net toe good. IIow nianiy people have any surplus cash ý inte first ionth ef the uexv year? Perh2Lps i4V would hec a gond idea te thne the the release Tor ÏPdb4uàry~ and then put the discount inte offevt for o n rnuth onIyr. Hwv it is the principle of the tbliiug we are priinarily ceüncu-rned with at the moment and it seems HOCKEY CLEAN-UP The, h),ssie csented îri Coýbourg recently, when the Co-boulrg and lalefieid ?Intermediate hoe.Icey teanis clashedI in a stick and fist wnngduel i5snonietingil which is f ar becyorid the realmt of sport a dýjf netoi> \which could lead te the enij d ofCanada_'s national sport. T is inont just a local hapi;,ening put is one bisha appeared in- teritetlyacrosa the province. Such action as neairioets in hockey is a peer example for our yýouth and ddSýoIagling t hemjoiy h ttend jte see the game Acio7., net ci nee fimtieOta oce ssociation te curp tis rieting by sv uSpensilon n heavy finles but aise by coaches endmaagi o can assist b5y peiý,iizinig their own players inaa rmnnr hich wý,Ilï better p)rom"ote the t'ru- am of hockey'\. The clearing up of sýuCh incidents as ha,'IPIcned in Cobourg rests PihVeOHAioa aaeet coacheIs, piayers and anyoeo whoý asayhn'g t is tipe týhat these take action andc steZ. eLiur1b1) w Ijand return the ganue te a true sport. VOAR MTORScn% Pôt-Pcry, Ontario ChVro4t alie NEW ealnd USEID ORCYNO REPRESENTýTIVE z-- yallLoer Plhne Orono 1061 I tn-e beautifu i'rt'1 t'." ' office ;xii bc open lfr inspection, ur(" o a L-il o . "aU much appreciat6L / - a-P iThoire wiII be a special church or Vipond, Liberai candidate in Onfirio The f amily othý lat Lawrencovce on udaMrh1tati County, Jobr' M.Je, M.P.,;!Dur- Bl.Ia.m. in the Unitýd Churh tý whichi hain and ohefi Tickets arý? $1.50 ail areý invited. Mr. w. W. Wtt B.A., each, obtai ie fremin anymeAber ef- CAR» 0F THANKS 1 dPicplo h eHg the Liberalý Executives of, te areA. 1 wish te tbank our friends and S-Eool, iî;ii te oth ge 0t or. ig neighibours for ,heir mnany acts of ishe ih pp adtc-j>' ' ' ' kindness and exj e(ssieons of sympathy or'hta mn el i lIpr Winie Stonie anilMary Tamblyn forVa11tn their heinp whii I1 was in Almonteian tn and fer serini n--lneh te en faiiy, * and te the girls .of Hleather Rebekahi Notice to creuirors Social Cluib for ý,nding the lunch te NoTESisric my home. AN TnP ;Inua c Sev e henrtfeIt thanks and apprecia- tien te ëach and everyone yoi1u. In the Estate of W%'aliaceLckod Doris Tomilins-n. deceas - IEvery class of Inisur,- f JAil persons hnaving in ag'ainist the Iac is ereented inii CARD OF THANKS Estate of the aboe-namied deceased, ~orofc.rh olw We wish te express Our sincer1e late of the City ef Oshawa, in, tho 5 * ofic. ge llw thaniks and ap.precia,-tioii te the vla- Ceunty o îf Ontario, and formieriy ofil. ng are some of the mote areîn I neighibours of AI- Counity of Durham, whe died on the man oergs ecn inonte ~for thieir miany acts County of Durhamn, who died in tlie ian-vrgsw of kindnoss ai d expressions of SYm-- Third day of Deceffibe,A.D. I1956,: 1 of fer: pathy shown ils in the lsef, a dear are here-by notLified'ýte furnish proof 1 son and bvother. thereof te the under$'igned befoie the - Automobile, Life, Accident and Speciai thanjke te Rev. Rit4ciie, Rev. Fi'ftepth. day of mýàch, A.. 1957. ikes Plate Glass, Liability, Dewd(ney, Dr. dlolf Bach, nurses and After the said dateý tho $xocutor SckssI stfAlmont~e Hospital,- Almonte wili distribute the Eýtate hàving vo- - FPir, arglairy, Hospltllm Lieins QihOE.S. Chapt r 254, At 1 gard only toe daimis Qf wiih ù otiiýesj Livestock, Raier, Wid, Polio, the Well Rebekah L No. -", have been fiied. . - Hail, Fidelity Bonds etc. - Heather Rebekah Loe No. 334, DATED at Oshawva, '0jtario, this i Can. Legion, Ahioite ' Ladiles Aux- 3sit day of January, AI.Î 1957. ORONO PHONE IRIG iiary, Almonte: L.O.B.A. No. 1'2 and ZENOVI TARAS SALIMERS, ji the ComIba FunieraHotme for their Executor. V IRST MORTGAGE LOANS kjndess.a-p 'V3½ Sim-coe Street South, I Jessie Wanaan and faniiiy. Oshawa, O-ntavio. y q ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ LeroJ Ilamiiton il __ _ EAL ESTA'iTE BROKER Symposiumn on, OurA riltriFte ommunity Hall, Black tock Thurs., $arch/t * Equalized 4ssessmden./ *Agricu1turalI Trends.,, * Agricu1tural EducâXtion. * Proposed Ileàll[Plan - This wjil be a combined meçeting of tho Federation of Agriculture and tie Farmers' Union sponso0red by the Foderatioîn. Ladies bring lunch - BRlackstock Farm Forum will provide tho coffee REMOVAL SERVICE Dead or crippied animais promptly rpimoved for sanitary disposai. $2.00 service re for each cai.ý 2-36,43 or Toono M. 3-3636. GORDON YOUNG LIM3ITED Plumbingl :EAVESTROUGHINCi CALL US FOR ESTIMÂTES jHARRI E. LYCETT jPhono 33 R 12 OT ORONO ONT sPlumip'-fleatingI Bavstrougbîûg FREE ESTIMIATES Professienal Directory ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2&, 1957 P1AIll-tDIED' esdntOr LASSIFIED SËCTION 0tne tOntFe')ri ry2, 5 7 ,ý HaYry 1 Frnkn rse. l' l ub~d fWANTED FOR SATIE EibehBrew,ýn , nd father of Ms EEHN PR A gray Baby Crige used for 7b, PwIryýooý nd _one ichild. .Ir ~ of "betyoQ 1nd'M-.for the Ajpi' Ms. e:h Mcoa Ho, Qiooufr y 1 P,) 7 ,afte t 2m.:hon roo 1 111' -y fîa> d at Straw ebuay ~.197. ~00p..Iner GodHoo - G~d ag~J, iH. DaýypMn 36î' Orono )b-c C ~ ~ 1 GDE RR Otonvilie, OlN OTI CE ~ -~oînaoIhaig :esaybruary 26 î,5 Eia Oen muit akcsteve and fr i house. th th*, El ,,FO R-N 11oy. in he 93 rd yeýar.. wife ofth 1 Apl)icati, -e will be received Ilp;)to Apl a I oeatr5pm late John TiOgden fd fdear mother March 4th f the opferaliad rn -1 of J. Wilb r Ogden 'Resting at the gmeto-eboh1 iPpr.Ad lIrn nTkIr Uý'J rris Fu i Cpe, manville. dress appliQ tions to . 1Daneund I5Jt UIIL Service in the CIapel o-n Thursday, Orono, Ontàrier,ac February h zi^ýa 2 o'clock. Inteurment, Oshawa Union Cemietery.EDAINWEesDrhmadBwnvlj MARCR 3 TO MA' RCH I9ilýea1s wvifl hold I)Pinner in the Leï, CARD OF THAN1ÇS On Tuesday, March 5t'.11et 2 P.r,, ion HallBxve, on Friday, We %vold iýeto han-"Te Od you are invited tfo the 0orno Public1 Maruch 8th at pn. Gues;t speake~r Jegbor Lef ar- for their , c'hooî, te a specaî "Open House"iic wle 1Hon. , e Sinclair, Mîn/jý- e~xresi_ f~S athy aU te neýw class-roorn, la vatories a~nd 1 ter of F'isheriels, vho, was recentiy 4n- PHONE 1471 ORONO DR. R. J. TAGGART VýETERIINA-RY SURGEO-N Voterinary, medicines, biologicals and instruments ethically dispensed. 1 PHONE 10616 ORONO, ONT. LEGAL LawrenCe4. Mas.on, B.A. Barriser and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT, Phonos: Oflfie'e MA 3-5688 Home MA 1-5581 JOHN4 RCANe B.A. Barrister, Notary Public 3,3 Temperance St., Bowmanille Phoue MA 3-3292 JACK REID Orono's Liceluz, Auctioueer and Valuator Specialize in Farmn and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dates Phone 5 ri - Orone TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Vahiator Coniducts Auction Sales of alil ueo and at roasonable rate& Communicate with hM at put Perry, Oiitanei(, or seo bis Clork, A. E. Morton, at Orono, for date. LIFE iN'lSURANCE Pensionl Plans; Educational Pode.;- Protection and Savîings, Plans for Chîldreii and Adults; Mrtgagê laý. suranco plans. orono, on:. E. LYCETT - Phone 11710 STAFFORD BROS. IrMonlumeetal Works Phono Whltby 552 318 Dundas Sc. E, wbitby FINE QUALrrY MONUMENTS AND MARKEMS Let us erect a liandsomo, it- I ufied monument over the Nt img plaçce of your Ieved oe&a. It's not oxpensive. And seoeug thi8 last tribute wHii uv. you endelss cirmfartL- S, Harvey Partue TheRCOMPArJ Nrv TY ON MY - I4 Phono Turner 5-51216 u Damond Weil mDru i ing PorROHopM,. 3-2240 - Orono-,,Eectric -Moniumenits, Gravenwtkers, And Soil Testiug for Water Wefi' on lower cost PHIONE 129 1Engraving, Gollenfing .,a&,.~ut~~r i~oo ~nd 6 1]. CO'NTRACTORS FOR "BUs direct anti Bave ol.lh III j) FARM and 1OS REA.L ESTATE FOR SALE New WeIll'Machine imp4-orted f rq- United States. WIRING Pertîe.s. Ioti fi Fast Service. Guaranteo all wForin 1 om l32 tt 6 inch hob. - Froe Estimuates 1Manageti andi 1prais.ti PIIONEd e Unlts APPLIANCE SALES .M. ALUISUIN POEEMPIRE 6-.3445 29 McGILL ST. Prompt and Guaranliood Repaira Roal Estate Bréeor TORONTO, ONT. [toteail kinds of Electrical Eq-alpmentg and Appliances Phone 25661 - Nowe!aatI% 0 Sueh an'eMofovqeat i H .tr- WG blockie irtb of TraffiîoLigh*, -7 4 i 3 -n A. F. MeKENZIE, M.LD. PITYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours: 2:00 te 4:00 pan.; 6:30 to 8:0 .m. Sundays and1 Wüdnesdays by appointment only' 1 M"

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