)RiONO WEEKLY TEIMES TRURSD'AY, FFI&UARY 28, 1957 THE PERFECT TOP-OFF 1The Kitten Cardigan. Spring-tiine is Cardigan time and anytime is Kitten fime! Drop in and set the new spring colours in famous Pettal Orlon Kitten Cardigan. Choose yours to match or contrast with your pullovers, or to wear as items on their own. Remem- ber, they're fuit fashioned, liand fin- ished, sizes 34 - 40. Priced .... $8.95 the short s1eeve. Classîc Kitten -Most versatile wardrobe item! Wo- men corne back and back for more. The full fashioned Pettal Orlon Kit- tens that have taken the sweater world by storni. Prime favourite is this neat sleek short-sleeve pullover. For wear with suits -or on its own 1with a skirt,. The fit, the comf-,rt, the meit in the mouth spring colours makie it a friend for office, home or sehool. Easy washing without shrink ing or fading is a big f actor too! Size 34 to 40. Priced ....... . $6.9-5 DEATIIS LXiAL NEWS j SHRWI-AtMeroril Hspial1 John A. Paterson is visiting Bowmnvileon Tuensdaý'y, IMarch 5 19£57, Edith May _Sherwfin, in her 7th w th his daughter and family at \Tir-i year. (Dear sister of Robert E. Sher- ixaowOntarlo. w).Resçtinsr at the Morris Funeral fl/Jr. aind Mrs. Willis Farrow, N\ew-1 ('lChapel, Bowianville. Service i1_i the tonjjie, MNrs. Margaret Farrow, New- 1),pe n h1r~ a t ' 1OP'. cas-ýtie, r.and Mrs. Clarence Burley,l -Teniporary inteî'menit Laing \",uit,' Mr. Ken Witty of Cowanville and Mr. roud1-Orno CemeterY. land Mrs. Roy Burley of Oshawa hadI - Sunday night dinner wim rs. Haze HALL--At tihe Meoria-il Hospital, oionadJnne Bowýmaniv4ile, on Frjday, Mat-eh lst, JLVrs. Roy fMcKay of Bronte visited 1 157, Grace A. Hall, âge~ 77 years.,Iwith Mr. and Mrs. Les Alldred on ___ I (Dfear sister or Rene (Mrs. Roland M.'Sndy ___ Cale and the late Clarence J. Hall). Ms.ha.Hneaefedvsi Niss Hall restedl at the Morris Fun- iferal CIhapel, Bowmianville. Service ei~last week wîth her mother, Mrs. outr: as eld in t.JohnsA g Ma jW» Cwn c, O tar2 Chnrchi on IMonday, March 4th at 2qj Mrs. C. A. 'Curnming, Toronto, f ochk, tenit BwaLveCer- - spen<t the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. etc [Y. Carl Billings. Mr- and Alrs. J. WY. Rickaby, Tor- onto visited on Sunday wt Mr. and Mrs. Heber Souch. ,ýr. and Mrs. J. E. Aristrong re- turned home from Bownnville Mem- oriel LHospital on Moaiday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McGee and Da'vid of Spragg, Ont. Vi"sited Mr. j2~ and Mrs. L. MeGee. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Keate and daughter, Eleanor, visited with M r. and Mrs, Wntl3avey tbis week.Mr and Mrs. Cari Biilings are attendin~g ..........the ilorticultur-al Convýention in Ham- filton, Thursday and Friday of th i, week. MisE. Penfound and MUrs.-M. 3. Tamiblyn attended an executive met- ing of thie Bay of Quinte Conference, Womian's Association, on' Monday in Belleville Mr.J. E. Richards spentL a few days> DAIRY rARMEin Toronto lasit veek. OAR AMRS OF CANAJDA Mr-, and Mrs. Sandy Russeill. tavel- 409 Huro Str~ ~led to Sault Saint Marie last ek 01"0o o fb Pauk Our I\--w Spring Wall papers have arrivedi. Beautif ni papers for every room..Corne in and look them over. AIs& bundies of wallpapers less than hait price. c iever Cardigan Neck Pullover adds to f ame of Kitten! Ilere's a nat- ty new kitten with a Tahete peari 3- button front opening continuing up into a neàt panel. Collar neckline reminisent of the cardig an, br Qlet sleeves with turned hack fsand long hip-lènth line add tý. its. good fashions. Definitely made to g race business or dress--up scene. Its Pettal Orlon, off course, iwth ail the quali- ties you associa e with Kitten - fil) fashionin', d finishing eayt wash, grand colors, size 34 - 40. Priced at .................. $8.95 Evenings Store Open Open Al Day AMapiday LIMITED Between 0ro0u0 a4d NewcastI4<ônIRighway No. 35 Vigor Stanidard asuno1c per gal - tax Vigor Iligh Test43 c per gallon - tax inlui IThe Oiono Wolf cabs openied their meeting with Inispection. WayneC Milrssix (Thie White) won the pen-nant for hig-hest inspetin ur ing the month of February. The "Grand o" then took place led 'by Buz Merce-r. -,vh as fol- lowed by our Study Periîod: Ist Star. - B,1100 - Mrs. ArxIstrong. jTender pads -Baeira- rs. Bailey. 2nd Sta - Akela- Carolyn Jones. 'Wayne Foster and Ronnie Best gainied their first 'Star. We les rned twvo new songs "G.ood niight Comriades», sung to the tune of 'Guod niight Ladies" and "We'r-e 4Gijad'surig te the tune of "-A.uld ilang Syne". 01ur1 meeting losesf with the sing-1 ing- of the Wolf Cub Creed and praýyel- Girl Guide News The wýee-kly Girl Guide meeting op- ened wvith inspection and then the g'irls wn to their ptr!ol corners where they wor-ked on lst class teach- ing and 2nid class khnots; Margery Tyrreil worked on socek darning.' Guide ILender Ruth iady demion- strýated how, to Iay 'a camp fire. Ail joined in a singing gaine "LOo- by Loo" anud the mieetinig clbsed with prayer. and taps-. IGYIN MNINI3 Y l oving nemioy of -Mavtha -Ano Gaýy wfho passed awmy March lst,2, and John Gay- who passed away June 22nd, 1946. Ever -rembered and sadly n-missed by threir cýhidiren amiganchlrn Itreasuri emre of nmy eîarl father Willa ,IohnilMartyn who l I passed awayllMarch 51 1945 aPd my dear nmotei/Elizabeth Ann paty, who passed faway Mlarch6,51 alsoj my onily d4ar sisterMa 1yy Em1-ily Thelma C4àtis. , h 1)Ps ed a way -Fewtruary 1953 * No pen f can wite. n tongue can, MY 'sad îand bteriss- BiutG alole jhas 'lelped so \vell I dugher et, nin-swOrme and grandchld n rvMiey and Mailyn l'sus, a pý S UNUIED CIURCH 'v Orono Pastoral Re.J. Kitchienf S-UNDA1Y, MUARCH lfth ORONO iducation Sunday Sundsy Schiool at 10' Seýrvice at M1, prechr Mr. W. WX. Wautt, R.A.,'B.Ed Service at '7:30, prýeacher: p!w. Basil E. Long LES% ARD Sunday Scbool at 2 KIRBYf Amna col at 2 Service at 3 Praie:Rey. Basil E. Long 14p~ 11nîgti f lntt-rr-i shudpromrpt you to caîl upon us Itime ofý sorrow. W1,e stress simple beautiful serLviceýs that prove consoling to the bereaved, - AIRTLEY ùH. Z ARLOW Phone 1187 FUNERAL HOME Orono, Ont. Phoe 1182 à~~~~~~~~~ -eO o ,--* -ep nf o --o »o o.-. --o o Ororne Fuel and Lumber Ltd., Orono -Phone1I4816 M en's T Shirts, sizes smalI medium or large> i11 white only. Each for................ 59c, Dr-esses, Ladies' Printed Cotton (Summer Styles) sizes 14 to 20. A large selection to choose f*om.' Each f or only .......................... $2.79 Dresses, Infants, 100%ý Nyloni with slip, lace and ribboni trim, colorýs pink or yeilow, sizes 12 and 18 months. Eachi for......... .........S2.98 Sweater Brassier-es, circular- stitchied foaïn rubber. cup. Ventilated cuips, A 2 & 3, sizes 30-36. Fa. $,ý1.0 0 Skirýts (Ne7'Lais Sudan, a crisp linen type fabrie 100','Vi scoe, guIa1-ant*eýj wa shable,,,Si ze'S 129 to 0.i 'à fo........... E'eh..........$1,98 Damascusw ticial F 'Vwers, mwaxed in contain-ers Artistie ein.rcdat.....1M5 and $259 Far3cy Cuops and Su~s e hpnuSafr han pinedasoredshaesan lors, large atssortmllent, to cos .Stfor.,.......8c Gr-Pup DgFbodCubsielgcern price. 2 pounel box for............... .-25e. fStedmlla'S Paint1ls sa1vesyo oe,1poua shades to -1oefom s 1c. quarts S1.25 Shiellac, Orange ori- *. 12 ptsý .. 55C. qts $ 1 .75 Diamcnd S ieries, staîndard csize, fresh stock. ....................2 for 25c. Special OId Fasioaned CniocoltLes, cream ceýntres Specilpéce. PerIs cund ............... 39c. Open Friday eveni ... i ti10 A'ck for your cûnavenience 'pEt ( 'MO - - Kitten ZS>w'eater s N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N 'N N 'N 'N N N 'N N N N N 'N N N N N N 'N 'N 'N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N 'N N N N N 'N N N N N N 'N N N N N. N N N N 'N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N IN 0R ided i I '-i I i i f I I NI,. Lk N Station ýpûMn Evenings 1 1 <1 1 < 1 1 - 1 - 1 - J 0 ' do - 1 1 1 - 1. ý un" i id ICI ilim